

package lexicon

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Lexicon[L, W] extends Factory[L, W]

    A Lexicon tells you which tags are allowed at a particular point in a sentence.

  2. class SignatureLexicon[L, W] extends Lexicon[L, W] with Serializable with SafeLogging

    A simple lexicon that thresholds to decide when to open up the rare word to all (open) tags

  3. class SignatureTagScorer[L, String] extends TagScorer[L, String]

  4. class SimpleLexicon[L, W] extends Lexicon[L, W] with Serializable

    A simple lexicon that thresholds to decide when to open up the rare word to all (open) tags

  5. class SimpleTagScorer[L, W] extends TagScorer[L, W]

    A fairly dumb tag scorer that does some simple smoothing to estimate p(t|w).

  6. trait TagScorer[L, W] extends Serializable

    A TagScorer is just something that assigns scores to a particular POS tag (or whatever) at a particular position in a sentence.

  7. class UnsmoothedLexicon[L, W] extends Lexicon[L, W]

    A simple lexicon that does no smoothing at all.

Value Members

  1. object SimpleLexicon extends Serializable

  2. object TagScorer extends Serializable
