All Classes and Interfaces

Exception Mapper for ApiException that should be used within the business logic to inform the clients about problems during processing
Exception mapper if client disconnects unexpectedly.
Helper utility that can be registered in the Jersey environment to be injected into services.
Enables field filtering for the annotated resource when rendered in a response.
Applies the field filter when a bean is serialized.
An utility class to process and store the invocation information of a method.
Helper utility which is registered as singleton instance in the jersey environment via the JacksonConfigurationBundle.
A serializer used to write ZonedDateTime in ISO 8601 datetime format contain date, hours, minutes, seconds and time zone.
A serializer used to write ZonedDateTime in ISO 8601 datetime format contain date, hours, minutes, seconds, milli seconds and time zone.
Configures the ObjectMapper to support HAL structures using Resource, Link and EmbeddedResource and field filtering on client request for resources annotated by EnableFieldFilter.
A PropertyNodeNameProvider that resolves the name of the property via Jackson.
Maps JerseyViolationExceptions to the error structure defined within the rest guidelines.
Exception mapper for JsonProcessingException that are thrown e.g.
Wrapper class to provide the processed Link as URI or HALLink
Configures the ObjectMapper to support HAL structures using Resource, Link and EmbeddedResource.
Exception Mapper for RuntimeException that should be used as last resort to avoid default error messages.
Exception Mapper for exceptions that occur during the validation process.
Mapper for WebApplicationException, that comprises ClientErrorException and ServerErrorException.