

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Classifier extends (Array[(Int, Double)]) ⇒ Array[Double] with Serializable

    Classifiers are given a sequence of feature indices and their magnitudes and return a score for each label.

  2. trait FeaturizedClassifier[L, I] extends IndexedClassifier[L]

    A classifier that has a featurizer that allows it to be applied directly to raw inputs.

  3. trait IndexedClassifier[L] extends Classifier with LabelMap[L] with FeatureMap

    A classifier that knows the actual descriptions of the labels and features, rather than just their indices.

  4. trait LiblinearClassifier extends IndexedClassifier[String]

    A classifier that wraps a liblinear model and conforms to the Nak API.

Value Members

  1. object Classifier extends Serializable

    Companion object to help with constructing Classifiers.
