

package scalatest

ScalaTest's main traits, classes, and other members, including members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. AnyRef
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Type Members

  1. case class AbortedStatus(ex: Throwable) extends Status with Serializable with Product with Serializable

  2. trait Alerter extends AnyRef

    Trait providing an apply method to which alert messages about a running suite of tests can be reported.

  3. trait Alerting extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the alert method, which can be used to send an alert to the reporter.

  4. trait AppendedClues extends AnyRef

    Trait providing an implicit conversion that allows clues to be placed after a block of code.

  5. case class Args(reporter: Reporter, stopper: Stopper = Stopper.default, filter: Filter = Filter.default, configMap: ConfigMap = ConfigMap.empty, distributor: Option[Distributor] = scala.None, tracker: Tracker = Tracker.default, chosenStyles: Set[String] = scala.this.Predef.Set.empty[String], runTestInNewInstance: Boolean = false, distributedTestSorter: Option[DistributedTestSorter] = scala.None, distributedSuiteSorter: Option[DistributedSuiteSorter] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  6. type Assertion = Succeeded.type

    Marker trait that serves as the result type of assert, assume, and pending methods of trait Assertions, which return its only instance, the Succeeded singleton, or throw an exception that indicates a failed, canceled, or pending test.

    Marker trait that serves as the result type of assert, assume, and pending methods of trait Assertions, which return its only instance, the Succeeded singleton, or throw an exception that indicates a failed, canceled, or pending test.

  7. trait Assertions extends TripleEquals

    Trait that contains ScalaTest's basic assertion methods.

  8. trait AsyncCompatibility extends AsyncRegistrationPolicy

  9. abstract class AsyncFeatureSpec extends AsyncFeatureSpecLike

  10. trait AsyncFeatureSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class FeatureSpec, which represents a suite of tests in which each test represents one scenario of a feature.

  11. abstract class AsyncFlatSpec extends AsyncFlatSpecLike

  12. trait AsyncFlatSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class FlatSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  13. abstract class AsyncFreeSpec extends AsyncFreeSpecLike

  14. trait AsyncFreeSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class FreeSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are nested inside text clauses denoted with the dash operator (-).

  15. abstract class AsyncFunSpec extends AsyncFunSpecLike

  16. trait AsyncFunSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class FunSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  17. abstract class AsyncFunSuite extends AsyncFunSuiteLike

  18. trait AsyncFunSuiteLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class FunSuite, which represents a suite of tests in which each test is represented as a function value.

  19. abstract class AsyncPropSpec extends AsyncPropSpecLike

  20. trait AsyncPropSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class PropSpec, which represents a suite of property-based tests.

  21. trait AsyncRegistrationPolicy extends AnyRef

  22. trait AsyncSafety extends AsyncRegistrationPolicy

  23. trait AsyncSuite extends Suite

  24. trait AsyncTestRegistration extends AnyRef

    Trait for test registration support.

  25. abstract class AsyncWordSpec extends AsyncWordSpecLike

  26. trait AsyncWordSpecLike extends AsyncSuite with AsyncTestRegistration with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb with AsyncCompatibility

    Implementation trait for class WordSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  27. trait BeforeAndAfter extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need code executed before and after running each test.

  28. trait BeforeAndAfterAll extends SuiteMixin

    Stackable trait that can be mixed into suites that need methods invoked before and after executing the suite.

  29. trait BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need methods that make use of the config map invoked before and/or after executing the suite.

  30. trait BeforeAndAfterEach extends SuiteMixin

    Stackable trait that can be mixed into suites that need code executed before and/or after running each test.

  31. trait BeforeAndAfterEachTestData extends SuiteMixin

    Stackable trait that can be mixed into suites that need code that makes use of test data (test name, tags, config map, etc.) executed before and/or after running each test.

  32. trait CancelAfterFailure extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that when mixed into a Suite cancels any remaining tests in that Suite instance after a test fails.

  33. case class Canceled(exception: TestCanceledException) extends Exceptional with Product with Serializable

    Outcome for a test that was canceled, containing an exception describing the cause of the cancelation.

  34. trait Checkpoints extends AnyRef

    Trait providing class Checkpoint, which enables multiple assertions to be performed within a test, with any failures accumulated and reported together at the end of the test.

  35. trait Compatibility extends RegistrationPolicy

  36. final class CompositeStatus extends Status with Serializable

    Composite Status that aggregates its completion and failed states of set of other Statuses passed to its constructor.

  37. class ConfigMap extends Map[String, Any] with MapLike[String, Any, ConfigMap] with Serializable

    A map of configuration data.

  38. final class ConfigMapWrapperSuite extends Suite

    Wrapper Suite that passes an instance of the config map to the constructor of the wrapped Suite when run is invoked.

  39. trait DiagrammedAssertions extends Assertions

    Sub-trait of Assertions that override assert and assume methods to include a diagram showing the values of expression in the error message when the assertion or assumption fails.

  40. trait DiagrammedExpr[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait that represent an expression recorded by DiagrammedExprMacro, which includes the following members:

  41. trait DistributedSuiteSorter extends AnyRef

    A sorter for the events of a run's distributed suites.

  42. trait DistributedTestSorter extends AnyRef

    A sorter for the events of a suite's distributed tests.

  43. trait Distributor extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances facilitate parallel execution of Suites.

  44. trait DoNotDiscover extends Annotation

    Annotation used to indicate that an otherwise discoverable test class should not be discovered.

  45. trait Documenter extends (String) ⇒ Unit

    Trait to which markup text tests can be reported.

  46. trait Documenting extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains a markup method, which can be used to send markup to the Reporter.

  47. final case class DynaTags(suiteTags: Map[String, Set[String]], testTags: Map[String, Map[String, Set[String]]]) extends Serializable with Product

    Dynamic tags for a run.

  48. trait EitherValues extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides an implicit conversion that adds left.value and right.value methods to Either, which will return the selected value of the Either if defined, or throw TestFailedException if not.

  49. case class Entry[K, V](key: K, value: V) extends java.util.Map.Entry[K, V] with Product with Serializable

    A case class implementation of java.util.Map.Entry to make it easier to test Java Maps with ScalaTest Matchers.

  50. sealed abstract class Exceptional extends Outcome

    Superclass for the two outcomes of running a test that contain an exception: Failed and Canceled.

  51. case class Failed(exception: Throwable) extends Exceptional with Product with Serializable

    Outcome for a test that failed, containing an exception describing the cause of the failure.

  52. class FeatureSpec extends FeatureSpecLike

    A suite of tests in which each test represents one scenario of a feature.

  53. trait FeatureSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class FeatureSpec, which represents a suite of tests in which each test represents one scenario of a feature.

  54. final class Filter extends Serializable

    Filter whose apply method determines which of the passed tests to run and ignore based on tags to include and exclude passed as as class parameters.

  55. trait Finders extends Annotation

    Annotation used to mark a trait or class as defining a testing style that has a org.scalatest.finders.Finder implementation, which IDEs and other tools can use to discover tests and scopes.

  56. class FlatSpec extends FlatSpecLike

    Facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  57. trait FlatSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class FlatSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  58. class FreeSpec extends FreeSpecLike

    Facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are nested inside text clauses denoted with the dash operator (-).

  59. trait FreeSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class FreeSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are nested inside text clauses denoted with the dash operator (-).

  60. class FunSpec extends FunSpecLike

    Facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  61. trait FunSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class FunSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  62. class FunSuite extends FunSuiteLike

    A suite of tests in which each test is represented as a function value.

  63. trait FunSuiteLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class FunSuite, which represents a suite of tests in which each test is represented as a function value.

  64. trait GivenWhenThen extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains methods named given, when, then, and and, which take a string message and implicit Informer, and forward the message to the informer.

  65. trait Ignore extends Annotation

    Annotation used to tag a test, or suite of tests, as ignored.

  66. trait Informer extends AnyRef

    Trait to which custom information about a running suite of tests can be reported.

  67. trait Informing extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the info method, which can be used to send info to the reporter.

  68. trait Inside extends AnyRef

    Trait containing the inside construct, which allows you to make statements about nested object graphs using pattern matching.

  69. trait Inspectors extends AnyRef

    Provides nestable inspector methods (or just inspectors) that enable assertions to be made about collections.

  70. trait LoneElement extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides an implicit conversion that adds to collection types a loneElement method, which will return the value of the lone element if the collection does indeed contain one and only one element, or throw TestFailedException if not.

  71. trait Matchers extends Assertions with Tolerance with ShouldVerb with MatcherWords with Explicitly

    Trait that provides a domain specific language (DSL) for expressing assertions in tests using the word should.

  72. trait MustMatchers extends Assertions with Tolerance with MustVerb with MatcherWords with Explicitly

    Trait that provides a domain specific language (DSL) for expressing assertions in tests using the word must.

  73. trait NonImplicitAssertions extends Assertions

    Trait that can be mixed into a Suite to disable the lone implicit conversion provided by default in trait Assertions, which trait Suite extends.

  74. trait Notifier extends AnyRef

    Trait providing an apply method to which status updates about a running suite of tests can be reported.

  75. trait Notifying extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the note method, which can be used to send a status notification to the reporter.

  76. trait OneInstancePerTest extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that facilitates a style of testing in which each test is run in its own instance of the suite class to isolate each test from the side effects of the other tests in the suite.

  77. trait OptionValues extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides an implicit conversion that adds a value method to Option, which will return the value of the option if it is defined, or throw TestFailedException if not.

  78. sealed abstract class Outcome extends AnyRef

    Superclass for the possible outcomes of running a test.

  79. trait OutcomeOf extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the outcomeOf method, which executes a passed code block and transforms the outcome into an Outcome, using the same mechanism used by ScalaTest to produce an Outcome when executing a test.

  80. trait ParallelTestExecution extends OneInstancePerTest

    Trait that causes that the tests of any suite it is mixed into to be run in parallel if a Distributor is passed to runTests.

  81. trait PartialFunctionValues extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides an implicit conversion that adds a valueAt method to PartialFunction, which will return the value (result) of the function applied to the argument passed to valueAt, or throw TestFailedException if the partial function is not defined at the argument.

  82. trait Payloads extends AnyRef

    Trait facilitating the inclusion of a payload in a thrown ScalaTest exception.

  83. sealed trait PendingStatement extends AnyRef

    Trait mixed into the result type of the pending statement of trait Assertions, which always throws TestPendingException.

  84. trait PrivateMethodTester extends AnyRef

    Trait that facilitates the testing of private methods.

  85. class PropSpec extends PropSpecLike

    A suite of property-based tests.

  86. trait PropSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class PropSpec, which represents a suite of property-based tests.

  87. trait RandomTestOrder extends OneInstancePerTest

    Trait that causes tests to be run in pseudo-random order.

  88. trait RegistrationPolicy extends AnyRef

  89. trait Reporter extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances collect the results of a running suite of tests and presents those results in some way to the user.

  90. trait ResourcefulReporter extends Reporter

    Subtrait of Reporter that contains a dispose method for releasing any finite, non-memory resources, such as file handles, held by the Reporter.

  91. trait Retries extends AnyRef

    Provides methods that can be used in withFixture implementations to retry tests in various scenarios.

  92. trait Safety extends RegistrationPolicy

  93. class Sequential extends Suite with SequentialNestedSuiteExecution

    A Suite class mixing in SequentialNestedSuiteExecution that takes zero to many Suites, which will be returned from its nestedSuites method.

  94. trait SequentialNestedSuiteExecution extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that causes the nested suites of any suite it is mixed into to be run sequentially even if a Distributor is passed to runNestedSuites.

  95. trait SeveredStackTraces extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that causes StackDepth exceptions thrown by a running test (such as TestFailedExceptions) to have the exception's stack trace severed at the stack depth.

  96. sealed trait Shell extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances provide a run method and configuration fields that implement the ScalaTest shell: its DSL for the Scala interpreter.

  97. class Spec extends SpecLike

    Facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are methods, optionally nested inside singleton objects defining textual scopes.

  98. trait SpecLike extends Suite with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting

    Implementation trait for class Spec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are methods, optionally nested inside singleton objects defining textual scopes.

  99. final class StatefulStatus extends Status with Serializable

    Status implementation that can change its state over time.

  100. sealed trait Status extends AnyRef

    The result status of running a test or a suite.

  101. class Stepwise extends Suite with StepwiseNestedSuiteExecution

    A Suite class that takes zero to many Suites, which will be returned from its nestedSuites method and executed in “stepwise” fashion by its runNestedSuites method.

  102. trait StepwiseNestedSuiteExecution extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that causes the nested suites of any suite it is mixed into to be run sequentially even if a Distributor is passed to runNestedSuites.

  103. trait Stopper extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances can accept a stop request and indicate whether a stop has already been requested.

  104. trait StreamlinedXml extends AnyRef

    Trait providing a streamlined method that returns a Uniformity[T] instance for any subtype of scala.xml.NodeSeq that will normalize the XML by removing empty text nodes and trimming non-empty text nodes.

  105. trait StreamlinedXmlEquality extends AnyRef

    Trait providing an implicit Equality[T] for subtypes of scala.xml.NodeSeq that before testing for equality, will normalize left and right sides by removing empty XML text nodes and trimming non-empty text nodes.

  106. trait StreamlinedXmlNormMethods extends StreamlinedXml with NormMethods

    Subtrait of NormMethods that provides an implicit Uniformity[T] for subtypes of scala.xml.NodeSeq that enables you to streamline XML by invoking .norm on it.

  107. trait Suite extends Assertions with Serializable

    A suite of tests.

  108. trait SuiteMixin extends AnyRef

    Trait defining abstract "lifecycle" methods that are implemented in Suite and can be overridden in stackable modification traits.

  109. class Suites extends Suite

    A Suite class that takes zero to many Suites in its constructor, which will be returned from its nestedSuites method.

  110. class Tag extends AnyRef

    Class whose subclasses can be used to tag tests in style traits in which tests are defined as functions.

  111. trait TagAnnotation extends Annotation

    Annotation used to annotate annotation interfaces that define tags for ScalaTest tests.

  112. trait TestData extends AnyRef

    A bundle of information about the current test.

  113. trait TestRegistration extends AnyRef

    Trait for test registration support.

  114. final class Tracker extends AnyRef

    Class that tracks the progress of a series of Ordinals produced by invoking next and nextNewOldPair on the current Ordinal.

  115. trait TryValues extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides an implicit conversion that adds success and failure methods to scala.util.Try, enabling you to make assertions about the value of a Success or the exception of a Failure.

  116. class WordSpec extends WordSpecLike

    Facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  117. trait WordSpecLike extends Suite with TestRegistration with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting with Compatibility

    Implementation trait for class WordSpec, which facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  118. trait WrapWith extends Annotation

    Annotation to associate a wrapper suite with a non-Suite class, so it can be run via ScalaTest.

  119. type PendingNothing = PendingStatement


    Please use PendingStatement instead

  120. trait Rerunner extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances can rerun tests or other entities (such as suites).

Value Members

  1. object AppendedClues extends AppendedClues

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of AppendedClues members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  2. object Assertions extends Assertions

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Assertions members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  3. object Canceled extends Serializable

    Companion object to class Canceled that provides, in addition to the extractor and factory method provided by the compiler given its companion is a case class, a second factory method that produces a Canceled outcome given a string message.

  4. object Checkpoints extends Checkpoints

    Companion object that facilitates the importing the members of trait Checkpoints as an alternative to mixing it in.

  5. object ConfigMap extends Serializable

    Companion object to class ConfigMap containing factory methods.

  6. object DiagrammedAssertions extends DiagrammedAssertions

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of DiagrammedAssertions members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  7. object DiagrammedExpr

    DiagrammedExpr companion object that provides factory methods to create different sub types of DiagrammedExpr

  8. object EitherValues extends EitherValues

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of ValueEither members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  9. object Exceptional

    Companion object to class Exceptional that provides a factory method and an extractor that enables patterns that match both Failed and Canceled outcomes and extracts the contained exception and a factory method.

  10. object Failed extends Serializable

  11. object FailedStatus extends Status with Serializable

    Singleton status that represents an already completed run with at least one failed test or aborted suite.

  12. object Filter extends Serializable

  13. object Inside extends Inside

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of the inside construct as an alternative to mixing it in.

  14. object Inspectors extends Inspectors

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Inspectors members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  15. object LoneElement extends LoneElement

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of LoneElement members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  16. object Matchers extends Matchers

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Matchers members as an alternative to mixing it the trait.

  17. object MustMatchers extends MustMatchers

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Matchers members as an alternative to mixing it the trait.

  18. object NonImplicitAssertions extends NonImplicitAssertions

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of the members of trait Assertions without importing the implicit conversions it provides by default.

  19. object OptionValues extends OptionValues

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of OptionValues members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  20. object Outcome

    Companion object for trait Outcome that contains an implicit method that enables collections of Outcomes to be flattened into a collections of contained exceptions.

  21. object OutcomeOf extends OutcomeOf

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of OutcomeOf's method as an alternative to mixing it in.

  22. object PartialFunctionValues extends PartialFunctionValues

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of PartialFunctionValues members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  23. object Payloads extends Payloads

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Payloads members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  24. object Pending extends Outcome with Product with Serializable

    Outcome for a test that was pending, which contains an optional string giving more information on what exactly is needed for the test to become non-pending.

  25. object PrivateMethodTester extends PrivateMethodTester

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of PrivateMethodTester members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  26. object Retries extends Retries

    Companion object to trait Retries that enables its members to be imported as an alternative to mixing them in.

  27. val ScalaTestVersion: String

    The version number of ScalaTest.

    The version number of ScalaTest.


    the ScalaTest version number.

  28. object Sequential extends Serializable

    Companion object to class Sequential that offers an apply factory method for creating a Sequential instance.

  29. object Stepwise extends Serializable

    Companion object to class Stepwise that offers an apply factory method for creating a Stepwise instance.

  30. object Stopper

    Companion object to Stopper that holds a factory method that produces a new Stopper whose stopRequested method returns false until after its requestStop has been invoked.

  31. object StreamlinedXml extends StreamlinedXml

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of StreamlinedXml members as an alternative to mixing it the trait.

  32. object StreamlinedXmlEquality extends StreamlinedXmlEquality

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of StreamlinedXmlEquality members as an alternative to mixing it the trait.

  33. object StreamlinedXmlNormMethods extends StreamlinedXmlNormMethods

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of StreamlinedXmlNormMethods members as an alternative to mixing it the trait.

  34. object Succeeded extends Outcome with Product with Serializable

    Outcome for a test that succeeded.

  35. object SucceededStatus extends Status with Serializable

    Singleton status that represents an already completed run with no tests failed and no suites aborted.

  36. object Suites extends Serializable

    Companion object to class Suites that offers an apply factory method for creating a Suites instance.

  37. object Tag

    Companion object for Tag, which offers a factory method.

  38. object Tracker

  39. object TryValues extends TryValues

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of TryValues members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  40. lazy val color: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with colorPassed configuration parameter set to true.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with colorPassed configuration parameter set to true.

  41. package concurrent

  42. lazy val durations: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with durationsPassed configuration parameter set to true.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with durationsPassed configuration parameter set to true.

  43. package enablers

  44. package events

  45. package exceptions

  46. package fixture

  47. lazy val fullstacks: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with fullStacksPassed configuration parameter set to true.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with fullStacksPassed configuration parameter set to true.

  48. package junit

  49. package matchers

  50. package mock

  51. lazy val nocolor: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with colorPassed configuration parameter set to false.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with colorPassed configuration parameter set to false.

  52. lazy val nodurations: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with durationsPassed configuration parameter set to false.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with durationsPassed configuration parameter set to false.

  53. lazy val nostacks: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with shortStacksPassed configuration parameter set to false.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with shortStacksPassed configuration parameter set to false.

  54. lazy val nostats: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with statsPassed configuration parameter set to false.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with statsPassed configuration parameter set to false.

  55. package path

  56. package prop

  57. object run

    Singleton object providing an apply method for the ScalaTest shell and a main method for ScalaTest's simple runner.

  58. package selenium

  59. lazy val shortstacks: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with shortStacksPassed configuration parameter set to true.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with shortStacksPassed configuration parameter set to true.

  60. lazy val stats: Shell

    Returns a copy of this Shell with statsPassed configuration parameter set to true.

    Returns a copy of this Shell with statsPassed configuration parameter set to true.

  61. package tagobjects

  62. package tags

  63. package testng

  64. package time

  65. package tools

  66. package words

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
