



package serializers

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CDataCannotBeEncoded(what: String) extends CannotBeEncoded with Product with Serializable


    The CData content must be split due to encoding issues, which isn't supported (due to bad CData handling on Sun JRE and differences with Xalan.

    The CData content must be split due to encoding issues, which isn't supported (due to bad CData handling on Sun JRE and differences with Xalan.

    NOTE The Xalan behaviour follows the DOMConfiguration behaviour but will split on encoding issues, which breaks the point of using CData, so if you need that, don't use it, let your sax / pull parser handle proper serilization and escaping for you in a normal text field.

  2. class CannotBeEncoded extends SerializationException

  3. case class CannotSerialize(what: String) extends SerializationException with Product with Serializable


    For a given content it could not be serialized in the document.

  4. case class CommentCannotBeEncoded(what: String) extends CannotBeEncoded with Product with Serializable


    Comments don't support & recognition, which means you can't escape the encoding, either they encode or they do not

  5. case class IncompatibleQNameVersions(what: String) extends SerializationException with Product with Serializable


    Result of trying to serialize a 1.1 ncname into a 1.0 document

  6. case class InvalidCharacterInMarkup(what: String) extends SerializationException with Product with Serializable


    The serialization encoding cannot support the characters in a given markup (attribute name or element name.

    The serialization encoding cannot support the characters in a given markup (attribute name or element name. ächtung in UTF-8 works but not in US-ASCII.

  7. trait LSSerializer extends Serializer


    Default serializer, correctness first.

    Default serializer, correctness first. Uses the LSSerializer present in each DOM L3 impl. XmlItems are always serialized with the LS, elements and attributes are however for speed reasons, verified for encoding once per QName; the attribute values themselves are written via Text nodes and LS.

  8. trait LSSerializerConcurrentCacheFactory extends LSSerializerFactoryBase

  9. trait LSSerializerConcurrentCacheFactoryXHTML extends LSSerializerConcurrentCacheFactory

  10. trait LSSerializerFactoryBase extends SerializerFactory


    Base implementation for a correct serializer using LSSerializer to provide escape character references.

    Base implementation for a correct serializer using LSSerializer to provide escape character references.

    Developers can override this directly implementing encF, or choose to override createSerializer to further change serialization behaviour

  11. trait LSSerializerNoCacheFactoryT extends LSSerializerFactoryBase


    This variety does not use a thread safe global cache, use when your data is progressivly radically different for each run.

    This variety does not use a thread safe global cache, use when your data is progressivly radically different for each run.

    If you don't like this scheme either simply implement LSSerializerFactoryBase with your own caching needs.

  12. case class NamespaceContext(mappings: Map[String, String], declMap: Map[String, String], addDefault: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    A NamespaceContext represents the prefix->namespace mappings for a given elements children.

    A NamespaceContext represents the prefix->namespace mappings for a given elements children. It is only valid for the time of serialization (or comparison).


    prefix -> namespace


    prefix -> namespace (these should be declared for a given element)


    should a new xmlns="" default be added, if so Some(String)

  13. case class NoDataInStream() extends SerializationException with Product with Serializable


    The stream of PullTypes was empty.

  14. case class PICannotBeEncoded(what: String) extends CannotBeEncoded with Product with Serializable


    PIs also suffer a bad specification

  15. class SerializationException extends RuntimeException


    Base exception marker for serialization

  16. trait SerializeableXml[T] extends AnyRef


    Type class for choosing a serializing algo

  17. trait Serializer extends AnyRef


    Interface used for serializing the XML events, same for both stream and tree.

    Interface used for serializing the XML events, same for both stream and tree.

    The default implementation validates the output via LSSerializer against a given encoding.

    An alternative FastSerializer simply outputs strings and is in no way correct but at least faster then going to StreamWriter for incorrectness.

    Serializers should use qName.ncName for serialization purposes of both attributes and elements, the QName is provided to allow for validation of ouput.

    If a function returns Some it should signal the termination of the serializing. Implementations are expected to respect this approach, its for the benefit of all developers.

    List[QName] is provided to help if path relevant information is needed for serialization. For example if a use case requires that a particular path is filtered out. Purely for performance reasons the list is in reverse order with the current QName at the top and root at the bottom.

  18. case class SerializerData(out: Writer, version: XmlVersion = ScalesXml.defaultVersion, encoding: Charset = defaultCharset) extends Product with Serializable

  19. trait SerializerFactory extends AnyRef


    Serializer factories are responsible for the life cycle of serializers and their resources.

  20. trait SerializerImplicits extends AnyRef


    SerializeableXml instances for the core types

  21. trait SerializingIter extends AnyRef


    Provide push based serializing Iteratee

  22. trait SimpleSerializer extends Serializer


    Performs no validation, sorting of attributes, extra spaces on the end of empty element declarations and uses the short form for empty elements.

    Performs no validation, sorting of attributes, extra spaces on the end of empty element declarations and uses the short form for empty elements.

    Basically its good for non-pretty printing debugging only

  23. class StreamSerializer[T] extends SerializeableXml[T]


    Provides a base class for steam handling

  24. case class StreamStatus(output: XmlOutput, thrown: Option[Throwable] = None, isEmpty: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable


    Status of stream processing

  25. case class WriteTo[T](it: T, version: Option[XmlVersion] = None, encoding: Option[Charset] = None)(implicit evidence$1: SerializeableXml[T]) extends Product with Serializable


    Wraps the use of writeTo allowing: xml writeTo output

  26. trait XHTMLLSSerializer extends LSSerializer


    Adds an extra space after an empty element

  27. case class XmlOutput(data: SerializerData, currentMappings: List[Map[String, String]] = ..., path: List[QName] = List())(implicit serializerFI: SerializerFactory) extends Product with Serializable


    This class represents state during a serialization

  28. trait XmlPrinter extends AnyRef

  29. trait XmlPrinterImplicits extends AnyRef


Value Members

  1. object LSSerializerFactory extends LSSerializerConcurrentCacheFactory


    Default implmementation of serialization

  2. object LSSerializerFactoryXHTML extends LSSerializerConcurrentCacheFactoryXHTML


    XHTML serialization extra touches

  3. object LSSerializerNoCacheFactory extends LSSerializerNoCacheFactoryT

  4. object SerializerHelpers

  5. object SimpleSerializerFactory extends SerializerFactory

  6. object StreamSerializer


    Provides basis for serialisation of streams.
