All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AarLoader |
Loads resources from 'aar' bundles (binary distribution of Android Library Projects).
AbstractJavaClasspath |
AbstractTypedTree |
This class is intended for internal use during semantic analysis and should not be used in checks.
AccessorsUtils |
AlwaysTrueOrFalseExpressionCollector |
AnalysisError |
AnalysisError.Kind |
AnalysisException |
Runtime exception to be thrown during analysis, in case of major issue, for instance invalid format of a report to be parsed
AnalysisWarningsWrapper |
Wrap an AnalysisWarnings instance, available since SQ API 7.4.
AnalyzerMessage |
Class used to represent analyzer issue messages
AnalyzerMessage.TextSpan |
AnnotationInstanceResolve |
AnnotationTree |
AnnotationTreeImpl |
AnnotationValueResolve |
ArgumentListTreeImpl |
Arguments |
ArrayAccessExpressionTree |
Array access expression.
ArrayAccessExpressionTreeImpl |
ArrayDimensionTree |
Describe an array dimension.
ArrayDimensionTreeImpl |
ArrayJavaType |
ArrayTypeTree |
Array type.
AssertStatementTree |
'assert' statement.
AssertStatementTreeImpl |
AssignmentExpressionTree |
Assignment expression.
AssignmentExpressionTreeImpl |
BaseTreeVisitor |
BehaviorCache |
BinaryExpressionTree |
Binary expression.
BinaryExpressionTreeImpl |
BinarySymbolicValue |
BlockStatementListTreeImpl |
BlockTree |
BlockTreeImpl |
BooleanConstraint |
BooleanGratuitousExpressionsCheck |
BoundListTreeImpl |
BreakStatementTree |
'break' statement.
BreakStatementTreeImpl |
BytecodeAnnotationVisitor |
BytecodeCFG |
BytecodeCFG.Block |
BytecodeCFGMethodVisitor |
BytecodeCompleter |
BytecodeEGWalker |
BytecodeEGWalker.StackValueCategoryConstraint |
Because some instructions manipulate stack differently depending on the type of the value, we need this constraint to know category of the value
see Table 2.11.1-B
BytecodeFieldVisitor |
BytecodeMethodVisitor |
BytecodeSECheck |
BytecodeSECheck.NullnessCheck |
BytecodeSECheck.ZeronessCheck |
BytecodeVisitor |
CaseGroupTree |
Group of 'case's in a 'switch' statement.
CaseGroupTreeImpl |
CaseLabelTree |
'case' label in a 'switch' statement.
CaseLabelTreeImpl |
CatchTree |
'catch' in a 'try' statement.
CatchTreeImpl |
CFG.Block |
CFG.IBlock<T> |
CFGLoop |
CheckerContext |
CheckerDispatcher |
CheckerDispatcher |
CheckerTreeNodeVisitor |
CheckRegistrar |
This batch extension should be extended to provide the classes to be used to instantiate checks.
CheckRegistrar.RegistrarContext |
Context for checks registration.
ClassJavaType |
ClassLoaderBuilder |
ClassTree |
Class, enum, interface or annotation declaration.
ClassTreeImpl |
CognitiveComplexityVisitor |
CognitiveComplexityVisitor.Result |
Cognitive complexity and associated locations
CommentLinesVisitor |
CompilationUnitTree |
Compilation unit.
ComplexityVisitor |
ConditionalExpressionTree |
Conditional expression.
ConditionalExpressionTreeImpl |
ConditionalUnreachableCodeCheck |
Constraint |
ConstraintManager |
ConstraintsByDomain |
ContinueStatementTree |
'continue' statement.
ContinueStatementTreeImpl |
ControlFlowGraph |
ControlFlowGraph.Block |
Convert |
CustomUnclosedResourcesCheck |
DebugCheck |
DebugInterruptedExecutionCheck |
DebugMethodYieldsCheck |
DebugMethodYieldsOnInvocationsCheck |
DefaultJavaFileScannerContext |
DefaultJavaResourceLocator |
DeferredType |
DivisionByZeroCheck |
DivisionByZeroCheck.ZeroConstraint |
DoWhileStatementTree |
'do' statement.
DoWhileStatementTreeImpl |
EmptyStatementTree |
Empty statement.
EmptyStatementTreeImpl |
EndOfAnalysisCheck |
Common interface for checks that are triggered at the end of the analysis, after all files have been scanned.
EnumConstantTree |
Enum constant.
EnumConstantTreeImpl |
ExceptionalCheckBasedYield |
ExceptionalYield |
ExceptionalYieldChecker |
ExceptionHandler |
Interface defining how a java check should react when errors are occurring during analysis.
ExceptionUtils |
ExplodedGraph |
ExplodedGraph.Edge |
ExplodedGraph.Node |
ExplodedGraphWalker |
ExplodedGraphWalker.ExplodedGraphTooBigException |
ExplodedGraphWalker.ExplodedGraphWalkerFactory |
This class ensures that the SE checks are placed in the correct order for the ExplodedGraphWalker
In addition, checks that are needed for a correct ExplodedGraphWalker processing are provided in all cases.
ExplodedGraphWalker.MaximumStepsReachedException |
ExplodedGraphWalker.TooManyNestedBooleanStatesException |
ExportsDirectiveTree |
The 'exports' directive from java 9 module directives
JLS9 - §7.7.2
ExportsDirectiveTreeImpl |
ExpressionStatementTree |
Expression statement.
ExpressionStatementTreeImpl |
ExpressionTree |
Common interface for all types of expressions.
ExpressionUtils |
FileLinesVisitor |
Saves information about lines directly into Sonar by using FileLinesContext .
FirstPass |
Defines scopes and symbols.
Flags |
Flow |
Flow.Builder |
FlowComputation |
ForEachStatement |
Enhanced 'for' statement.
ForEachStatementImpl |
FormalParametersListTreeImpl |
ForStatementTree |
'for' statement.
ForStatementTreeImpl |
HappyPathYield |
IdentifierTree |
Identifier expression.
IdentifierTreeImpl |
IfStatementTree |
'if' statement.
IfStatementTreeImpl |
IllegalRuleParameterException |
Marker exception class for rule parameters.
ImportClauseTree |
Common interface for all import clauses.
ImportTree |
Import declaration.
InferedTypeTree |
InitializerListTreeImpl |
InstanceOfTree |
'instanceof' expression.
InstanceOfTreeImpl |
Instruction |
Bytecode instruction.
Instruction.FieldOrMethod |
Instruction.InvokeDynamicInsn |
Instruction.LdcInsn |
Instruction.MultiANewArrayInsn |
InternalPostfixUnaryExpression |
InternalPrefixUnaryExpression |
InternalSyntaxSpacing |
InternalSyntaxToken |
InternalSyntaxTrivia |
IntersectionType |
InvariantReturnCheck |
IssuableSubscriptionVisitor |
Subscription visitor providing an API to report issues.
JavaAstScanner |
JavaCheck |
Marker interface for all checks of the java analyzer.
JavaClasspath |
JavaClasspathProperties |
JavaConstants |
JavaFilesCache |
JavaFileScanner |
Common interface for all checks analyzing a java file.
JavaFileScannerContext |
Context injected in check classes and used to report issues.
JavaFileScannerContext.Location |
Message and syntaxNode for a secondary location.
JavaGrammar |
JavaIssue |
JavaKeyword |
Keywords for java grammar.
JavaLexer |
JavaNodeBuilder |
JavaParser |
JavaPunctuator |
Punctuators for java grammar.
JavaResourceLocator |
Interface to get the mapping between java classes and files (as multiple classes can be declared in one file).
JavaRestrictedKeyword |
Restricted keywords for java grammar.
JavaSonarLintClasspath |
JavaSpecialIdentifier |
Introduced with java 10 'var' special identifier for local variable declaration
JLS10 - $14.4
JavaSquid |
JavaSymbol |
JavaSymbol.JavaLabelSymbol |
JavaSymbol.MethodJavaSymbol |
Represents a method, constructor or initializer (static or instance).
JavaSymbol.PackageJavaSymbol |
Represents package.
JavaSymbol.TypeJavaSymbol |
Represents a class, interface, enum or annotation type.
JavaSymbol.TypeVariableJavaSymbol |
Represents type variable of a parametrized type ie: T in class Foo{}
JavaSymbol.VariableJavaSymbol |
Represents a field, enum constant, method or constructor parameter, local variable, resource variable or exception parameter.
JavaSymbol.WildcardSymbol |
JavaTestClasspath |
JavaTokenType |
Type of tokens for java grammar.
JavaTree |
JavaTree.AnnotatedTypeTree |
This interface is dedicated to mark TypeTrees which will requires completion of their annotations during parsing.
JavaTree.ArrayTypeTreeImpl |
JavaTree.CompilationUnitTreeImpl |
JavaTree.ImportTreeImpl |
JavaTree.NotImplementedTreeImpl |
JavaTree.PackageDeclarationTreeImpl |
JavaTree.ParameterizedTypeTreeImpl |
JavaTree.PrimitiveTypeTreeImpl |
JavaTree.UnionTypeTreeImpl |
JavaTree.WildcardTreeImpl |
JavaType |
JavaVersion |
Represents the java version used by the project under analysis.
JavaVersionAwareVisitor |
Implementing this interface allows a check to be executed - or not - during analysis, depending
of expected java version.
JavaVersionImpl |
KindMaps |
LabeledStatementTree |
Labeled statement.
LabeledStatementTreeImpl |
LabelsVisitor |
LambdaBlockReturnVisitor |
LambdaExpressionTree |
Lambda expression.
LambdaExpressionTreeImpl |
LambdaParameterListTreeImpl |
LearnedAssociation |
LearnedConstraint |
LeastUpperBound |
LinesOfCodeVisitor |
ListTree<T extends Tree> |
ListTreeImpl<T extends Tree> |
LiteralTree |
Literal expression.
LiteralTreeImpl |
LiteralUtils |
LiveVariables |
LocksNotUnlockedCheck |
LocksNotUnlockedCheck.LockConstraint |
MapComputeIfAbsentOrPresentCheck |
Measurer |
MemberSelectExpressionTree |
Member select expression.
MemberSelectExpressionTreeImpl |
MethodBehavior |
MethodInvocationTree |
Method invocation expression.
MethodInvocationTreeImpl |
MethodJavaType |
MethodLookup |
MethodLookup.LookupMethodVisitor |
MethodMatcher |
MethodMatcherCollection |
MethodMatcherFactory |
MethodReferenceTree |
Method reference.
MethodReferenceTreeImpl |
MethodsAreNonnullByDefault |
MethodTree |
Method or annotation type element declaration.
MethodTreeImpl |
MethodYield |
MinMaxRangeCheck |
Modifier |
ModifierKeywordTree |
ModifierKeywordTreeImpl |
ModifiersTree |
ModifiersTreeImpl |
ModifiersUtils |
ModifierTree |
ModuleDeclarationTree |
Module declaration.
ModuleDeclarationTreeImpl |
ModuleDirectiveTree |
Common interface for all the module directives
JLS9 - §7.7
ModuleDirectiveTreeImpl |
ModuleNameListTreeImpl |
ModuleNameTree |
Module Name.
ModuleNameTreeImpl |
NameCriteria |
NewArrayTree |
Array creation expression.
NewArrayTreeImpl |
NewClassTree |
Class instance creation expression.
NewClassTreeImpl |
NonNullSetToNullCheck |
NoWayOutLoopCheck |
NullableAnnotationUtils |
NullDereferenceCheck |
ObjectConstraint |
ObjectOutputStreamCheck |
OpensDirectiveTree |
The 'opens' directive from java 9 module directives
JLS9 - §7.7.2
OpensDirectiveTreeImpl |
OptionalGetBeforeIsPresentCheck |
PackageDeclarationTree |
Package declaration.
PackageUtils |
Pair<A,B> |
ParameterizedTypeTree |
Parameterized type.
ParameterNullnessCheck |
ParametersCriteria |
ParametrizedTypeCache |
ParametrizedTypeJavaType |
ParenthesizedTree |
Parenthesized expression.
ParenthesizedTreeImpl |
PCollections |
PMap<K,V> |
Persistent (functional) Map.
PrimitiveTypeTree |
Primitive type.
ProgramPoint |
ProgramState |
ProgramState.Pop |
ProgramState.SymbolicValueSymbol |
This class is used to keep on stack symbolic value together with symbol which was used to evaluate this value.
ProvidesDirectiveTree |
The 'provides' directive from java 9 module directives
JLS9 - §7.7.4
ProvidesDirectiveTreeImpl |
PSet<E> |
Persistent (functional) Set.
PStack<E> |
Persistent (functional) Stack.
PublicApiChecker |
QualifiedIdentifierListTreeImpl |
RedundantAssignmentsCheck |
RelationalSymbolicValue |
RelationalSymbolicValue.Kind |
RelationalSymbolicValue.TransitiveRelationExceededException |
RequiresDirectiveTree |
The 'requires' directive from java 9 module directives
JLS9 - §7.7.1
RequiresDirectiveTreeImpl |
Resolve |
Routines for name resolution.
Resolve.AccessErrorJavaSymbol |
Resolve.AmbiguityErrorJavaSymbol |
Resolve.JavaSymbolNotFound |
ResourceListTreeImpl |
ReturnStatementTree |
'return' statement.
ReturnStatementTreeImpl |
RspecKey |
This annotation is used for rules with a legacy key to refer to the correct RSPEC.
Scope |
Represents an area of visibility.
Scope.ImportScope |
Scope.StarImportScope |
Scope.StaticStarImportScope |
SECheck |
SECheck.SEIssue |
SecondPass |
Completes hierarchy of types.
SemanticModel |
SonarComponents |
SonarJavaIssueFilter |
SonarSymbolTableVisitor |
SquidClassLoader |
Class loader, which is able to load classes from a list of JAR files and directories.
StatementExpressionListTreeImpl |
StatementTree |
Common interface for all types of statements.
StatementVisitor |
StaticInitializerTree |
Static Initializer.
StaticInitializerTreeImpl |
StreamConsumedCheck |
StreamConsumedCheck.StreamPipelineConstraint |
StreamNotConsumedCheck |
This check is used just to report issues.
SubscriptionVisitor |
SwitchStatementTree |
'switch' statement.
SwitchStatementTreeImpl |
Symbol |
Interface to access symbol information.
Symbol.LabelSymbol |
Label symbol.
Symbol.MethodSymbol |
Symbol for methods.
Symbol.TypeSymbol |
Symbol for a type : class, enum, interface or annotation.
Symbol.VariableSymbol |
Symbol for field, method parameters and local variables.
SymbolicExecutionMode |
SymbolicExecutionVisitor |
SymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.AndSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.BooleanExpressionSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.CaughtExceptionSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.ExceptionalSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.InstanceOfSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.NotSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.OrSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.UnarySymbolicValue |
SymbolicValue.XorSymbolicValue |
SymbolicValueFactory |
SymbolMetadata |
Holds the metadata information (annotations) of a symbol.
SymbolMetadata.AnnotationInstance |
Occurrence of an annotation on a symbol.
SymbolMetadata.AnnotationValue |
Value of a property of an annotation.
SymbolMetadataResolve |
Symbols |
Predefined symbols.
SynchronizedStatementTree |
'synchronized' statement.
SynchronizedStatementTreeImpl |
SyntacticEquivalence |
SyntaxHighlighterVisitor |
SyntaxToken |
Represents a token in the syntax tree.
SyntaxTreeNameFinder |
SyntaxTrivia |
Represents a Trivia in the SyntaxTree.
ThrowStatementTree |
'throw' statement.
ThrowStatementTreeImpl |
Tree |
Common interface for all nodes in a syntax tree.
Tree.Kind |
TreeFactory |
TreeFactory.Tuple<T,U> |
TreeVisitor |
TryStatementTree |
'try' statement.
TryStatementTreeImpl |
Type |
Interface to access resolved type of an expression or a Type.
Type.ArrayType |
Type for arrays.
Type.Primitives |
Primitive java types.
TypeAndReferenceSolver |
Computes types and references of Identifier and MemberSelectExpression.
TypeArgumentListTreeImpl |
TypeArguments |
TypeCastExpressionTreeImpl |
TypeCastTree |
Cast expression.
TypeCriteria |
TypedConstraint |
TypeInferenceSolver |
TypeParameterListTreeImpl |
TypeParameters |
TypeParameterTree |
Type parameter.
TypeParameterTreeImpl |
Types |
TypeSubstitution |
TypeSubstitutionSolver |
TypeTree |
TypeUnionListTreeImpl |
TypeVariableJavaType |
UnaryExpressionTree |
Postfix or unary expression.
UnclosedResourcesCheck |
UnclosedResourcesCheck.ResourceConstraint |
UnionTypeTree |
Union type expression in a multi-catch.
UnknownType |
UsesDirectiveTree |
The 'uses' directive from java 9 module directives
JLS9 - §7.7.3
UsesDirectiveTreeImpl |
VariableDeclaratorListTreeImpl |
VariableReadExtractor |
VariableTree |
Variable declaration.
VariableTreeImpl |
VarTypeTree |
'var' type tree used for local variables.
VarTypeTreeImpl |
VisitorsBridge |
VisitorsBridgeForTests |
VisitorsBridgeForTests.TestJavaFileScannerContext |
WhileStatementTree |
'while' statement.
WhileStatementTreeImpl |
WildcardTree |
Wildcard type argument.
WildCardType |
WildCardType.BoundType |