Package org.sonar.php.symbols
Interface Summary Interface Description ClassSymbol FunctionSymbol MethodSymbol Symbol -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractClassSymbol ClassSymbolData ClassSymbolIndex FunctionSymbolData FunctionSymbolData.FunctionSymbolProperties FunctionSymbolIndex FunctionSymbolIndex.FunctionSymbolImpl LocationInFileImpl MethodSymbolData MethodSymbolImpl Parameter ProjectSymbolData Instances of this class should never hold references to an AST node: we want to have a low memory usage for the analysis of a project and an AST node basically keeps references to the whole AST of a file.Symbols Utility class to retrieve symbols from the AST.UnknownFunctionSymbol UnknownMethodSymbol -
Enum Summary Enum Description BuiltinSymbolData ClassSymbol.Kind Trilean A tree-value boolean: true, false, unknown.UnknownLocationInFile Visibility