

package xpath

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Type Members

  1. class Ancestors extends Iterable[xml.XmlPath]

    Returns the ancestors / parents of the path

  2. trait AttributeAxis extends Axis

    The * and @ must be swapped otherwise its an annotation

  3. class DIF extends AnyRef

    Dummy implicit filler for easing interface issues

  4. trait DocumentSplitters extends Axis

    Following and preceding split the document in two

  5. trait ElementStep extends Axis

  6. class Following extends Iterable[xml.XmlPath]

    Iterates over paths using the document order as per the following_:: axis.

  7. trait FunctionImplicits extends TextImplicits with NamesImplicits

  8. trait NameFunctions extends AnyRef

    Functions providing access to QNames

  9. trait Names[T] extends AnyRef

    Type class representing Xml objects which provide qnames.

  10. trait NamesImplicits extends AnyRef

    Name type classes

  11. trait OtherNodeTypes extends Axis

    Little depature from standard, rather than duplicate all of the \ and \\ nodes, just a simple \\*() comment() will do

  12. class Preceding extends Iterable[xml.XmlPath]

    Iterates over paths using reverse document order and, as per the preceding_:: axis, skips all ancestors.

  13. trait SiblingsAxis extends Axis

    Unlike XPath spec no reverse axis are directly provided by the dsl

  14. trait TextFunctions extends AnyRef

  15. trait TextImplicits extends AnyRef

  16. trait TextValue[T] extends AnyRef

    Type class for text values

Value Members

  1. object AQNameNames extends Names[xml.AttributeQName]

  2. object AttributeNames extends Names[Attribute]

  3. object AttributePathNames extends Names[AttributePath]

  4. object AttributePathText extends TextValue[AttributePath]

  5. object AttributePathsNames extends Names[AttributePaths[_]]

  6. object AttributePathsText extends TextValue[AttributePaths[_]]

  7. object AttributeText extends TextValue[Attribute]

  8. object DIF

  9. object DslNames extends Names[DslBuilder]

  10. object DslText extends TextValue[DslBuilder]

  11. object ElemNames extends Names[Elem]

  12. object EmptyQName

    Represents an empty qname for those cases that should return empty string

  13. object Functions extends NameFunctions with TextFunctions

    Collects all type class based xpath functions, exposed via Functions in package

  14. object ItemOrElemText extends TextValue[xml.ItemOrElem]

  15. object QNameNames extends Names[QName]

  16. object XPathNames extends Names[XPath[_]]

  17. object XPathText extends TextValue[XPath[_]]

  18. object XmlItemText extends TextValue[XmlItem]

  19. object XmlPathNames extends Names[xml.XmlPath]

  20. object XmlPathText extends TextValue[xml.XmlPath]

  21. object XmlTreeNames extends Names[xml.XmlTree]

  22. object XmlTreeText extends TextValue[xml.XmlTree]

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Attributes

    Functions for use with attributes

  2. object Elements

    Functions related to Elems, including the string( .

  3. object OldTextFunctions

    Functions related to text nodes
