

package play

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class PlayAppModule extends StaticModule

  2. trait ScaldiSupport extends GlobalSettings with Injectable

    Adds Scaldi support to the Global.

    Adds Scaldi support to the Global.

    If you mix-in ScaldiSupport in the Global, then you need to implement applicationModule method:

    override def applicationModule = new MyAppModule :: new AnotherModule

    Implicit Injector would be available in scope so you can use it in different play callbacks like onStart and onStop (ScaldiSupport also extends Injectable, so you can use inject without any additional setup):

    override def onStart(app: Application) = {
      val service = inject [Service]

    ScaldiSupport provides following pre-defined bindings:

    • playApp - Current play application
    • playMode - Current play application's mode (Dev, Prod or Test)
    • config - Current play application's configuration (all properties of configuration are also available as bindings)

Value Members

  1. package condition

    Provides some Play-specific conditions that can be used in the mappings:

    Provides some Play-specific conditions that can be used in the mappings:

    bind [MessageService] when (inDevMode or inTestMode) to new SimpleMessageService
    bind [MessageService] when inProdMode to new OfficialMessageService
