

package xsd

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AllDecl(namespace: Option[String], particles: List[Particle], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Product with Serializable

  2. trait Annotatable extends AnyRef

  3. case class AnnotationDecl(documentations: Seq[DocumentationDecl]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

  4. case class AnyAttributeDecl(namespaceConstraint: List[String], processContents: ProcessContents) extends AttributeLike with Product with Serializable

  5. case class AnyDecl(minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, namespaceConstraint: List[String], processContents: ProcessContents, uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with Particle with Product with Serializable

  6. trait Args extends Params

  7. case class AttributeDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol, defaultValue: Option[String] = scala.None, fixedValue: Option[String] = scala.None, use: AttributeUse = OptionalUse, qualified: Boolean = false, annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = scala.None, global: Boolean = true) extends AttributeLike with Annotatable with Product with Serializable

  8. case class AttributeGroupDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, attributes: List[AttributeLike], annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends AttributeLike with Annotatable with Product with Serializable

  9. case class AttributeGroupRef(namespace: Option[String], name: String) extends AttributeLike with Product with Serializable

  10. case class AttributeGroupSymbol(namespace: Option[String], name: String) extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol with Product with Serializable

  11. abstract class AttributeLike extends Decl

  12. case class AttributeRef(namespace: Option[String], name: String, defaultValue: Option[String], fixedValue: Option[String], use: AttributeUse) extends AttributeLike with Product with Serializable

  13. abstract class AttributeUse extends AnyRef

  14. class BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  15. sealed abstract class Cardinality extends AnyRef

  16. case class ChoiceDecl(namespace: Option[String], particles: List[Particle], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Product with Serializable

  17. case class CompContExtensionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, compositor: Option[HasParticle], attributes: List[AttributeLike]) extends ContentTypeDecl with ComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

  18. case class CompContRestrictionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, compositor: Option[HasParticle], attributes: List[AttributeLike]) extends ContentTypeDecl with ComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

  19. case class ComplexContentDecl(content: ComplexTypeContent) extends Decl with HasComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

    only complex types with complex content allow child elements

  20. trait ComplexTypeContent extends AnyRef

  21. case class ComplexTypeDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, family: List[String], abstractValue: Boolean, mixed: Boolean, content: HasComplexTypeContent, attributes: List[AttributeLike], annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends Decl with TypeDecl with Product with Serializable

    complex types may have element children and attributes.

  22. abstract class CompositorDecl extends Decl

  23. abstract class ContentTypeDecl extends Decl

  24. trait ContextProcessor extends ScalaNames with PackageName

  25. abstract class Decl extends AnyRef

  26. abstract class DerivSym extends AnyRef

  27. case class DocumentationDecl(any: Seq[Any]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

  28. class Driver extends Module

  29. case class ElemDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, typeSymbol: XsTypeSymbol, defaultValue: Option[String], fixedValue: Option[String], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, nillable: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, global: Boolean = false, qualified: Boolean = false, substitutionGroup: Option[(Option[String], String)] = scala.None, annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = scala.None) extends Decl with Particle with Annotatable with Product with Serializable

  30. case class ElemRef(namespace: Option[String], name: String, minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, nillable: Option[Boolean]) extends Decl with Particle with Product with Serializable

  31. case class EnumerationDecl(value: String) extends Facetable with Product with Serializable

  32. case class Extends(sym: XsTypeSymbol) extends DerivSym with Product with Serializable

  33. trait Facetable extends AnyRef

  34. abstract class GenProtocol extends ContextProcessor

  35. abstract class GenSource extends Parsers with XMLOutput

  36. case class GroupDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, particles: List[Particle], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Annotatable with Product with Serializable

  37. case class GroupRef(namespace: Option[String], name: String, particles: List[Particle], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Product with Serializable

  38. trait HasComplexTypeContent extends AnyRef

  39. trait HasContent extends AnyRef

  40. trait HasParticle extends Particle

  41. case class ImportDecl(namespace: Option[String], schemaLocation: Option[String]) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

  42. case class IncludeDecl(schemaLocation: String) extends Decl with Product with Serializable

  43. trait Lookup extends ContextProcessor

  44. case class NameKey(kind: NamespaceKind, namespace: Option[String], name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  45. sealed trait NamespaceKind extends AnyRef

  46. trait PackageName extends AnyRef

  47. trait Params extends Lookup

  48. class ParserConfig extends AnyRef

  49. trait Parsers extends Args with Params

  50. trait Particle extends AnyRef

  51. abstract class ProcessContents extends AnyRef

  52. class ReferenceTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  53. case class Restricts(sym: XsTypeSymbol) extends DerivSym with Product with Serializable

  54. case class SchemaDecl(targetNamespace: Option[String], elementQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false, attributeQualifiedDefault: Boolean = false, topElems: Map[String, ElemDecl] = ..., elemList: List[ElemDecl] = immutable.this.Nil, topTypes: Map[String, TypeDecl] = ..., typeList: List[TypeDecl] = immutable.this.Nil, choices: List[ChoiceDecl] = immutable.this.Nil, topAttrs: Map[String, AttributeDecl] = ..., attrList: List[AttributeDecl] = immutable.this.Nil, topGroups: Map[String, GroupDecl] = ..., topAttrGroups: Map[String, AttributeGroupDecl] = ..., typeToAnnotatable: Map[TypeDecl, Annotatable] = ..., annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl] = scala.None, scope: NamespaceBinding) extends Decl with Annotatable with Product with Serializable

  55. case class SchemaLite(targetNamespace: Option[String], imports: List[ImportDecl], includes: List[IncludeDecl]) extends Product with Serializable

  56. case class SequenceDecl(namespace: Option[String], particles: List[Particle], minOccurs: Int, maxOccurs: Int, uniqueId: Int = Incrementor.nextInt) extends CompositorDecl with HasParticle with Product with Serializable

  57. case class SimpContExtensionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, attributes: List[AttributeLike]) extends ContentTypeDecl with ComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

  58. case class SimpContRestrictionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, simpleType: Option[XsTypeSymbol], facets: List[Facetable], attributes: List[AttributeLike]) extends ContentTypeDecl with ComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

  59. case class SimpTypListDecl(itemType: XsTypeSymbol) extends ContentTypeDecl with Product with Serializable

  60. case class SimpTypRestrictionDecl(base: XsTypeSymbol, facets: List[Facetable]) extends ContentTypeDecl with Product with Serializable

  61. case class SimpTypUnionDecl() extends ContentTypeDecl with Product with Serializable

  62. case class SimpleContentDecl(content: ComplexTypeContent) extends Decl with HasComplexTypeContent with Product with Serializable

    complex types with simple content only allow character content.

  63. case class SimpleTypeDecl(namespace: Option[String], name: String, family: List[String], content: ContentTypeDecl, annotation: Option[AnnotationDecl]) extends Decl with TypeDecl with Product with Serializable

    simple types cannot have element children or attributes.

  64. trait TypeDecl extends Decl with Annotatable

  65. trait XMLOutput extends Args

  66. case class XsDataRecord(member: XsTypeSymbol) extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol with Product with Serializable

  67. trait XsTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol

  68. case class XsWildcard(namespaceConstraint: List[String]) extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol with Product with Serializable

  69. case class XsXMLFormat(member: Decl) extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol with Product with Serializable

  70. case class XsdContext(schemas: ListBuffer[SchemaDecl] = ..., typeNames: ListMap[NameKey, String] = ..., enumValueNames: ListMap[Option[String], ListMap[(String, EnumerationDecl), String]] = ..., packageNames: ListMap[Option[String], Option[String]] = ..., complexTypes: ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, ComplexTypeDecl)] = ..., baseToSubs: ListMap[ComplexTypeDecl, List[ComplexTypeDecl]] = ..., compositorParents: ListMap[HasParticle, ComplexTypeDecl] = ..., compositorNames: ListMap[HasParticle, String] = ..., groups: ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, GroupDecl)] = ..., substituteGroups: ListBuffer[(Option[String], String)] = ..., prefixes: ListMap[String, String] = ..., duplicatedTypes: ListBuffer[(SchemaDecl, Decl)] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AllDecl extends Serializable

  2. object AnnotationDecl extends Serializable

  3. object AnyAttributeDecl extends Serializable

  4. object AnyDecl extends Serializable

  5. object AnyType

  6. object AttributeDecl extends Serializable

  7. object AttributeGroupDecl extends Serializable

  8. object AttributeGroupKind extends NamespaceKind with Product with Serializable

  9. object AttributeGroupRef extends Serializable

  10. object AttributeLike

  11. object AttributeRef extends Serializable

  12. object ChoiceDecl extends Serializable

  13. object CompContExtensionDecl extends Serializable

  14. object CompContRestrictionDecl extends Serializable

  15. object ComplexContentDecl extends Serializable

  16. object ComplexTypeDecl extends Serializable

  17. object CompositorDecl

  18. object DocumentationDecl extends Serializable

  19. object ElemDecl extends Serializable

  20. object ElemRef extends Serializable

  21. object EnumerationDecl extends Serializable

  22. object Facetable

  23. object GroupDecl extends Serializable

  24. object GroupKind extends NamespaceKind with Product with Serializable

  25. object GroupRef extends Serializable

  26. object ImportDecl extends Serializable

  27. object IncludeDecl extends Serializable

  28. object Incrementor

  29. object LaxProcess extends ProcessContents

  30. object Multiple extends Cardinality with Product with Serializable

  31. object NameKey extends Serializable

  32. object Optional extends Cardinality with Product with Serializable

  33. object OptionalUse extends AttributeUse

  34. object ProhibitedUse extends AttributeUse

  35. object ReferenceTypeSymbol

  36. object RequiredUse extends AttributeUse

  37. object SchemaDecl extends Serializable

  38. object SchemaKind extends NamespaceKind with Product with Serializable

  39. object SchemaLite extends Serializable

  40. object SequenceDecl extends Serializable

  41. object SimpContExtensionDecl extends Serializable

  42. object SimpContRestrictionDecl extends Serializable

  43. object SimpTypListDecl extends Serializable

  44. object SimpTypRestrictionDecl extends Serializable

  45. object SimpTypUnionDecl extends Serializable

  46. object SimpleContentDecl extends Serializable

  47. object SimpleTypeDecl extends Serializable

  48. object Single extends Cardinality with Product with Serializable

  49. object SkipProcess extends ProcessContents

  50. object StrictProcess extends ProcessContents

  51. object TypeSymbolParser

  52. object XsAnyAttribute extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  53. object XsAnySimpleType extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  54. object XsAnyType extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  55. object XsAnyURI extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  56. object XsBase64Binary extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  57. object XsBoolean extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  58. object XsByte extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  59. object XsDate extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  60. object XsDateTime extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  61. object XsDecimal extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  62. object XsDouble extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  63. object XsDuration extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  64. object XsENTITIES extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  65. object XsENTITY extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  66. object XsFloat extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  67. object XsGDay extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  68. object XsGMonth extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  69. object XsGMonthDay extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  70. object XsGYear extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  71. object XsGYearMonth extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  72. object XsHexBinary extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  73. object XsID extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  74. object XsIDREF extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  75. object XsIDREFS extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  76. object XsInt extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  77. object XsInteger extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  78. object XsInterNamespace extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  79. object XsLanguage extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  80. object XsLong extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  81. object XsLongAll extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  82. object XsLongAttribute extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  83. object XsMixed extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  84. object XsNCName extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  85. object XsNMTOKEN extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  86. object XsNMTOKENS extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  87. object XsNOTATION extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  88. object XsName extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  89. object XsNegativeInteger extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  90. object XsNillableAny extends TypeSymbol with XsTypeSymbol

  91. object XsNonNegativeInteger extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  92. object XsNonPositiveInteger extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  93. object XsNormalizedString extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  94. object XsPositiveInteger extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  95. object XsQName extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  96. object XsShort extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  97. object XsString extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  98. object XsTime extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  99. object XsToken extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  100. object XsTypeSymbol

  101. object XsUnknown extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  102. object XsUnsignedByte extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  103. object XsUnsignedInt extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  104. object XsUnsignedLong extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  105. object XsUnsignedShort extends BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol

  106. object XsdTypeKind extends NamespaceKind with Product with Serializable
