

package concurrent

Classes, traits, and objects related to testing asynchronous and multi-threaded behavior.

This package is released as part of the scalatest-core module.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. concurrent
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AbstractPatienceConfiguration extends ScaledTimeSpans

    Trait that defines an abstract patienceConfig method that is implemented in PatienceConfiguration and can be overriden in stackable modification traits such as IntegrationPatience.

  2. trait AsyncCancelAfterFailure extends AsyncTestSuiteMixin

    Trait that when mixed into a AsyncTestSuite cancels any remaining tests in that AsyncTestSuite instance after a test fails.

  3. trait AsyncTimeLimitedTests extends AsyncTestSuiteMixin with TimeLimits

    Trait that when mixed into an asynchronous suite class establishes a time limit for its tests.

  4. trait ConductorFixture extends TestSuiteMixin with Conductors

    Trait that can pass a new Conductor fixture into tests.

  5. trait ConductorMethods extends TestSuiteMixin with Conductors

    Trait that provides each test with access to a new Conductor via methods.

  6. trait Conductors extends PatienceConfiguration

    Trait whose Conductor member facilitates the testing of classes, traits, and libraries designed to be used by multiple threads concurrently.

  7. trait Eventually extends PatienceConfiguration

    Trait that provides the eventually construct, which periodically retries executing a passed by-name parameter, until it either succeeds or the configured timeout has been surpassed.

  8. trait Futures extends PatienceConfiguration

    Trait that facilitates testing with futures.

  9. trait IntegrationPatience extends AbstractPatienceConfiguration

    Stackable modification trait for PatienceConfiguration that provides default timeout and interval values appropriate for integration testing.

  10. trait JavaFutures extends Futures

    Provides an implicit conversion from java.util.concurrent.Future[T] to FutureConcept[T].

  11. trait PatienceConfiguration extends AbstractPatienceConfiguration

    Trait providing methods and classes used to configure timeouts and, where relevant, the interval between retries.

  12. trait ScalaFutures extends Futures

    Provides an implicit conversion from scala.concurrent.Future[T] to FutureConcept[T].

  13. trait ScaledTimeSpans extends AnyRef

    Trait providing a scaled method that can be used to scale time Spans used during the testing of asynchronous operations.

  14. class SelectorSignaler extends Signaler

    Strategy for signaling an operation in which wakeup is called on the java.nio.channels.Selector passed to the constructor.

  15. trait Signaler extends AnyRef

    Strategy for signaling an operation after a timeout expires.

  16. class SocketSignaler extends Signaler

    Strategy for signaling an operation in which close is called on the passed to the constructor.

  17. trait TimeLimitedTests extends TestSuiteMixin

    Trait that when mixed into a suite class establishes a time limit for its tests.

  18. trait TimeLimits extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides failAfter and cancelAfter methods, which allow you to specify a time limit for an operation passed as a by-name parameter, as well as a way to signal it if the operation exceeds its time limit.

  19. trait Waiters extends PatienceConfiguration

    Trait that facilitates performing assertions outside the main test thread, such as assertions in callback methods that are invoked asynchronously.

Value Members

  1. object DoNotSignal extends Signaler

    Signaling strategy in which nothing is done to try and signal or interrupt an operation.

  2. object Eventually extends Eventually

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Eventually members as an alternative to mixing in the trait.

  3. object Futures extends Futures

  4. object PatienceConfiguration

  5. object ScalaFutures extends ScalaFutures

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of ScalaFutures members as an alternative to mixing in the trait.

  6. object SelectorSignaler

    Companion object that provides a factory method for a SelectorSignaler.

  7. object Signaler

    Companion object that provides a factory method for a Singlaer defined in terms of a function from a function of type Thread to Unit.

  8. object SocketSignaler

    Companion object that provides a factory method for a SocketSignaler.

  9. object ThreadSignaler extends Signaler

    Strategy for signaling an operation in which interrupt is called on the Thread passed to apply.

  10. object TimeLimits extends TimeLimits

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Timeouts members as an alternative to mixing in the trait.

  11. object Waiters extends Waiters

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Waiters members as an alternative to mixing in the trait.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
