

object functions

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AnyRef, Any
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  1. functions
  2. AnyRef
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Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final val E: Double(2.718281828459045)

    Constant e.

  7. final val Epsilon: Double(2.220446049250313E-16)

    Machine float epsilon, pow(2, -52).

  8. final val Pi: Double(3.141592653589793)

    Constant pi.

  9. def abs(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  10. def abs(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  11. def abs(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  12. def abs(x: Double): Double

  13. final def abs(u: inVec4i): Vec4i

    Applies abs function to each component.

    Applies abs function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to absolute values of components of u.

  14. final def abs(u: inVec3i): Vec3i

    Applies abs function to each component.

    Applies abs function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to absolute values of components of u.

  15. final def abs(u: inVec2i): Vec2i

    Applies abs function to each component.

    Applies abs function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to absolute values of components of u.

  16. final def abs(x: Int): Int

    Returns an absolute value of the argument.

    Returns an absolute value of the argument.


    an integer argument.


    an absolute value of the agument.

  17. def acos(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  18. def acos(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  19. def acos(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  20. def acos(w: Double): Double

  21. def acosh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  22. def acosh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  23. def acosh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  24. def acosh(x: Double): Double

  25. def angleAxis(m: inMat3d, axis: Vec3d): Double

    The matrix must represent non-scaling rotation to achieve the desired result.

    The matrix must represent non-scaling rotation to achieve the desired result. If the matrix represents 0 degree rotation, then rotation axis is undefined, in this case the UnitX axis is chosen.

  26. def angleAxis(q: inQuat4d, axis: Vec3d): Double

    The quaternion must have unit norm to achieve the desired result.

    The quaternion must have unit norm to achieve the desired result. If quaternion represents 0 degree rotation, then rotation axis is not defined, in this case the UnitX axis is chosen.

  27. def approxEqual(m: inMat4d, n: inMat4d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  28. def approxEqual(m: inMat3x4d, n: inMat3x4d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  29. def approxEqual(m: inMat2x4d, n: inMat2x4d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  30. def approxEqual(m: inMat4x3d, n: inMat4x3d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  31. def approxEqual(m: inMat3d, n: inMat3d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  32. def approxEqual(m: inMat2x3d, n: inMat2x3d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  33. def approxEqual(m: inMat4x2d, n: inMat4x2d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  34. def approxEqual(m: inMat3x2d, n: inMat3x2d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  35. def approxEqual(m: inMat2d, n: inMat2d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  36. def approxEqual(p: inQuat4d, q: inQuat4d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  37. def approxEqual(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  38. def approxEqual(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  39. def approxEqual(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  40. def approxEqual(x: Double, y: Double, absDelta: Double): Boolean

  41. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  42. def asin(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  43. def asin(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  44. def asin(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  45. def asin(w: Double): Double

  46. def asinh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  47. def asinh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  48. def asinh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  49. def asinh(x: Double): Double

  50. def atan(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  51. def atan(uy: inVec4d, ux: inVec4d): Vec4d

  52. def atan(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  53. def atan(uy: inVec3d, ux: inVec3d): Vec3d

  54. def atan(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  55. def atan(uy: inVec2d, ux: inVec2d): Vec2d

  56. def atan(w: Double): Double

  57. def atan(y: Double, x: Double): Double

  58. def atanh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  59. def atanh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  60. def atanh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  61. def atanh(x: Double): Double

  62. def ceil(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  63. def ceil(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  64. def ceil(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  65. def ceil(x: Double): Double

  66. def clamp(u: inVec4d, minVal: inVec4d, maxVal: inVec4d): Vec4d

  67. def clamp(u: inVec4d, minVal: Double, maxVal: Double): Vec4d

  68. def clamp(u: inVec3d, minVal: inVec3d, maxVal: inVec3d): Vec3d

  69. def clamp(u: inVec3d, minVal: Double, maxVal: Double): Vec3d

  70. def clamp(u: inVec2d, minVal: inVec2d, maxVal: inVec2d): Vec2d

  71. def clamp(u: inVec2d, minVal: Double, maxVal: Double): Vec2d

  72. def clamp(x: Double, minVal: Double, maxVal: Double): Double

  73. final def clamp(u: inVec4i, minVal: inVec4i, maxVal: inVec4i): Vec4i

    Applies clamp function to each component.

    Applies clamp function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components used as lower bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components used as upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components set to clamp(u.c, minVal.c, maxVal.c) for each component c.

  74. final def clamp(u: inVec4i, minVal: Int, maxVal: Int): Vec4i

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).


    an integer vector argument.


    the lower bound (inclusive).


    the upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components clamped to [minValue, maxValue].

  75. final def clamp(u: inVec3i, minVal: inVec3i, maxVal: inVec3i): Vec3i

    Applies clamp function to each component.

    Applies clamp function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components used as lower bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components used as upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components set to clamp(u.c, minVal.c, maxVal.c) for each component c.

  76. final def clamp(u: inVec3i, minVal: Int, maxVal: Int): Vec3i

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).


    an integer vector argument.


    the lower bound (inclusive).


    the upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components clamped to [minValue, maxValue].

  77. final def clamp(u: inVec2i, minVal: inVec2i, maxVal: inVec2i): Vec2i

    Applies clamp function to each component.

    Applies clamp function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components used as lower bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components used as upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components set to clamp(u.c, minVal.c, maxVal.c) for each component c.

  78. final def clamp(u: inVec2i, minVal: Int, maxVal: Int): Vec2i

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).

    Clamps components to the range from minValue (inclusive) to maxValue (inclusive).


    an integer vector argument.


    the lower bound (inclusive).


    the upper bound (inclusive).


    a vector with components clamped to [minValue, maxValue].

  79. final def clamp(x: Int, minVal: Int, maxVal: Int): Int

    Clamps a value to a given range.

    Clamps a value to a given range. Note: the result is undefined if minVal > maxVal.


    an integer value to clamp.


    the lower bound (inclusive).


    the upper bound (inclusive).


    one of the following:

    • minVal if x < minVal.
    • maxVal if x > maxVal.
    • x otherwise.
  80. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  81. def conjugate(q: inQuat4d): Quat4d

  82. def cos(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  83. def cos(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  84. def cos(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  85. def cos(w: Double): Double

  86. def cosh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  87. def cosh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  88. def cosh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  89. def cosh(x: Double): Double

  90. def cross(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3d

  91. def degrees(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  92. def degrees(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  93. def degrees(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  94. def degrees(x: Double): Double

  95. def determinant(m: inMat4d): Double

  96. def determinant(m: inMat3d): Double

  97. def determinant(m: inMat2d): Double

  98. def distance(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Double

  99. def distance(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Double

  100. def distance(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Double

  101. def distance(x: Double, y: Double): Double

  102. def dot(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Double

  103. def dot(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Double

  104. def dot(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Double

  105. def dot(x: Double, y: Double): Double

  106. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  107. def equal(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  108. def equal(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  109. def equal(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  110. final def equal(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c == v.c) for each component c.

  111. final def equal(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c == v.c) for each component c.

  112. final def equal(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c == v.c) for each component c.

  113. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  114. def exp(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  115. def exp(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  116. def exp(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  117. def exp(x: Double): Double

  118. def exp2(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  119. def exp2(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  120. def exp2(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  121. def exp2(x: Double): Double

  122. def faceforward(n: inVec4d, i: inVec4d, nref: inVec4d): Vec4d

  123. def faceforward(n: inVec3d, i: inVec3d, nref: inVec3d): Vec3d

  124. def faceforward(n: inVec2d, i: inVec2d, nref: inVec2d): Vec2d

  125. def faceforward(n: Double, i: Double, nref: Double): Double

  126. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  127. def floor(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  128. def floor(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  129. def floor(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  130. def floor(x: Double): Double

  131. def fract(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  132. def fract(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  133. def fract(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  134. def fract(x: Double): Double

    Equivalent to x - floor(x)

  135. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  136. def greaterThan(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  137. def greaterThan(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  138. def greaterThan(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  139. final def greaterThan(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c > v.c) for each component c.

  140. final def greaterThan(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c > v.c) for each component c.

  141. final def greaterThan(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c > v.c) for each component c.

  142. def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  143. def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  144. def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  145. final def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c >= v.c) for each component c.

  146. final def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c >= v.c) for each component c.

  147. final def greaterThanEqual(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise greater than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c >= v.c) for each component c.

  148. def hasErrors(m: inMat4d): Boolean

  149. def hasErrors(m: inMat3x4d): Boolean

  150. def hasErrors(m: inMat2x4d): Boolean

  151. def hasErrors(m: inMat4x3d): Boolean

  152. def hasErrors(m: inMat3d): Boolean

  153. def hasErrors(m: inMat2x3d): Boolean

  154. def hasErrors(m: inMat4x2d): Boolean

  155. def hasErrors(m: inMat3x2d): Boolean

  156. def hasErrors(m: inMat2d): Boolean

  157. def hasErrors(q: inQuat4d): Boolean

  158. def hasErrors(u: inVec4d): Boolean

  159. def hasErrors(u: inVec3d): Boolean

  160. def hasErrors(u: inVec2d): Boolean

  161. def hasErrors(x: Double): Boolean

  162. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  163. def inverse(q: inQuat4d): Quat4d

    This method is here for completness.

    This method is here for completness. Normally you should work with unit quaternions (norm(q) == 1), and in this case inverse(q) == conjugate(q).

  164. def inverse(m: inMat4x3d): Mat4x3d

    This method is equivalent to casting the matrix to 4x4, inverting it and then casting the result back to 4x3.

    This method is equivalent to casting the matrix to 4x4, inverting it and then casting the result back to 4x3.

    This is a general matrix inverse. You can invert transofrmations quicker by using Transform3d.inverse(scale, rotation, translation). A rotation matrix that does not scale can be inverted even faster by using transpose. In the latter case you can avoid inverse alltogether by using transpose multiplication: instead of multiplying a matrix by a vectors (M*v), you can multiply the vector by the matrix (v*M).

    If matrix determinant is zero the result is undefined.

  165. def inverse(m: inMat3x2d): Mat3x2d

    This method is equivalent to casting the matrix to 3x3, inverting it and then casting the result back to 3x2.

    This method is equivalent to casting the matrix to 3x3, inverting it and then casting the result back to 3x2.

    This is a general matrix inverse. You can invert transofrmations quicker by using Transform2d.inverse(scale, rotation, translation). A rotation matrix that does not scale can be inverted even faster by using transpose. In the latter case you can avoid inverse alltogether by using transpose multiplication: instead of multiplying a matrix by a vectors (M*v), you can multiply the vector by the matrix (v*M).

    If matrix determinant is zero the result is undefined.

  166. def inverse(m: inMat4d): Mat4d

    This is a general matrix inverse.

    This is a general matrix inverse. You can invert transofrmations quicker by using Transform3d.inverse(scale, rotation, translation). A rotation matrix that does not scale can be inverted even faster by using transpose. In the latter case you can avoid inverse alltogether by using transpose multiplication: instead of multiplying a matrix by a vectors (M*v), you can multiply the vector by the matrix (v*M).

    If matrix determinant is zero the result is undefined.

  167. def inverse(m: inMat3d): Mat3d

    This is a general matrix inverse.

    This is a general matrix inverse. You can invert transofrmations quicker by using Transform3d.inverse(scale, rotation, translation). A rotation matrix that does not scale can be inverted even faster by using transpose. In the latter case you can avoid inverse alltogether by using transpose multiplication: instead of multiplying a matrix by a vectors (M*v), you can multiply the vector by the matrix (v*M).

    If matrix determinant is zero the result is undefined.

  168. def inverse(m: inMat2d): Mat2d

    If matrix determinant is zero the result is undefined.

  169. def inverseTransformation(scale: inVec3d, rotation: inMat3d, translation: inVec3d): Mat4x3d


    Must be an orthogonal matrix (matrix that represents an unscaled rotation) to achieve the desired result.

  170. def inverseTransformation(scale: inVec2d, rotation: inMat2d, translation: inVec2d): Mat3x2d


    Must be an orthogonal matrix (matrix that represents an unscaled rotation) to achieve the desired result.

  171. def inversesqrt(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  172. def inversesqrt(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  173. def inversesqrt(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  174. def inversesqrt(x: Double): Double

  175. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  176. def isinf(u: inVec4d): Vec4b

  177. def isinf(u: inVec3d): Vec3b

  178. def isinf(u: inVec2d): Vec2b

  179. def isinf(x: Double): Boolean

  180. def isnan(u: inVec4d): Vec4b

  181. def isnan(u: inVec3d): Vec3b

  182. def isnan(u: inVec2d): Vec2b

  183. def isnan(x: Double): Boolean

  184. def isneginf(x: Double): Boolean

  185. def isnegzero(x: Double): Boolean

  186. def isposinf(x: Double): Boolean

  187. def isposzero(x: Double): Boolean

  188. def length(u: inVec4d): Double

  189. def length(u: inVec3d): Double

  190. def length(u: inVec2d): Double

  191. def length(x: Double): Double

  192. final def length(u: inVec4i): Double

  193. final def length(u: inVec3i): Double

  194. final def length(u: inVec2i): Double

  195. def lerp(m: inMat4d, n: inMat4d, a: Double): Mat4d

  196. def lerp(m: inMat3x4d, n: inMat3x4d, a: Double): Mat3x4d

  197. def lerp(m: inMat2x4d, n: inMat2x4d, a: Double): Mat2x4d

  198. def lerp(m: inMat4x3d, n: inMat4x3d, a: Double): Mat4x3d

  199. def lerp(m: inMat3d, n: inMat3d, a: Double): Mat3d

  200. def lerp(m: inMat2x3d, n: inMat2x3d, a: Double): Mat2x3d

  201. def lerp(m: inMat4x2d, n: inMat4x2d, a: Double): Mat4x2d

  202. def lerp(m: inMat3x2d, n: inMat3x2d, a: Double): Mat3x2d

  203. def lerp(m: inMat2d, n: inMat2d, a: Double): Mat2d

  204. def lessThan(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  205. def lessThan(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  206. def lessThan(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  207. final def lessThan(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c < v.c) for each component c.

  208. final def lessThan(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c < v.c) for each component c.

  209. final def lessThan(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c < v.c) for each component c.

  210. def lessThanEqual(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  211. def lessThanEqual(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  212. def lessThanEqual(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  213. final def lessThanEqual(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c <= v.c) for each component c.

  214. final def lessThanEqual(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c <= v.c) for each component c.

  215. final def lessThanEqual(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise less than or equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c <= v.c) for each component c.

  216. def log(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  217. def log(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  218. def log(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  219. def log(x: Double): Double

  220. def log2(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  221. def log2(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  222. def log2(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  223. def log2(x: Double): Double

  224. def lookAt(direction: inVec3d, up: inVec3d): Mat3d

  225. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat4d, b: inMat4d): Mat4d

  226. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat3x4d, b: inMat3x4d): Mat3x4d

  227. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat2x4d, b: inMat2x4d): Mat2x4d

  228. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat4x3d, b: inMat4x3d): Mat4x3d

  229. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat3d, b: inMat3d): Mat3d

  230. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat2x3d, b: inMat2x3d): Mat2x3d

  231. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat4x2d, b: inMat4x2d): Mat4x2d

  232. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat3x2d, b: inMat3x2d): Mat3x2d

  233. def matrixCompMult(a: inMat2d, b: inMat2d): Mat2d

  234. def max(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4d

  235. def max(u: inVec4d, s: Double): Vec4d

  236. def max(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3d

  237. def max(u: inVec3d, s: Double): Vec3d

  238. def max(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2d

  239. def max(u: inVec2d, s: Double): Vec2d

  240. def max(x: Double, y: Double): Double

  241. final def max(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  242. final def max(u: inVec4i, s: Int): Vec4i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(c, s) for each component c.

  243. final def max(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  244. final def max(u: inVec3i, s: Int): Vec3i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(c, s) for each component c.

  245. final def max(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  246. final def max(u: inVec2i, s: Int): Vec2i

    Applies max function to each component.

    Applies max function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to max(c, s) for each component c.

  247. final def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int

    Returns the larger one of two arguments.

    Returns the larger one of two arguments.


    an integer argument.


    an integer argument.


    the largest argument.

  248. def min(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4d

  249. def min(u: inVec4d, s: Double): Vec4d

  250. def min(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3d

  251. def min(u: inVec3d, s: Double): Vec3d

  252. def min(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2d

  253. def min(u: inVec2d, s: Double): Vec2d

  254. def min(x: Double, y: Double): Double

  255. final def min(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  256. final def min(u: inVec4i, s: Int): Vec4i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(c, s) for each component c.

  257. final def min(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  258. final def min(u: inVec3i, s: Int): Vec3i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(c, s) for each component c.

  259. final def min(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(u.c, v.c) for each component c.

  260. final def min(u: inVec2i, s: Int): Vec2i

    Applies min function to each component.

    Applies min function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to min(c, s) for each component c.

  261. final def min(x: Int, y: Int): Int

    Returns the smaller one of two arguments.

    Returns the smaller one of two arguments.


    an integer argument.


    an integer argument.


    the smallest argument.

  262. def mix(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d, a: inVec4b): Vec4d

  263. def mix(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d, a: inVec4d): Vec4d

  264. def mix(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d, a: Double): Vec4d

  265. def mix(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d, a: inVec3b): Vec3d

  266. def mix(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d, a: inVec3d): Vec3d

  267. def mix(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d, a: Double): Vec3d

  268. def mix(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d, a: inVec2b): Vec2d

  269. def mix(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d, a: inVec2d): Vec2d

  270. def mix(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d, a: Double): Vec2d

  271. def mix(x: Double, y: Double, a: Double): Double

  272. def mod(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4d

  273. def mod(u: inVec4d, s: Double): Vec4d

  274. def mod(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3d

  275. def mod(u: inVec3d, s: Double): Vec3d

  276. def mod(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2d

  277. def mod(u: inVec2d, s: Double): Vec2d

  278. def mod(x: Double, y: Double): Double

    Equivalent to x - y*floor(x/y)

  279. def modf(u: inVec4d, i: Vec4d): Vec4d

  280. def modf(u: inVec3d, i: Vec3d): Vec3d

  281. def modf(u: inVec2d, i: Vec2d): Vec2d

    Separates each component of a given vector into fractional and integer parts, both parts will have the same sign as the component.

    Separates each component of a given vector into fractional and integer parts, both parts will have the same sign as the component.


    the vector to be separated into fractional and integer parts.


    a result vector to store the integer parts of components of u.


    a vector with fractional parts of components of u.

  282. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  283. def norm(q: inQuat4d): Double

  284. def normSquare(q: inQuat4d): Double

  285. def normalMat(modelViewMatrix: inMat4x3d): Mat3d

    Computes normal matrix.

    Computes normal matrix.


    Model View Matrix.

  286. def normalize(q: inQuat4d): Quat4d

  287. def normalize(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  288. def normalize(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  289. def normalize(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  290. def normalize(x: Double): Double

  291. def notEqual(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4b

  292. def notEqual(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3b

  293. def notEqual(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2b

  294. final def notEqual(u: inVec4i, v: inVec4i): Vec4b

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c != v.c) for each component c.

  295. final def notEqual(u: inVec3i, v: inVec3i): Vec3b

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c != v.c) for each component c.

  296. final def notEqual(u: inVec2i, v: inVec2i): Vec2b

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.

    Performs component-wise not equal comparison.


    an integer vector on the left-hand side of comparison.


    an integer vector on the right-hand side of comparison.


    a boolean vector with components set to (u.c != v.c) for each component c.

  297. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  298. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  299. def orthoProj(left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double, far: Double): Mat4d


    the coordinates of the left clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the right clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the bottom clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the top clipping plane.


    the distance to the near clipping plane, negative if the plane is behind the viewer.


    the distance to the far clipping plane, negative if the plane is behind the viewer.

  300. def outerProduct(c: inVec4d, r: inVec4d): Mat4d

  301. def outerProduct(c: inVec4d, r: inVec3d): Mat3x4d

  302. def outerProduct(c: inVec4d, r: inVec2d): Mat2x4d

  303. def outerProduct(c: inVec3d, r: inVec4d): Mat4x3d

  304. def outerProduct(c: inVec3d, r: inVec3d): Mat3d

  305. def outerProduct(c: inVec3d, r: inVec2d): Mat2x3d

  306. def outerProduct(c: inVec2d, r: inVec4d): Mat4x2d

  307. def outerProduct(c: inVec2d, r: inVec3d): Mat3x2d

  308. def outerProduct(c: inVec2d, r: inVec2d): Mat2d

  309. def perspectiveProj(left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double, far: Double): Mat4d


    the coordinates of the left clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the right clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the bottom clipping plane.


    the coordinates of the top clipping plane.


    the distance to the near clipping plane, must be positive, approximately log2(far/near) bits of depth buffer precision are lost.


    the distance to the far clipping plane, must be positive.

  310. def perspectiveProj(fieldOfView: Double, aspectRatio: Double, near: Double, far: Double): Mat4d


    field of view angle in y direction, in radians.


    width/height aspect ratio.


    the distance to the near clipping plane, must be positive, approximately log2(far/near) bits of depth buffer precision are lost.


    the distance to the far clipping plane, must be positive.

  311. def pow(u: inVec4d, v: inVec4d): Vec4d

  312. def pow(u: inVec3d, v: inVec3d): Vec3d

  313. def pow(u: inVec2d, v: inVec2d): Vec2d

  314. def pow(x: Double, y: Double): Double

  315. def quaternion(angle: Double, axis: inVec3d): Quat4d

    The axis must have unit length to achieve the desired result.

  316. def quaternion(m: inMat3d): Quat4d

    The matrix must represent non-scaling rotation to achieve the desired result.

  317. def radians(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  318. def radians(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  319. def radians(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  320. def radians(x: Double): Double

  321. def reflect(i: inVec4d, n: inVec4d): Vec4d

  322. def reflect(i: inVec3d, n: inVec3d): Vec3d

  323. def reflect(i: inVec2d, n: inVec2d): Vec2d

  324. def reflect(i: Double, n: Double): Double

  325. def refract(i: inVec4d, n: inVec4d, eta: Double): Vec4d

  326. def refract(i: inVec3d, n: inVec3d, eta: Double): Vec3d

  327. def refract(i: inVec2d, n: inVec2d, eta: Double): Vec2d

  328. def refract(i: Double, n: Double, eta: Double): Double

  329. def rotateVector(u: inVec3d, q: inQuat4d): Vec3d

    The quaternion must have unit norm to achieve the desired result.

  330. def rotationAngle(m: inMat2d): Double

    The matrix must represent non-scaling rotation to achieve the desired result.

  331. def rotationMat(angle: Double, axis: inVec3d): Mat3d

    The axis must have unit length to achieve the desired result.

  332. def rotationMat(q: inQuat4d): Mat3d

    The quaternion must have unit norm to achieve the desired result.

  333. def rotationMat(angle: Double): Mat2d

    This method creates a 2d transformation matrix that rotates a vector counterclockwise by the specified angle.

  334. def round(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  335. def round(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  336. def round(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  337. def round(x: Double): Double

  338. def roundEven(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  339. def roundEven(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  340. def roundEven(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  341. def roundEven(x: Double): Double

  342. def sign(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  343. def sign(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  344. def sign(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  345. def sign(x: Double): Double

  346. final def sign(u: inVec4i): Vec4i

    Applies sign function to each component.

    Applies sign function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to sign(u.c) for each component c.

  347. final def sign(u: inVec3i): Vec3i

    Applies sign function to each component.

    Applies sign function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to sign(u.c) for each component c.

  348. final def sign(u: inVec2i): Vec2i

    Applies sign function to each component.

    Applies sign function to each component.


    an integer vector argument.


    a vector with components set to sign(u.c) for each component c.

  349. final def sign(x: Int): Int

    Returns the sign of the argument.

    Returns the sign of the argument.


    an integer argument.


    one of the following:

    • -1 if x < 0.
    • 1 if x > 0.
    • 0 otherwise.
  350. def sin(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  351. def sin(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  352. def sin(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  353. def sin(w: Double): Double

  354. def sinh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  355. def sinh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  356. def sinh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  357. def sinh(x: Double): Double

  358. def slerp(p: inQuat4d, q: inQuat4d, a: Double): Quat4d

  359. def smootherstep(edge0: inVec4d, edge1: inVec4d, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  360. def smootherstep(edge0: inVec3d, edge1: inVec3d, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  361. def smootherstep(edge0: inVec2d, edge1: inVec2d, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  362. def smootherstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  363. def smootherstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  364. def smootherstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  365. def smootherstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, x: Double): Double

  366. def smoothstep(edge0: inVec4d, edge1: inVec4d, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  367. def smoothstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  368. def smoothstep(edge0: inVec3d, edge1: inVec3d, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  369. def smoothstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  370. def smoothstep(edge0: inVec2d, edge1: inVec2d, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  371. def smoothstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  372. def smoothstep(edge0: Double, edge1: Double, x: Double): Double

  373. def sqrt(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  374. def sqrt(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  375. def sqrt(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  376. def sqrt(x: Double): Double

  377. def step(edge: inVec4d, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  378. def step(edge: Double, u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  379. def step(edge: inVec3d, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  380. def step(edge: Double, u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  381. def step(edge: inVec2d, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  382. def step(edge: Double, u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  383. def step(edge: Double, x: Double): Double

  384. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  385. def tan(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  386. def tan(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  387. def tan(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  388. def tan(w: Double): Double

  389. def tanh(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  390. def tanh(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  391. def tanh(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  392. def tanh(x: Double): Double

  393. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  394. def transformation(scale: inVec3d, rotation: inMat3d, translation: inVec3d): Mat4x3d

  395. def transformation(scale: inVec2d, rotation: inMat2d, translation: inVec2d): Mat3x2d

  396. def transpose(a: inMat4d): Mat4d

  397. def transpose(a: inMat4x3d): Mat3x4d

  398. def transpose(a: inMat4x2d): Mat2x4d

  399. def transpose(a: inMat3x4d): Mat4x3d

  400. def transpose(a: inMat3d): Mat3d

  401. def transpose(a: inMat3x2d): Mat2x3d

  402. def transpose(a: inMat2x4d): Mat4x2d

  403. def transpose(a: inMat2x3d): Mat3x2d

  404. def transpose(a: inMat2d): Mat2d

  405. def trunc(u: inVec4d): Vec4d

  406. def trunc(u: inVec3d): Vec3d

  407. def trunc(u: inVec2d): Vec2d

  408. def trunc(x: Double): Double

  409. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  410. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  411. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
