

package trees

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AnnotatedLabel(label: String, headTag: Option[String] = scala.None, parents: IndexedSeq[String] = ..., siblings: IndexedSeq[Either[String, String]] = ..., features: Set[Annotation] = ...) extends Feature with CachedHashCode with Product with Serializable

    The standard label used in the parser (used to be String).

  2. trait Annotation extends Serializable

    Something we can throw in an AnnotatedLabel

  3. sealed trait BinarizedTree[+L] extends Tree[L]

  4. final case class BinaryRule[+L](parent: L, left: L, right: L) extends Rule[L] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 8613629952079423488L )
  5. case class BinaryTree[+L](label: L, leftChild: BinarizedTree[L], rightChild: BinarizedTree[L], span: Span) extends BinarizedTree[L] with Product with Serializable

  6. trait Debinarizer[L] extends (BinarizedTree[L]) ⇒ Tree[L] with Serializable

    Class that turns BinarizedTrees into normal trees.

  7. case class DependencyTree[+L, +W](dependencies: IndexedSeq[(L, Int)], words: IndexedSeq[W]) extends Product with Serializable

    root index is words.

  8. case class FunctionalTag(tag: String) extends Annotation with Product with Serializable

  9. case class HeadDB[B](symbolArityHeadChildCounts: Counter2[(B, Int), Int, Int], ruleHeadChildCounts: Counter2[(B, Seq[B]), Int, Int], defaultToLeft: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait HeadFinder[L] extends AnyRef

  11. case class HeadRule[L](dir: Dir, dis: Boolean, heads: Seq[L]) extends Product with Serializable

    Based on Aria's comments:

  12. trait HeadRules[L] extends Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  13. final case class LexicalProduction[+L, +W](parent: L, word: W) extends Production[L, W] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class NaryTree[L](label: L, children: IndexedSeq[Tree[L]], span: Span) extends Tree[L] with Product with Serializable

  15. case class NullRule[+L](parent: L) extends Production[L, Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  16. case class NullaryTree[+L](label: L, span: Span) extends BinarizedTree[L] with Product with Serializable

  17. case class PartialTreeProcessor() extends Product with Serializable

  18. class PennTreeReader extends Iterator[(Tree[String], IndexedSeq[String])]

    PennTreeReader due to Adam Pauls.

  19. case class ProcessedTreebank(path: File, maxLength: Int = 10000, includeDevInTrain: Boolean = false, binarization: String = "head", treebankType: String = "penn", numSentences: Int = scala.Int.MaxValue, keepUnaryChainsFromTrain: Boolean = true, debuckwalterize: Boolean = false, supervisedHeadFinderPtbPath: String = "", supervisedHeadFinderConllPath: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a treebank with attendant spans, binarization, etc.

  20. sealed trait Production[+L, +W] extends Feature

  21. sealed trait Rule[+L] extends Production[L, Nothing]

  22. class RuleBasedHeadFinder[L] extends HeadFinder[L] with Serializable

    Can annotate a tree with the head word.

  23. class SimpleTreebank extends Treebank[String]

    A SimpleTreebank can be easily specified by paths to the trees in Penn treebank format

  24. final class Span extends AnyVal

  25. case class StandardTreeProcessor(headFinder: HeadFinder[AnnotatedLabel] = ...) extends (Tree[String]) ⇒ BinarizedTree[AnnotatedLabel] with Product with Serializable

  26. class SubsampledTreebank extends Treebank[String]

    A Treebank that uses a few number of training and test sentences.

  27. class SupervisedHeadFinder[L] extends HeadFinder[L]

  28. trait SupervisedHeadFinderInnards[L, B] extends Serializable

  29. trait Tree[+L] extends Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  30. case class TreeInstance[L, +W](id: String, tree: BinarizedTree[L], words: IndexedSeq[W]) extends Example[BinarizedTree[L], IndexedSeq[W]] with Product with Serializable

  31. trait Treebank[L] extends AnyRef

    A Treebank contains a train set, a test set, and a dev set, which are "Portions".

  32. final case class UnaryRule[+L](parent: L, child: L, chain: IndexedSeq[String]) extends Rule[L] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 8559479322874082992L )
  33. case class UnaryTree[+L](label: L, child: BinarizedTree[L], chain: IndexedSeq[String], span: Span) extends BinarizedTree[L] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AnnotatedLabel extends Serializable

  2. object BinaryRule extends Serializable

  3. object Debinarizer extends Serializable

  4. object DependencyTree extends Serializable

  5. object HeadFinder

    Implements HeadFinding as in the Collins parser.

  6. object HeadRules extends Serializable

  7. object PennTreeReader

  8. object SimpleTreebank

  9. object Span

  10. object StandardTreeProcessor extends Serializable

  11. object SupervisedHeadFinder

  12. object SupervisedHeadFinderInnards extends Serializable

  13. object Tree extends Serializable

  14. object Treebank

  15. object Trees

  16. object TstTreebank

  17. object UnaryChainCollapser

    Removes unaries chains A -> B -> .

  18. object UnaryRule extends Serializable

  19. package annotations

  20. package util
