

package array

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Type Members

  1. trait ArraySetArray[A] extends ArraySet[A] with ArraySetsFactory[A]

    Exact array only, grows by one / shrinks by one

  2. trait ArraySetFive[A] extends ArraySetFour[A]

  3. trait ArraySetFour[A] extends ArraySetThree[A]

  4. trait ArraySetOne[A] extends EmptyArraySet[A]

  5. trait ArraySetThree[A] extends ArraySetTwo[A]

  6. trait ArraySetTwo[A] extends ArraySetOne[A]

  7. trait EmptyArraySet[A] extends ArraySet[A] with ArraySetsFactory[A]

  8. case class IAEmpty[+A]() extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A] with Product with Serializable

  9. case class IAOne[+A](one: A) extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A] with Product with Serializable

  10. case class IAThree[+A](one: A, two: A, three: A) extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A] with Product with Serializable

  11. case class IATwo[+A](one: A, two: A) extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A] with Product with Serializable

  12. case class ImmutableArray[+A](base: Array[AnyRef], offset: Int, len: Int) extends ImmutableArrayT[A] with Product with Serializable

    Object arrays are just faster, System.

  13. case class ImmutableArrayAll[+A](base: Array[AnyRef]) extends ImmutableArrayT[A] with Product with Serializable

    Don't add the offset and length, for building a dom this save 8 per elem, only matters for large docs (can save 4mb from 54mb), but can't hurt small ones.

  14. final class ImmutableArrayBuilder[A] extends Builder[A, ImmutableArray[A]]

    Behaves like an ArrayList/ArrayBuffer, growing an internal array as necessary

  15. trait ImmutableArrayT[+A] extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A]

    Object arrays are just faster, System.

  16. case class VectorImpl[+A](ar: Vector[A]) extends ImmutableArrayProxy[A] with Product with Serializable

    Proxy Vector.

Value Members

  1. object ImmutableArray extends Serializable
