Append to an appendable, always returns Done for a line, cont for everything else TODO - should it be a pair including the appendable?
drop while iteratee
Calls the function param with the fed data and returns its result
Extract the Some(value) from a Done or None if it was not Done.
Extract the continuation from a Done
filter iteratee, greedily taking all content until eof
"find" iteratee, finds Some(first) or None
Stepwise fold, each element is evaluated but each one is returned as a result+resumable iter.
Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF.
Folds over the Iteratee with Cont or Done and Empty, returning with Done and EOF. If there is a ping pong on enumerator -> Cont -> enumerator then we'll of course get an infinite loop.
foldI returns a ResumableIter that performs a fold until a done, this folds over the enumerator to return a value.
combine with onDone to get through chunks of data.
Helper to identify dones
Helper for done and eof
Helper for done and empty
onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying the element, when the resulting list contains a Done then the list of Dones is returned.
onDone, iterates over the list of iteratees applying the element, when the resulting list contains a Done then the list of Dones is returned.
One can use tuples or pattern matching to discern which of the original lists iteratees have matched.
Due to the return type of this iteratee all items in the list must return the same type and must return both an A and an IterV with the same interface to continue with the next and maintain state.
In the case of EOF, an empty list is returned
keeps a running count of each element, probably not of much use unless combined but acts as a good poc for ResumableIter
Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.
Converts a normal IterV[E,A] to a ResumableIter.
Does so by folding over the iter once for an input and when its Done starting again with the original iter. This is close to restarting the iter on a new "stream", otherwise all attempts to keep the Cont will be made.
Converts the iteratee/enumerator/source triple into a Iterator
Collection of iterateees