

package grus

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Config extends ScallopConf with PreventConfigExit

    Represents the CLI configuration for the site generator tool.

  2. class ConfigManager extends AnyRef

    Represents a manager of configurations from CLI and files.

  3. class Generator extends Runnable

    Represents a generator of content based on a configuration.

  4. case class LocalClassDirTheme(file: File) extends Theme with Product with Serializable

    Represents a theme structure contained in a directory of class files.

  5. case class LocalJarTheme(file: File) extends Theme with Product with Serializable

    Represents a theme structure contained in a single, local jar.

  6. case class LocalSbtProjectTheme(file: File) extends Theme with Product with Serializable

    Represents a theme structure represented by a local sbt project.

  7. class Logger extends AnyRef

    Represents a simplistic logger.

  8. case class MavenTheme(organization: String, artifact: String, version: String) extends Theme with Product with Serializable

    Represents a theme structure hosted on a Maven-oriented site.

  9. class Publisher extends Runnable

    Represents a publisher of content based on a configuration.

  10. class Server extends Runnable

    Represents a file server.

  11. class Skeleton extends Runnable

    Represents a producer of outlines based on a configuration.

  12. sealed trait Theme extends AnyRef

    Represents a generic theme.

  13. class ThemeManager extends AnyRef

    Loads and manages themes for the site generator.

  14. class Watcher extends Runnable

    Watches the specified path for changes, calling the notification function when a change occurs.

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Config

  3. object ConfigManager

  4. object Logger

  5. object Main

    Main entrypoint for generating and serving site.

  6. object Watcher

  7. package commands

  8. package exceptions

  9. package skeleton

  10. package structures

  11. package utils
