

package sparql

Sparql package object

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. sparql
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit class AggInSelect extends SelectElement

  2. abstract class Aggregate extends QueryElement

    Aggregator class

  3. class AskQuery extends WithWhere

  4. case class Avg(v: Variable) extends Aggregate with Product with Serializable

  5. case class Base(iri: IRI) extends NameSpace with Product with Serializable

  6. case class Br(elements: QueryElement*) extends GP with Product with Serializable

    Sparql brackets

  7. class ConstructQuery extends WithWhere with GP

  8. case class Count(v: Variable) extends Aggregate with Product with Serializable

  9. class Data extends GP

  10. class Delete extends GP with WithWhere

    Class to Delete values

  11. case class DeleteInsertOnlyIf(delete: Delete, insert: Insert, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class DeleteInsertQuery(delete: Delete, insert: Insert) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class DeleteInsertUnless(delete: Delete, insert: Insert, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class DeleteOnlyIf(delete: Delete, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class DeleteQuery(delete: Delete) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class DeleteUnless(delete: Delete, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  17. case class EqualsFilter(left: Variable, right: Any) extends Filter with Product with Serializable

  18. class Filter extends QueryElement

  19. trait Filtered extends AnyRef

  20. case class From(iri: IRI) extends QueryElement with Product with Serializable

  21. trait GP extends QueryElement

    Group of elements

  22. trait HavingContainer extends AnyRef

  23. class Insert extends GP with WithWhere

  24. case class InsertDeleteOnlyIf(insert: Insert, delete: Delete, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  25. case class InsertDeleteQuery(insert: Insert, delete: Delete) extends Product with Serializable

  26. case class InsertDeleteUnless(insert: Insert, delete: Delete, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  27. case class InsertOnlyIf(insert: Insert, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  28. case class InsertQuery(insert: Insert) extends Product with Serializable

  29. case class InsertUnless(insert: Insert, question: AskQuery) extends Product with Serializable

  30. case class Max(v: Variable) extends Aggregate with Product with Serializable

  31. case class Min(v: Variable) extends Aggregate with Product with Serializable

  32. abstract class NameSpace extends AnyRef

  33. case class Optional(gp: QueryElement) extends GP with Product with Serializable

  34. case class Pat(sub: ResourcePatEl, pred: IRIPatEl, obj: ValuePatEl, cont: ResourcePatEl = null) extends QuadPattern with Product with Serializable

    Basic graph pattern

  35. class PatternGraph extends SPARQLGraph

  36. case class Prefix(prefix: String, iri: IRI) extends NameSpace with Product with Serializable

    Prefix class

  37. trait QuadPattern extends TripletPattern

  38. trait SPARQLGraph extends GP

  39. trait SelectElement extends QueryElement

  40. class SelectQuery extends WithWhere with VarContainer with Sliced

  41. trait Sliced extends AnyRef

  42. case class Sum(v: Variable) extends Aggregate with Product with Serializable

  43. trait TreeElement[T] extends AnyRef

  44. class TripletGraph extends SPARQLGraph

    grph that may contains only triplets (used by INSERT/DELETE DATA)

  45. trait TripletPattern extends QueryElement

  46. case class Union(left: QueryElement, right: QueryElement) extends GP with Product with Serializable

    unites to groups together

  47. trait VarContainer extends QueryElement

  48. case class Variable(name: String) extends IRIPatEl with SelectElement with Product with Serializable

  49. class WhereClause extends GP

  50. trait WithWhere extends QueryElement

Value Members

  1. def ?(name: String): Variable

  2. object ASK

  3. object CONSTRUCT

  4. object DATA

  5. object DELETE

  6. object GRAPH

  7. object INSERT

  8. object SELECT

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
