
Bitwise operations on a value of type Repr.
Type Params
numeric index type
type that supports that supports bitwise operations
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


final def <<(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit shifted to the left n bits.
def shiftLeft(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit shifted to the left n bits.
final def >>(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit shifted to the right n bits where the n left-most bits are sign extended.
final def >>>(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit shifted to the right n bits where the n left-most bits are low.
def shiftRight(n: Idx, signExtension: Boolean): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit shifted to the right n bits.
Value Params
whether the n left-msot bits should take on the value of bit 0
def rotateLeft(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit circularly shifted to the left n bits.
def rotateRight(n: Idx): Repr
Returns a value of the same size with each bit circularly shifted to the right n bits.
final def unary_~: Repr
Returns a bitwise complement of this value.
def not: Repr
Returns a bitwise complement of this value.
final def &(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise AND of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def and(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise AND of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
final def |(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise OR of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def or(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise OR of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
final def ^(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise XOR of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def xor(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise XOR of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def implies(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise implication of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def iff(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise if-and-only-if of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def nand(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise NAND of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.
def nor(other: Repr): Repr
Returns a bitwise NOR of this value with the specified value.
The resulting value's size is the minimum of this value's size and the specified value's size.