
package scalikejdbc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ActiveSession(conn: Connection, connectionAttributes: DBConnectionAttributes, tx: Option[Tx] = None, isReadOnly: Boolean = false) extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Active session implementation of scalikejdbc.DBSession.

    Active session implementation of scalikejdbc.DBSession.

    This class provides readOnly/autoCommit/localTx/withinTx blocks and session objects.

    import scalikejdbc._
    val userIdList = DB autoCommit { session: DBSession =>
      session.list("select * from user") { rs =>"id") }





    is read only

  2. trait AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[Z, E]

    All output decisions are unsupported by default.

    All output decisions are unsupported by default.


    return type


    extractor constraint

  3. class AuthenticatedDataSourceConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool

    Connection Pool using external DataSource

    Connection Pool using external DataSource

    Note: Commons-DBCP doesn't support this API.

  4. class BoneCPConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool

    BoneCP Connection Pool

    BoneCP Connection Pool

    See also

  5. class Commons2ConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool

    Commons DBCP Connection Pool

    Commons DBCP Connection Pool

    See also

  6. class CommonsConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool

    Commons DBCP Connection Pool

    Commons DBCP Connection Pool

    See also

  7. abstract class ConnectionPool extends AnyRef

    Connection Pool

  8. trait ConnectionPoolContext extends AnyRef

    Connection pool context

  9. trait ConnectionPoolFactory extends AnyRef

    Connection Pool Factory

  10. case class ConnectionPoolSettings(initialSize: Int = 0, maxSize: Int = 8, connectionTimeoutMillis: Long = 5000L, validationQuery: String = null, connectionPoolFactoryName: String = null, driverName: String = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Settings for ConnectionPool

  11. case class DB(conn: Connection, connectionAttributes: DBConnectionAttributes = DBConnectionAttributes()) extends DBConnection with Product with Serializable

    Basic Database Accessor

    Basic Database Accessor

    Using DBSession:

    import scalikejdbc._
    case class User(id: Int, name: String)
    using(ConnectionPool(name).borrow()) { conn =>
      val users = DB(conn) readOnly { session =>
        session.list("select * from user") { rs =>
          User("id"), rs.string("name"))
      DB(conn) autoCommit { session =>
        session.update("insert into user values (?,?)", 123, "Alice")
      DB(conn) localTx { session =>
        session.update("insert into user values (?,?)", 123, "Alice")

    Using SQL:

    import scalikejdbc._
    case class User(id: Int, name: String)
    using(ConnectionPool.borrow()) { conn =>
      val users = DB(conn) readOnly { session =>
        SQL("select * from user").map { rs =>
          User("id"), rs.string("name"))
      DB(conn) autoCommit { session =>
        SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
      DB(conn) localTx { session =>
        SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
  12. trait DBConnection extends LogSupport with LoanPattern

    Basic Database Accessor which holds a JDBC connection.

  13. case class DBConnectionAttributes(driverName: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional attributes for current JDBC connection.

  14. trait DBSession extends LogSupport with LoanPattern

    DB Session

    DB Session

    This class provides readOnly/autoCommit/localTx/withinTx blocks and session objects.

    import scalikejdbc._
    val userIdList = DB autoCommit { session: DBSession =>
      session.list("select * from user") { rs =>"id") }
  15. class DataSourceConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool

    Connection Pool using external DataSource

  16. trait EntityEquality extends AnyRef

    Entity identifier provider for equality (especially for scalikejdbc.RelationalSQL operation).

    Entity identifier provider for equality (especially for scalikejdbc.RelationalSQL operation).

    Notice: Inheritance is not supported.

    class Person(val id: Long) extends EntityEquality { override val entityIdentity = id } class Member(override val id: Long) extends Person(id)

    val p1 = new Person(123) val p2 = new Person(123) val m1 = new Member(123) val m2 = new Member(123)

    p1 == p2 && p2 == p1 // true p1 == m1 || m1 == p1 // false m1 == m2 && m2 == m1 // true

  17. trait HasExtractor extends WithExtractor

    Represents that this SQL already has an extractor

  18. case class IllegalRelationshipException(message: String) extends IllegalStateException with Product with Serializable

    Exception which represents that an illegal relationship is found.

  19. case class InvalidColumnNameException(name: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Exception which represents invalid key is specified.

  20. case class JDBCSettings(url: String, user: String, password: String, driverName: String) extends Product with Serializable

    JDBC Settings

  21. case class JDBCUrl(host: String, port: Int, database: String) extends Product with Serializable

    JDBC URL which contains host, port and database name

    JDBC URL which contains host, port and database name


  22. case class LikeConditionEscapeUtil(escapeChar: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Utility to escape like condition special characters.

  23. trait LoanPattern extends AnyRef

    Loan pattern implementation

  24. final class LocalTimeConverter extends AnyVal

    org.joda.time.LocalTime converter.

  25. case class LoggingSQLAndTimeSettings(enabled: Boolean = true, singleLineMode: Boolean = false, printUnprocessedStackTrace: Boolean = false, stackTraceDepth: Int = 15, logLevel: Symbol = 'debug, warningEnabled: Boolean = false, warningThresholdMillis: Long = 3000L, warningLogLevel: Symbol = 'warn) extends Product with Serializable

    Settings for logging SQL and timing

  26. trait LowPriorityTypeBinderImplicits extends AnyRef

  27. case class MultipleConnectionPoolContext(contexts: (Any, ConnectionPool)*) extends ConnectionPoolContext with Product with Serializable

    Multiple connection pool context

  28. case class NameBindingSQLValidatorSettings(ignoredParams: IgnoredParamsValidation = ExceptionForIgnoredParams) extends Product with Serializable

    Settings for Name binding SQL validator

  29. case class NamedAutoSession(name: Any) extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Represents that already existing session will be used or a new session which is retrieved from named connection pool will be started.

  30. case class NamedDB(name: Any)(implicit context: ConnectionPoolContext = NoConnectionPoolContext) extends DBConnection with Product with Serializable

    Named Basic DB Accessor

    Named Basic DB Accessor

    It's easier to use named ConnectionPool with this class.

    ConnectionPool.add('named, "jdbc:...", "user", "password")
    val users = NamedDB('named) readOnly { session =>
      session.list("select * from user")
  31. trait NoExtractor extends WithExtractor

    Represents that this SQL doesn't have an extractor yet

  32. class OneToManies2SQL[A, B1, B2, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  33. class OneToManies2SQLToList[A, B1, B2, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with OutputDecisions[Z, E] with OneToManies2Extractor[A, B1, B2, E, Z]

  34. class OneToManies2SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies2Extractor[A, B1, B2, E, Z]

  35. class OneToManies2SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies2Extractor[A, B1, B2, E, Z]

  36. class OneToManies3SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  37. class OneToManies3SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies3Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, E, Z]

  38. class OneToManies3SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies3Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, E, Z]

  39. class OneToManies3SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies3Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, E, Z]

  40. class OneToManies4SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  41. class OneToManies4SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies4Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E, Z]

  42. class OneToManies4SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies4Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E, Z]

  43. class OneToManies4SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies4Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, E, Z]

  44. class OneToManies5SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  45. class OneToManies5SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies5Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E, Z]

  46. class OneToManies5SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies5Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E, Z]

  47. class OneToManies5SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies5Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, E, Z]

  48. class OneToManies6SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  49. class OneToManies6SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies6Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E, Z]

  50. class OneToManies6SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies6Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E, Z]

  51. class OneToManies6SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies6Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E, Z]

  52. class OneToManies7SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  53. class OneToManies7SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies7Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E, Z]

  54. class OneToManies7SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies7Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E, Z]

  55. class OneToManies7SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies7Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, E, Z]

  56. class OneToManies8SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  57. class OneToManies8SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies8Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E, Z]

  58. class OneToManies8SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies8Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E, Z]

  59. class OneToManies8SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies8Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, E, Z]

  60. class OneToManies9SQL[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  61. class OneToManies9SQLToList[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies9Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E, Z]

  62. class OneToManies9SQLToOption[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies9Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E, Z]

  63. class OneToManies9SQLToTraversable[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManies9Extractor[A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, E, Z]

  64. class OneToManySQL[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  65. class OneToManySQLToList[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManyExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  66. class OneToManySQLToOption[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManyExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  67. class OneToManySQLToTraversable[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToManyExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  68. class OneToOneSQL[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

  69. class OneToOneSQLToList[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToList[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToOneExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  70. class OneToOneSQLToOption[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToOption[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToOneExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  71. class OneToOneSQLToTraversable[A, B, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with SQLToTraversable[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E] with OneToOneExtractor[A, B, E, Z]

  72. class OneToXSQL[A, E <: WithExtractor, Z] extends SQL[Z, E] with AllOutputDecisionsUnsupported[Z, E]

    Endpoint of one-to-x APIs

  73. trait ParameterBinder[A] extends AnyRef

    ParameterBinder which enables customizing StatementExecutor#binParams.

    ParameterBinder which enables customizing StatementExecutor#binParams.

    val bytes = Array[Byte](1,2,3, ...)
    val in = ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
    val bin = ParameterBinder(
      value = in,
      binder = (stmt, idx) => stmt.setBinaryStream(idx, in, bytes.length)
    sql"insert into table (bin) values (${bin})".update.apply()
  74. case class ReadOnlyNamedAutoSession(name: Any) extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Represents that already existing session will be used or a new read-only session which is retrieved from named connection pool will be started.

  75. class ResultSetCursor extends AnyRef

    java.sql.ResultSet cursor

  76. case class ResultSetExtractorException(message: String, e: Option[Exception] = None) extends IllegalArgumentException with Product with Serializable

    Exception which represents failure on ResultSet extraction.

  77. class ResultSetTraversable extends Traversable[WrappedResultSet] with LoanPattern

    scala.collection.Traversable object which wraps java.sql.ResultSet.

  78. abstract class SQL[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends Extractor[A]

    SQL abstraction.

    SQL abstraction.


    return type

  79. class SQLBatch extends AnyRef

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeBatch().

  80. class SQLExecution extends AnyRef

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#execute().

  81. trait SQLFormatter extends AnyRef

    SQL formatter

  82. case class SQLFormatterSettings(formatterClassName: Option[String]) extends LogSupport with Product with Serializable

    Settings for SQL formatter

  83. final class SQLInterpolationString extends AnyVal

    SQLInterpolation definition

  84. trait SQLToList[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with Extractor[A]

    SQL to List

    SQL to List


    return type


    extractor settings

  85. class SQLToListImpl[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with OutputDecisions[A, E] with SQLToList[A, E]

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.collection.immutable.List value.

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.collection.immutable.List value.


    return type

  86. trait SQLToOption[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with Extractor[A]

    SQL to Option

    SQL to Option


    return type


    extractor settings

  87. class SQLToOptionImpl[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with OutputDecisions[A, E] with SQLToOption[A, E]

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.Option value.

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.Option value.


    return type

  88. trait SQLToTraversable[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with Extractor[A]

    SQL to Traversable

    SQL to Traversable


    return type


    extractor settings

  89. class SQLToTraversableImpl[A, E <: WithExtractor] extends SQL[A, E] with OutputDecisions[A, E] with SQLToTraversable[A, E]

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.collection.Traversable value.

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeQuery() and returns the result as scala.collection.Traversable value.


    return type

  90. class SQLUpdate extends AnyRef

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate().

  91. class SQLUpdateWithGeneratedKey extends AnyRef

    SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate() and get generated key value.

  92. final class ScalaBigDecimalConverter extends AnyVal

    BigDecimal converter.

  93. trait ScalaBigDecimalConverterImplicits extends AnyRef

    Implicit conversions for BigDecimal values.

  94. case class StatementExecutor(underlying: PreparedStatement, template: String, singleParams: Seq[Any] = Nil, tags: Seq[String] = Nil, isBatch: Boolean = false) extends LogSupport with UnixTimeInMillisConverterImplicits with Product with Serializable

    java.sql.Statement Executor.

    java.sql.Statement Executor.




    SQL template


    parameters for single execution (= not batch execution)


    is batch flag

  95. case class StringSQLRunner(sql: String) extends LogSupport with Product with Serializable

    String SQL Runner

    String SQL Runner

    Basic Usage:

    import scalikejdbc.StringSQLRunner._
    val result: List[Map[String, Any]] = "insert into users values (1, 'Alice')".run()
    val users: List[Map[String, Any]] = "select * from users".run()

    SQL value

  96. case class TooManyRowsException(expected: Int, actual: Int) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Exception which represents too many rows returned.

  97. class Tx extends AnyRef

    DB Transaction abstraction.

  98. trait TxBoundary[A] extends AnyRef

    This type class enable users to customize the behavior of transaction boundary(commit/rollback).

  99. trait TypeBinder[+A] extends AnyRef

    Type binder for java.sql.ResultSet.

  100. class UnexpectedNullValueException extends Exception

  101. final class UnixTimeInMillisConverter extends AnyVal

    Unix Time Converter to several types.

  102. trait UnixTimeInMillisConverterImplicits extends AnyRef

    Implicit conversions for date time values.

  103. sealed trait WithExtractor extends AnyRef

    Represents an extractor is already specified or not

  104. case class WrappedResultSet(underlying: ResultSet, cursor: ResultSetCursor, index: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    java.sql.ResultSet wrapper.

Value Members

  1. object AutoSession extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Represents that already existing session will be used or a new session will be started.

  2. object BoneCPConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory

    Connection Pool Factory

    Connection Pool Factory

    See also

  3. object Commons2ConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory

    Connection Pool Factory

    Connection Pool Factory

    See also

  4. object CommonsConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory

    Connection Pool Factory

    Connection Pool Factory

    See also

  5. object ConnectionPool extends LogSupport

    Connection Pool

    Connection Pool

    Using Commons DBCP internally.

    See also

  6. object ConnectionPoolFactoryRepository


  7. object DB extends LoanPattern with Serializable

    Basic Database Accessor

    Basic Database Accessor

    You can start with DB and blocks if using scalikejdbc.ConnectionPool.singleton().

    Using DBSession:

    case class User(id: Int, name: String)
    val users = DB readOnly { session =>
      session.list("select * from user") { rs =>
        User("id"), rs.string("name"))
    DB autoCommit { session =>
      session.update("insert into user values (?,?)", 123, "Alice")
    DB localTx { session =>
      session.update("insert into user values (?,?)", 123, "Alice")
    using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
      try {
        DB withTx { session =>
          session.update("update user set name = ? where id = ?", "Alice", 123)
      } catch { case e =>
        throw e

    Using SQL:

    case class User(id: Int, name: String)
    val users = DB readOnly { session =>
      SQL("select * from user").map { rs =>
        User("id"), rs.string("name"))
    DB autoCommit { session =>
      SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
    DB localTx { session =>
      SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
    using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
      try {
        DB withTx { session =>
          SQL("update user set name = ? where id = ?").bind("Alice", 123).update.apply()
      } catch { case e =>
        throw e
  8. object DBSession

  9. object GeneralizedTypeConstraintsForWithExtractor

    Generalized type constraints for WithExtractor

  10. object GlobalSettings

    GlobalSettings for this library

  11. object JDBCUrl extends Serializable

    Companion object of JDBC URL

  12. object LikeConditionEscapeUtil extends LikeConditionEscapeUtil

  13. object LoanPattern extends LoanPattern

  14. object NoConnectionPoolContext extends ConnectionPoolContext

    No Connection Pool Context

  15. object NoSession extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Represents that there is no active session.

  16. object OneToXSQL

  17. object ParameterBinder

    ParameterBinder factory.

  18. object ReadOnlyAutoSession extends DBSession with Product with Serializable

    Represents that already existing session will be used or a new read-only session will be started.

  19. object SQL

    SQL abstraction's companion object.

    SQL abstraction's companion object.

    case class User(id: Int, name: String)
    val users = DB.readOnly { session =>
      SQL("select * from user").map { rs =>
        User("id"), rs.string("name"))
    DB .autoCommit { session =>
      SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
    DB localTx { session =>
      SQL("insert into user values (?,?)").bind(123, "Alice").update.apply()
    using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
      try {
        DB withTx { session =>
          SQL("update user set name = ? where id = ?").bind("Alice", 123).update.apply()
      } catch { case e =>
        throw e
  20. object SQLFormatterSettings extends Serializable

  21. object SQLTemplateParser extends JavaTokenParsers with LogSupport

    SQL Template Parser.

    SQL Template Parser.

    This parser supports following templates.

    Basic SQL Template:

    select * from user where id = ? and user_name = ?

    Anorm-like SQL Template:

    select * from user where id = {id} and user_name = {userName}

    Executable SQL Template:

    select * from user where id = /*'id*/123 and user_name = /*'userName*/\'Alice'

    ExecutableSQL is the template which contains parameter names just as comments with dummy values without specific syntax. The template is a valid SQL, so you can check it is correct before building into app.

  22. object StatementExecutor extends Serializable

    Companion object.

  23. object StringSQLRunner extends Serializable

  24. object ThreadLocalDB

    Thread-local DB.

  25. object TxBoundary

    TxBoundary type class instances.

  26. object TypeBinder extends LowPriorityTypeBinderImplicits with UnixTimeInMillisConverterImplicits

    Type binder for java.sql.ResultSet.

  27. package globalsettings

  28. package interpolation

  29. package metadata
