

package matchers

Classes and traits for matchers.

This package is released as part of the scalatest-matchers-core module.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. matchers
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BeMatcher[-T] extends (T) ⇒ MatchResult

    Trait extended by matcher objects, which may appear after the word be, that can match a value of the specified type.

  2. final case class BePropertyMatchResult(matches: Boolean, propertyName: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The result of a Boolean property match operation, such as one performed by a BePropertyMatcher, which contains one field that indicates whether the match succeeded (i.e., the Boolean property was true) and one field that provides the name of the property.

  3. trait BePropertyMatcher[-T] extends (T) ⇒ BePropertyMatchResult

    Trait extended by matcher objects, which may appear after the word be, that can match against a Boolean property.

  4. final case class HavePropertyMatchResult[P](matches: Boolean, propertyName: String, expectedValue: P, actualValue: P) extends Product with Serializable

    The result of a property match operation such as one performed by a HavePropertyMatcher, which contains one field that indicates whether the match succeeded (i.e., the property had its expected value), one field that provides the name of the property, and two fields giving the expected and actual values.

  5. trait HavePropertyMatcher[-T, P] extends (T) ⇒ HavePropertyMatchResult[P]

    Trait extended by matcher objects, which may appear after the word have, that can match against a property of the type specified by the HavePropertyMatcher's second type parameter P.

  6. final case class LazyArg(arg: Any)(f: (Any) ⇒ String) extends Product with Serializable

    Transforms a given object's toString with a given function lazily.

  7. sealed case class MatchResult(matches: Boolean, rawFailureMessage: String, rawNegatedFailureMessage: String, rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String, rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String, failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any], negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any], midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any], midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    The result of a match operation, such as one performed by a Matcher or BeMatcher, which contains one field that indicates whether the match succeeded, four fields that provide raw failure messages to report under different circumstances, four fields providing arguments used to construct the final failure messages using raw failure messages and a Prettifier.

  8. trait Matcher[-T] extends (T) ⇒ MatchResult

    Trait extended by objects that can match a value of the specified type.

  9. trait MatcherProducers extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion on functions that produce Matchers, i.e., T => Matcher[T] that enables you to modify error messages when composing Matchers.

Value Members

  1. object BeMatcher

    Companion object for trait BeMatcher that provides a factory method that creates a BeMatcher[T] from a passed function of type (T => MatchResult).

  2. object BePropertyMatchResult extends Serializable

    Companion object for the BePropertyMatchResult case class.

  3. object BePropertyMatcher

    Companion object for trait BePropertyMatcher that provides a factory method that creates a BePropertyMatcher[T] from a passed function of type (T => BePropertyMatchResult).

  4. object HavePropertyMatchResult extends Serializable

    Companion object for the HavePropertyMatchResult case class.

  5. object HavePropertyMatcher

    Companion object for trait HavePropertyMatcher that provides a factory method that creates a HavePropertyMatcher[T] from a passed function of type (T => HavePropertyMatchResult).

  6. object MatchFailed

    Singleton object that provides unapply method to extract failure message from MatchResult having matches property value of false.

  7. object MatchPatternHelper

    MatchPatternHelper is called by MatchPatternMacro to support matchPattern syntax.

  8. object MatchResult extends Serializable

    Companion object for the MatchResult case class.

  9. object MatchSucceeded

    Singleton object that provides unapply method to extract negated failure message from MatchResult having matches property value of true.

  10. object Matcher

    Companion object for trait Matcher that provides a factory method that creates a Matcher[T] from a passed function of type (T => MatchResult).

  11. object MatcherProducers extends MatcherProducers

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of MatcherProducers members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  12. object TypeMatcherHelper

    TypeMatcherHelper is called by TypeMatcherMacro to support a [Type] and an [Type] syntax.

  13. package dsl

    Classes and traits supporting ScalaTest's matchers DSL.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
