

package proximal

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class NonlinearMinimizer extends SerializableLogging

    NonlinearMinimizer solves the problem that has the following structure minimize f(x) + g(x)

    NonlinearMinimizer solves the problem that has the following structure minimize f(x) + g(x)

    g(x) represents the following constraints

    1. x >= 0 2. lb <= x <= ub 3. L1(x) 4. Aeq*x = beq 5. aeq'x = beq 6. 1'x = s, x >= 0 ProbabilitySimplex from the reference Proximal Algorithms by Boyd et al, Duchi et al

    f(x) can be a smooth convex function defined by DiffFunction or a proximal operator. For now the exposed API takes DiffFunction

    g(x) is defined by a proximal operator

    For proximal algorithms like L1 through soft-thresholding and Huber Loss (look into library of proximal algorithms for further details) we provide ADMM based Proximal algorithm based on the following reference:

    A subset of proximal operators are projection operators. For projection, NonlinearMinimizer companion object provides project API which generates a Spectral Projected Gradient (SPG) or Projected Quasi Newton (PQN) solver. For projection operators like positivity, bounds, probability simplex etc, these algorithms converges faster as compared to ADMM based proximal algorithm.

    TO DO

    1. Implement FISTA / Nesterov's accelerated method and compare with ADMM 2. For non-convex function experiment with TRON-like Primal solver

  2. case class ProjectBox(l: DenseVector[Double], u: DenseVector[Double]) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  3. case class ProjectEquality(Aeq: DenseMatrix[Double], beq: DenseVector[Double]) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  4. case class ProjectHyperPlane(a: DenseVector[Double], b: Double) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  5. case class ProjectIdentity() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  6. case class ProjectL1(s: Double) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

    Projection formula from Duchi et al's paper Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions

  7. case class ProjectPos() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  8. case class ProjectProbabilitySimplex(s: Double) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  9. case class ProjectSoc() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  10. trait Proximal extends AnyRef

  11. case class ProximalHuber() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  12. case class ProximalL1(lambda: Double = 1.0) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  13. case class ProximalL2() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  14. case class ProximalLinear(c: DenseVector[Double]) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  15. case class ProximalLogBarrier() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  16. case class ProximalLp(c: DenseVector[Double]) extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  17. case class ProximalSumSquare() extends Proximal with Product with Serializable

  18. class QuadraticMinimizer extends SerializableLogging

    Proximal operators and ADMM based Primal-Dual QP Solver

    Proximal operators and ADMM based Primal-Dual QP Solver


    It solves problem that has the following structure

    1/2 x'Hx + f'x + g(x) s.t Aeqx = b

    g(x) represents the following constraints which covers ALS based matrix factorization use-cases

    1. x >= 0 2. lb <= x <= ub 3. L1(x) 4. L2(x) 5. Generic regularization on x

Value Members

  1. object Constraint extends Enumeration

    Supported constraints by QuadraticMinimizer object

  2. object LinearGenerator

  3. object LogisticGenerator

  4. object NonlinearMinimizer extends Serializable

  5. object QpGenerator

    PDCO dense quadratic program generator

    PDCO dense quadratic program generator


    Generates random instances of Quadratic Programming Problems 0.5x'Px + q'x s.t Ax = b lb <= x <= ub

    nGram rank of quadratic problems to be generated


    H is the quadratic representation of the function

  6. object QuadraticMinimizer extends Serializable
