

package stream

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. stream
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait Cause extends AnyRef

    Defines termination cause for the process.

  2. type Channel[+F[_], -I, O] = Process[F, (I) ⇒ F[O]]

    An effectful channel, to which we can send values and get back responses.

    An effectful channel, to which we can send values and get back responses. Modeled as a source of effectful functions.

  3. final case class Exchange[I, W](read: Process[Task, I], write: Sink[Task, W]) extends Product with Serializable

    Exchange represents interconnection between two systems.

  4. sealed trait Process[+F[_], +O] extends Process1Ops[F, O] with TeeOps[F, O]

    An effectful stream of O values.

  5. type Process0[+O] = Process[Nothing, O]

  6. type Process1[-I, +O] = Process[Is, O]

    A single input stream transducer.

    A single input stream transducer. Accepts input of type I, and emits values of type O.

  7. sealed trait ReceiveY[+A, +B] extends AnyRef

  8. type Sink[+F[_], -O] = Process[F, (O) ⇒ F[Unit]]

    An effectful sink, to which we can send values.

    An effectful sink, to which we can send values. Modeled as a source of effectful functions.

  9. type Tee[-I, -I2, +O] = Process[T, O]

    A stream transducer that can read from one of two inputs, the 'left' (of type I) or the 'right' (of type I2).

    A stream transducer that can read from one of two inputs, the 'left' (of type I) or the 'right' (of type I2). Process1[I,O] <: Tee[I,I2,O].

  10. type TeeW[+W, -I, -I2, +O] = Process[T, \/[W, O]]

    A Tee that writes values of type W.

  11. type Writer[+F[_], +W, +O] = Process[F, \/[W, O]]

    A Writer[F,W,O] is a Process[F, W \/ O].

    A Writer[F,W,O] is a Process[F, W \/ O]. See Process.WriterSyntax for convenience functions for working with either the written values (the W) or the output values (the O).

    This is useful for logging or other situations where we want to emit some values 'on the side' while doing something else with the main output of a Process.

  12. type Writer1[+W, -I, +O] = Process[Is, \/[W, O]]

    A Process1 that writes values of type W.

  13. type Wye[-I, -I2, +O] = Process[Y, O]

    A stream transducer that can read from one of two inputs, non-deterministically.

  14. trait WyeOps[+O] extends AnyRef

  15. type WyeW[+W, -I, -I2, +O] = Process[Y, \/[W, O]]

    A Wye that writes values of type W.

Value Members

  1. object Cause

  2. val DefaultScheduler: ScheduledExecutorService

    Scheduler used for timing processes.

    Scheduler used for timing processes. This thread pool shall not be used for general purpose Process or Task execution

  3. object Exchange extends Serializable

  4. object Process extends ProcessInstances

  5. object ReceiveY

  6. package async

  7. implicit val byteVectorSemigroupInstance: Semigroup[ByteVector]

  8. object channel

  9. object compress

  10. object hash

  11. object io

    Module of Process functions and combinators for file and network I/O.

  12. package nio

  13. object process1

  14. object sink

  15. object tcp

  16. object tee

  17. object text

    Module for text related processes.

  18. object time

  19. object udp

  20. object writer

  21. object wye

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
