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andMessage(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.ExceptionCauseMatcher
andNoMessage() - Method in class org.sonar.test.ExceptionCauseMatcher
assertBundlesUpToDate() - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.I18nMatchers
Checks that all the translation bundles found on the classpath are up to date with the corresponding default ones found in the classpath.
assertJson(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
assertJson(URL) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
assertThat(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlFragmentAssert
assertThat(MimeMessage) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert
assertThatEvent(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert


BundleSynchronizedMatcher - Class in org.sonar.test.i18n
BundleSynchronizedMatcher() - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


describeTo(Description) - Method in class org.sonar.test.ExceptionCauseMatcher
describeTo(Description) - Method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


EventAssert - Class in org.sonar.test
Assertion methods to compare server-sent events messages.
ExceptionCauseMatcher - Class in org.sonar.test
Matchers designed to be used as an argument of ExpectedException.expectCause(Matcher) such as:
extractDefaultBundleName(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


getBundleFileInputStream(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher
getDefaultBundleFileInputStream(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


hasData(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert
hasEmptyParagraph() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlListAssert
Verifies next paragraph is empty or contains only " "
hasEmptyParagraph() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Verifies next paragraph is empty or contains only " "
hasField(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert
hasField(String, String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert
hasJsonData(URL) - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert
hasList() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
hasList(String, String...) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Convenience method.
hasOnlyPrivateConstructors(Class) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.TestUtils
Asserts that all constructors are private, usually for helper classes with only static methods.
hasParagraph() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlFragmentAssert
hasParagraph() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlListAssert
hasParagraph() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Verify the next block exists, is a paragraph and returns an Assert on this block.
hasParagraph(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlFragmentAssert
Convenience method.
hasParagraph(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlListAssert
Convenience method.
hasParagraph(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Convenience method.
hasRecipient(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert
hasType(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.ExceptionCauseMatcher
hasType(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert
HtmlBlockAssert<T extends HtmlBlockAssert<T>> - Class in org.sonar.test.html
HtmlBlockAssert(Element, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
HtmlFragmentAssert - Class in org.sonar.test.html
HtmlFragmentAssert(String) - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlFragmentAssert
HtmlListAssert - Class in org.sonar.test.html
HtmlListAssert(Element, Iterator<Element>) - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlListAssert
HtmlParagraphAssert - Class in org.sonar.test.html
HtmlParagraphAssert(Element, Iterator<Element>) - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert


I18nMatchers - Class in org.sonar.test.i18n
ignoreFields(String...) - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
isBundleUpToDate() - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.I18nMatchers
Returns a matcher which checks that a translation bundle is up to date with the corresponding default one found in the classpath.
isHtml() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert
Convenience method for isMultipart().isHtml().
isHtml() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.MultipartMessageAssert
isMultipart() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert
isNotSimilarTo(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
isNotSimilarTo(URL) - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
isSimilarTo(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
isSimilarTo(URL) - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
isValid() - Method in class org.sonar.test.EventAssert


JsonAssert - Class in org.sonar.test
Assertion to compare JSON documents.


L10N_PATH - Static variable in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher
loadProperties(InputStream) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


Matchers - Class in org.sonar.test
Utility class to provide various Matchers to use in ExpectedException.expectMessage.
matches(Object) - Method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher
matchesSafely(Throwable) - Method in class org.sonar.test.ExceptionCauseMatcher
MimeMessageAssert - Class in org.sonar.test.html
MimeMessageAssert(MimeMessage) - Constructor for class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert
MultipartMessageAssert - Class in org.sonar.test.html


noMoreBlock() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Verifies there is no more block.


org.sonar.test - package org.sonar.test
org.sonar.test.html - package org.sonar.test.html
org.sonar.test.i18n - package org.sonar.test.i18n


regexMatcher(String) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.Matchers
retrieveMissingTranslations(InputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class org.sonar.test.i18n.BundleSynchronizedMatcher


subjectContains(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.MimeMessageAssert


TestUtils - Class in org.sonar.test
Utilities for unit tests


withEmphasisOn(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
withItemTexts(String, String...) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlListAssert
Verifies the text of every items in the current list is equal to the specified strings, in order.
withLines(String, String...) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Verifies the current block has all and only the specified lines, in order.
withLink(String, String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
Verifies the current block contains a link with the specified text and href.
withLinkOn(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
Verifies the current block contains a single link with the specified piece of text.
withLinkOn(String, int) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
Verifies the current block contains times links with the specified piece of text.
withoutLink() - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
withSmallOn(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlBlockAssert
withStrictArrayOrder() - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
withStrictTimezone() - Method in class org.sonar.test.JsonAssert
withText(String) - Method in class org.sonar.test.html.HtmlParagraphAssert
Verifies the current block as the specified text, ignoring lines.
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