

package parser

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
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  1. parser
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AnchoredVisitor[L] extends AnyRef

    A class that asks about all anchored spans.

  2. trait ChartDecoder[L, W] extends Serializable

    A ChartDecoder converts marginals into a binarized tree.

  3. case class EPChartFactory[L, W](topology: RuleTopology[L], lexicon: Lexicon[L, W], epInference: EPInference[TreeInstance[L, W], UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W]]) extends Factory[L, W] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable


  4. trait Grammar[L, W] extends Serializable

    TODO docs

  5. trait GrammarAnchoring[L, W] extends AnyRef

    A GrammarAnchoring is a grammar that has been tuned to a particular sentence (if applicable).

  6. case class LatentTreeMarginal[L, W](anchoring: GrammarAnchoring[L, W], tree: BinarizedTree[IndexedSeq[(L, Int)]]) extends ParseMarginal[L, W] with Product with Serializable

  7. class MaxConstituentDecoder[L, W] extends ChartDecoder[L, W]

    Attempts to find a parse that maximizes the expected number of correct labels.

  8. case class MaxRuleProductDecoder[L, W]() extends ProjectingChartDecoder[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    Tries to extract a tree that maximizes rule product in the coarse grammar.

  9. case class MaxVariationalDecoder[L, W]() extends ProjectingChartDecoder[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    Projects a tree to an anchored PCFG and then does viterbi on that tree.

  10. case class NoParseException(msg: String, sentence: IndexedSeq[Any], cause: Throwable = null) extends RuntimeException with ParserException with Product with Serializable

  11. class ParseEval[L] extends AnyRef

    Hack approximation to true parse eval.

  12. case class ParseExtractionException(msg: String, sentence: IndexedSeq[Any]) extends RuntimeException with ParserException with Product with Serializable

  13. trait ParseMarginal[L, W] extends VisitableMarginal[AnchoredVisitor[L]]

    Represents marginals over trees.

  14. final case class Parser[L, W](topology: RuleTopology[L], lexicon: Lexicon[L, W], constraintsFactory: Factory[L, W], marginalFactory: Factory[L, W], decoder: ChartDecoder[L, W] = ChartDecoder.apply[L, W]())(implicit debinarizer: Debinarizer[L]) extends (IndexedSeq[W]) ⇒ Tree[L] with Product with Serializable

    A Parser produces a syntactic representation of a sentence, called a epic.trees.Tree, which has internal nodes that demarcate syntactic functions

  15. class ParserAnnotator[L] extends StringAnalysisFunction[Token with Sentence, Tree[L]]

    A ParserAnnotator is a slab-ified epic.parser.Parser.

  16. trait ParserException extends Exception

  17. trait ParserPipeline extends LazyLogging

    ParserPipeline is a base-trait for the parser training pipeline.

  18. class ProductChartFactory[L, W] extends Factory[L, W] with SafeLogging


  19. final case class ProductGrammarAnchoring[L, W](s1: GrammarAnchoring[L, W], s2: GrammarAnchoring[L, W], alpha: Double = 1.0) extends ProductRefinementsHandler[L, W] with GrammarAnchoring[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    Creates a product of two derivation scorers, seamlessly combining their refinements as appropriate.

  20. class ProductRefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feat1, Feat2] extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Either[Feat1, Feat2]]

  21. abstract class ProductRefinementsHandler[L, W] extends AnyRef

  22. final case class ProductUnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W](s1: UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W], s2: UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W], alpha: Double = 1.0) extends UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    Creates a product of two epic.parser.UnrefinedGrammarAnchorings (product is in log space, so actually a sum.

  23. class ProductionFeaturizer[L, L2, W] extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feature] with Serializable

    A simple Featurizer that just counts lexical and rule productions that are used.

  24. abstract class ProjectingChartDecoder[L, W] extends ChartDecoder[L, W]

  25. trait ProjectionsGrammarAnchoring[L, L2, W] extends GrammarAnchoring[L, W]


  26. final case class RefinedChartMarginal[L, W](anchoring: GrammarAnchoring[L, W], inside: RefinedParseChart[L], outside: RefinedParseChart[L], logPartition: Double, isMaxMarginal: Boolean) extends ParseMarginal[L, W] with SafeLogging with Product with Serializable

    Holds the information for the marginals for a sentence.

  27. trait RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Feat] extends AnyRef

  28. class RefinedParseChart[L] extends Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 4 )
  29. class RuleFeaturizer[L, W] extends RefinedFeaturizer[L, W, Rule[L]]

    A simple Featurizer that just counts lexical and rule productions that are used.

  30. final class RuleTopology[L] extends Encoder[Rule[L]] with Serializable

    A RuleTopology is basically a grammar with no weights.

  31. final case class SimpleChartMarginal[L, L2, W](anchoring: Anchoring[L, L2, W], inside: SimpleParseChart[L2], outside: SimpleParseChart[L2], isMaxMarginal: Boolean = true) extends ParseMarginal[L, W] with Product with Serializable


  32. class SimpleGrammar[L, L2, W] extends Grammar[L, W] with Serializable

    A epic.parser.SimpleGrammar is a grammar where the topology of the grammar (including the refinements) and the scores for the rules does not vary with the input sentence.

  33. final class SimpleParseChart[L] extends Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1 )
  34. final class SparseRuleTensor[L] extends Serializable

    This class is mostly an implementation detail.

  35. case class StandardChartFactory[L, W](refinedGrammar: Grammar[L, W], maxMarginal: Boolean = false) extends Factory[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 875432696804946554L )
  36. case class TreeMarginal[L, W](anchoring: GrammarAnchoring[L, W], tree: BinarizedTree[(L, Int)]) extends ParseMarginal[L, W] with Product with Serializable

    This isn't really a marginal, except in a degenerate sense.

  37. trait UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W] extends GrammarAnchoring[L, W] with Factor[UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring[L, W]]

    epic.parser.UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring score rules and labels in a particular context without needed extra "refined" categories.

  38. case class ViterbiDecoder[L, W]() extends ChartDecoder[L, W] with Serializable with SafeLogging with Product

    Tries to extract a tree that maximizes log score.

Value Members

  1. object ChartDecoder extends Serializable

  2. object EPChartFactory extends Serializable

  3. object GenerativeParser

    Contains codes to read off parsers and grammars from a treebank.

  4. object GenerativeTrainer extends ParserPipeline

  5. object Grammar extends Serializable

  6. object GrammarAnchoring

  7. object LatentTreeMarginal extends Serializable

  8. object ParseEval extends LazyLogging

  9. object ParseMarginal

  10. object ParseText extends ProcessTextMain[Parser[AnnotatedLabel, String], Tree[AnnotatedLabel]]

    Simple class that reads in a bunch of files and parses them.

  11. object Parser extends Serializable

  12. object ParserParams

    Mostly a utility class for parsertrainers.

  13. object ParserTester

    ParserTester just tests a grammar reading in the treebank and params and such

  14. object RefinedChartMarginal extends Serializable

  15. object RefinedParseChart extends Serializable

  16. object RuleTopology extends Serializable

  17. object SimpleChartMarginal extends Serializable

  18. object SimpleGrammar extends Serializable

  19. object SparseRuleTensor extends Serializable

  20. object TreeMarginal extends Serializable

  21. object UnrefinedGrammarAnchoring

  22. package kbest

  23. package models

  24. package morph

  25. package projections

  26. package repl

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
