

package enablers

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Aggregating[-A] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass that enables for aggregations certain contain syntax in the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

  2. trait Containing[-C] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable certain contain matcher syntax for containers.

  3. trait Definition[-T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the be defined matcher syntax.

  4. trait Emptiness[-T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable be empty matcher syntax.

  5. trait Existence[-S] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the exist matcher syntax.

  6. trait KeyMapping[-M] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable contain key matcher syntax.

  7. trait Length[T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for Length typeclasses.

  8. trait Messaging[T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for Messaging typeclasses.

  9. trait Readability[-T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the be readable matcher syntax.

  10. trait Sequencing[-S] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass that enables for sequencing certain contain syntax in the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

  11. trait Size[T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for Size typeclasses.

  12. trait Sortable[-S] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the be sorted matcher syntax.

  13. trait ValueMapping[-M] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable contain value matcher syntax.

  14. trait Writability[-T] extends AnyRef

    Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the be writable matcher syntax.

Value Members

  1. object Aggregating

    Companion object for Aggregating that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  2. object Containing

    Companion object for Containing that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  3. object Definition

    Companion object for Definition that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  4. object Emptiness

    Companion object for Emptiness that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  5. object Existence

    Companion object for Existence that provides implicit implementations for

  6. object KeyMapping

    Companion object for KeyMapping that provides implicit implementations for scala.collection.GenMap and java.util.Map.

  7. object Length

    Companion object for Length that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  8. object Messaging

    Companion object for Messaging that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  9. object Readability

    Companion object for Readability that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  10. object Sequencing

    Companion object for Sequencing that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  11. object Size

    Companion object for Length that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  12. object Sortable

    Companion object for Sortable that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  13. object ValueMapping

    Companion object for ValueMapping that provides implicit implementations for scala.collection.GenMap and java.util.Map.

  14. object Writability

    Companion object for Writability that provides implicit implementations for the following types:
