

package pull

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Type Members

  1. case class ByteSourceUser(stream: ProxiedCloseOnNeedInputStream) extends SourceUser with Product with Serializable

  2. case class CharacterSourceUser(reader: ProxiedCloseOnNeedReader) extends SourceUser with Product with Serializable

  3. class Iterate extends FlatMapIterator[xml.XmlPath]

    Iterates over a path of QNames producing XPaths for a given Iterator[PullType]

  4. trait IterateFunctions extends AnyRef

  5. sealed trait SourceUser extends CloseOnNeed

    We should give the stax what it needs to work best, especially with encoding issues, converting streams to readers etc is teh suxor

  6. trait XmlPull extends Iterator[xml.PullType] with DocLike

    Basis for xmlpulls, an Iterator[PullType]

  7. trait XmlPulls extends AnyRef

    Wraps the stax cursor inteface (iterator just adds weight here).

Value Members

  1. object PullUtils
