Class Snmp4jConfigMib.Snmp4jCfgSecSrcAddrValidation

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32 getValue()
        Description copied from class: MOScalar
        Returns the actual value of this scalar managed object. For a basic instrumentation, overwrite this method to provide always the actual value and/or to update the internal value member and then call super.MOScalar.getValue() in the derived class.
        getValue in class MOScalar<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        a non null Variable with the same syntax defined for this scalar object.
      • commit

        public void commit​(SubRequest<?> request)
        Description copied from interface: ManagedObject
        Commits a previously prepared SET (sub)request. This is the second phase of a two phase commit. The change is committed but the resources locked during prepare not freed yet.
        Specified by:
        commit in interface ManagedObject<SubRequest<?>>
        commit in class MOScalar<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        request - the SubRequest to process.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup​(SubRequest<?> request)
        Description copied from interface: ManagedObject
        Cleansup a (sub)request and frees all resources locked during the preparation phase.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface ManagedObject<SubRequest<?>>
        cleanup in class MOScalar<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        request - the SubRequest to process.
      • isValueOK

        public int isValueOK​(SubRequest<?> request)
        Description copied from class: MOScalar
        Checks whether the new value contained in the supplied sub-request is a valid value for this object. The checks are performed by firing a MOValueValidationEvent the registered listeners.
        isValueOK in class EnumeratedScalar<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        request - the SubRequest with the new value.
        SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS if the new value is OK, any other appropriate SNMPv2/v3 error status if not.