

package io

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Type Members

  1. case class AppendableWriter(out: Appendable) extends Writer with Product with Serializable

    To provide a writer to LSSerializer (and anything else that wants it _) we need to wrap appendables.

  2. class ByteArrayPool extends SimpleUnboundedPool[Array[Byte]]

    Pools byte arrays

  3. final case class Chunk(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int) extends DataChunk with Product with Serializable

    A section of a Byte array

  4. sealed trait DataChunk extends AnyRef

    Represents a chunk of data to feed into an async parser.

  5. sealed trait DataChunkEvidence[T] extends AnyRef

  6. trait DataChunker[T] extends CloseOnNeed

    An abstraction over a stream that provides DataChunks

  7. class DirectBufferPool extends SimpleUnboundedPool[ByteBuffer]


  8. final case class FullChunk(array: Array[Byte]) extends DataChunk with Product with Serializable

    Represents the full array

  9. class JVMBufferPool extends SimpleUnboundedPool[ByteBuffer]


  10. case class ProxiedCloseOnNeedInputStream(orig: InputStream) extends InputStream with CloseOnNeed with Product with Serializable

    Wrap the InputStream to allow better bracketing etc.

  11. case class ProxiedCloseOnNeedReader(orig: Reader) extends Reader with CloseOnNeed with Product with Serializable

    Wrap the Reader to allow better bracketing etc.

  12. class RBCImplicitWrapper extends AnyRef

    Convenience function for wrapping a channel

  13. class ReadableByteChannelWrapper[T] extends ReadableByteChannelWrapperBase[T]

    Wraps a ReadableByteChannel to provide DataChunks, optionally closes the channel (defaults to closing).

  14. class ReadableByteChannelWrapperBase[T] extends DataChunker[T] with CloseOnNeed

    Wraps a ReadableByteChannel to provide DataChunks, optionally closes the channel (defaults to closing).

  15. trait ReadableByteChannelWrapperImplicits extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object DataChunkEvidence

  2. object DefaultBufferPool extends JVMBufferPool

    Default buffer pool backed by byte arrays

  3. object DefaultByteArrayPool extends ByteArrayPool

    Default Byte Array pool with 8k chunks

  4. object EOFData extends DataChunk

    Represents the end of a stream, no more Bytes are available

  5. object EmptyData extends DataChunk

    Represents a data stream with no immediate data to return.

  6. object ReadableByteChannelWrapper

  7. object ScalesUtilsIO extends ReadableByteChannelWrapperImplicits
