Class Action

  • public class Action
    extends Object
    An action object constructed with arguments id, type, and subtype is an object with property id set to id, type set to type and subtype set to subtype. Specific action objects have further properties added by other algorithms in this specification.
    Ronald Brill
    See Also:
    action object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Action

        public Action​(String id,
                      String type,
                      String subtype)
        id - unique id
        type - the type
        subtype - the subtype
    • Method Detail

      • getDuration

        public Integer getDuration()
      • setDuration

        public void setDuration​(int duration)
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value)
      • getPointerType

        public String getPointerType()
      • setPointerType

        public void setPointerType​(String pointerType)
      • getButton

        public Integer getButton()
      • setButton

        public void setButton​(int button)
      • getDomElement

        public org.htmlunit.html.DomElement getDomElement()
      • setDomElement

        public void setDomElement​(org.htmlunit.html.DomElement domElement)