

package io

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class ByteConverter extends AnyRef

    Reads and writes data from byte values.

  2. class RandomAccessFile extends DataInput with DataOutput with Closeable

    Wrapper for

    Wrapper for

    The main differences to are (1) naming (e.g. default naming is readInt64 instead of readLong) (2) the readXXX(n: Int) functions, which will try to read n samples from the file. (Try to use these functions instead of reading multiple times in a loop with readXXX(), as each individual read is costly in terms of performance. * Each function throws a (including subclass These can be caught in Scala if necessary, to detect ends of files when reading, for example. Catching is obligatory in Java.

    Type Java Type Scala Type Value Range
    Int8: Signed 8-bit integer byte Byte [-128, 127]
    UInt8: Unsigned 8-bit integer (int) (Int) [0, 255]
    Int16: Signed 16-bit integer short Short [-32768, 32767]
    UInt16: Unsigned 16-bit integer char Char [0, 65535]
    Int32: Signed 32-bit integer int Int [-2147483648, 2147483647]
    UInt32: Unsigned 32-bit integer (long) (Long) [0, 4294967295]
    Int64: Signed 64-bit integer long Long [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807]
    UInt64: Unsigned 64-bit integer* long Long [0, 9223372036854775807]
    UInt64Shifted: Unsigned 64-bit integer, shifted to signed range* (long)* (Long)* [0, 18446744073709551615*]

    *note: given that the JVM/Scala does not have a UInt64 type, nor a Int128 to promote to, UInt64s are dealt with in two ways... as a truncated Int64 (which will only allow half of the range of UInt64 to be actually used, but which is compatible with + - * / operations), or as a shifted Int64, where UInt64 are subtracted and shifted down to cover both positive and negative values of Int64 (this is compatible with + and -, for use as timestamps, for example, but is of course not compatible with * and / operations)

    *implementation note: this class was not overriden from or implicitly "pimped," but instead passes through to This is mainly because the functions are declared final, and cannot be overridden.

  3. trait TextReader extends AnyRef

    Reader for consuming unicode code points from a stream.

    Reader for consuming unicode code points from a stream. See implicit constructors in companion object. This class is not threadsafe.

  4. class TextReaderException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when encountering a problem while reading from a TextReader.

  5. trait TextWriter extends AnyRef

    A simple append-based text writing interface used by TextSerialization as its Output type.

    A simple append-based text writing interface used by TextSerialization as its Output type. See implicit constructors in companion object.

Value Members

  1. object ByteConverterBigEndian extends ByteConverter

    See, reads big endian.

  2. object ByteConverterLittleEndian extends ByteConverter

    See, reads little endian.

  3. object CSVReader

    Just a simple wrapper for OpenCSV's csvreader.

  4. object CSVWriter

    Just a simple wrapper for OpenCSV's csvreader.

  5. object FileStreams

    Gets input and output streams to a file, wrapping them in GZIP streams if the file ends with .gz.

  6. object TextReader

  7. object TextWriter
