Class Load

  • public class Load
    extends Object
    Common way to load Java instance(s). This class is not thread-safe. Which means that all the methods of the same instance can be called only by one thread. It is better to create an instance for every YAML stream. The instance is stateful. Only one of the 'load' methods may be called and it may be called only once.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Load

        public Load​(LoadSettings settings)
        Create instance to parse the incoming YAML data and create Java instances
        settings - - configuration
      • Load

        public Load​(LoadSettings settings,
                    BaseConstructor constructor)
        Create instance to parse the incoming YAML data and create Java instances
        settings - - configuration
        constructor - - custom YAML constructor
    • Method Detail

      • createComposer

        protected Composer createComposer​(Reader yamlReader)
      • loadFromInputStream

        public Object loadFromInputStream​(InputStream yamlStream)
        Parse the only YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Java object.
        yamlStream - - data to load from (BOM is respected to detect encoding and removed from the data)
        parsed Java instance
      • loadFromReader

        public Object loadFromReader​(Reader yamlReader)
        Parse a YAML document and create a Java instance
        yamlReader - - data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        parsed Java instance
      • loadFromString

        public Object loadFromString​(String yaml)
        Parse a YAML document and create a Java instance
        yaml - - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        parsed Java instance
        YamlEngineException - if the YAML is not valid
      • loadAllFromInputStream

        public Iterable<Object> loadAllFromInputStream​(InputStream yamlStream)
        Parse all YAML documents in a stream and produce corresponding Java objects. The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yamlStream - - YAML data to load from (BOM is respected to detect encoding and removed from the data)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this stream in proper sequence
      • loadAllFromReader

        public Iterable<Object> loadAllFromReader​(Reader yamlReader)
        Parse all YAML documents in a String and produce corresponding Java objects. The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yamlReader - - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this stream in proper sequence
      • loadAllFromString

        public Iterable<Object> loadAllFromString​(String yaml)
        Parse all YAML documents in a String and produce corresponding Java objects. (Because the encoding in known BOM is not respected.) The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yaml - - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this stream in proper sequence