All Classes and Interfaces

Interface representing a single user-interaction action.
The user-facing API for emulating complex user gestures.
Represents the application cache status.
Represents the known architectures used in WebDriver.
Indicates that a feature or API is in active development, and so should not be relied upon.
Reads information about how the current application was built.
Mechanism used to locate elements within a document.
Describes a series of key/value pairs that encapsulate aspects of a browser.
An action for aggregating actions and triggering all of them at the same time.
Some implementations of WebDriver, notably those that support native testing, need the ability to switch between the native and web-based contexts.
Provides coordinates of an element for advanced interactions.
A credential stored in a virtual authenticator.
Marker interface for credentials used for authenticating a browser to a site, typically via UsernameAndPassword and Basic or Digest authentication.
Used to provide information about whether Selenium is running under debug mode.
Indicates that a reference to a shadow root is now "detached" --- the element no longer appears on the DOM of the page.
Defines an object which represents the three dimensional plane and how a device can be rotated about it.
Similar to Point - implement locally to avoid depending on GWT.
Indicates that a click could not be properly executed because the target element was obscured in some way.
Thrown to indicate that although a WebElement is present on the DOM, it is not in a state that can be interacted with.
This interface allows a custom Interaction to be JSON encoded for the W3C wire format.
Identifies the ephemeral port range for a given environment.
Represents an account displayed in a FedCM account list.
Represents an open dialog of the Federated Credential Management API.
Indicates that a driver supports authenticating to a website in some way.
Used by classes to indicate that they can describe the Capabilities they possess.
Used by classes to indicate that they can interact with FedCM dialogs.
Interface implemented by each driver that allows access to the virtual authenticator API.
Indicates that a Node health check failed.
Models an input source as defined and used by the W3C WebDriver spec.
Indicates that navigation caused by the user agent hit a certificate warning, which is usually the result of an expired or invalid TLS certificate.
Used as the basis of Sequences for the W3C WebDriver spec Action commands.
Indicates that a class can be used with the W3C WebDriver Actions commands.
Thrown when attempting to add a cookie under a different domain than the current URL.
Indicates that a WebElement is in a state that means actions cannot be performed with it.
Indicates that a driver can execute JavaScript, providing access to the mechanism to do so.
Representations of pressable keys that aren't text.
Stores and retrieves logs in-process (i.e.
Represents the local storage for the site currently opened in the browser.
Represents the physical location of the browser.
Represent a pool of LogEntry.
Represents a single log statement.
A custom handler used to record log entries.
Represents the logging preferences.
Interface for providing logs.
Supported log types.
Indicates that the target provided to the actions move() method is invalid - outside of the size of the window.
Control a device's network connection
ConnectionType is a bitmask to represent a device's network connection
Provides information about the local network interfaces.
Indicates that a user has tried to access an alert when one is not present.
Thrown by ContextAware.context(String) WebDriver.switchTo().context(String name)}.
Thrown by any command being called after WebDriver.quit().
Indicates that an element does not have a shadow root.
Defines the output type for a screenshot.
Indicates that a given InputSource should pause for a given duration.
Represents the known and supported Platforms that WebDriver runs on.
A copy of java.awt.Point, to remove dependency on awt.
Configuration parameters for using proxies in WebDriver.
A utility class to check arguments (preconditions) and state.
Represents possible screen orientations.
Thrown when an async execute script command does not complete in enough time.
A sequence of action objects for a given InputSource for use with the W3C Action commands.
Contains the logs for a session divided by supported log types.
Indicates that a session could not be created.
Represents the session storage in the browser for the site currently opened in the browser.
One of the allowing types for an InputSource.
Indicates that a reference to an element is now "stale" --- the element no longer appears on the DOM of the page.
Represents common operations available for all web storage types (session or local).
Indicates a driver or an HTML element that can capture a screenshot and store it in different ways.
Thrown when a command does not complete in enough time.
Thrown when a driver fails to set a cookie.
Used to indicate that a command used by the remote webdriver is unsupported.
Polls a URL until a HTTP 200 response is received.
A combination of username and password to use when authenticating a browser with a website.
Represents a virtual authenticator.
Options for the creation of virtual authenticators.
WebDriver is a remote control interface that enables introspection and control of user agents (browsers).
An interface for managing stuff you would do in a browser menu
Used to locate a given frame or window.
An interface for managing timeout behavior for WebDriver instances.
Describes, in general terms, a webdriver instance.
Represents an HTML element.
Represents the type of a new browser window that may be created.
This interface indicates that the implementing class knows about the driver that contains it and can export it.
Indicates that there is an underlying element that can be used