

package dispatch

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BalancingDispatcher extends Dispatcher

    An executor based event driven dispatcher which will try to redistribute work from busy actors to idle actors.

  2. class BalancingDispatcherConfigurator extends MessageDispatcherConfigurator

    Configurator for creating BalancingDispatcher.

  3. case class BoundedDequeBasedMailbox(capacity: Int, pushTimeOut: Duration) extends MailboxType with Product with Serializable

  4. trait BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics extends DequeBasedMessageQueue

  5. case class BoundedMailbox(capacity: Int, pushTimeOut: Duration) extends MailboxType with Product with Serializable

  6. trait BoundedMessageQueueSemantics extends QueueBasedMessageQueue

  7. class BoundedPriorityMailbox extends MailboxType

    Extend me to provide the comparator

  8. class DefaultPromise[T] extends AbstractPromise with Promise[T]

    The default concrete Future implementation.

  9. trait DequeBasedMessageQueue extends QueueBasedMessageQueue

  10. class Dispatcher extends MessageDispatcher

    The event-based Dispatcher binds a set of Actors to a thread pool backed up by a BlockingQueue.

  11. class DispatcherConfigurator extends MessageDispatcherConfigurator

    Configurator for creating Dispatcher.

  12. trait DispatcherPrerequisites extends AnyRef

  13. class Dispatchers extends AnyRef

    Dispatchers are to be defined in configuration to allow for tuning for different environments.

  14. final case class Envelope(message: Any, sender: ActorRef, system: ActorSystem) extends Product with Serializable

  15. trait ExecutionContext extends AnyRef

    An ExecutionContext is essentially the same thing as a java.

  16. trait ExecutionContextExecutor extends ExecutionContext with Executor

    Union interface since Java does not support union types

  17. trait ExecutionContextExecutorService extends ExecutionContextExecutor with ExecutorService

    Union interface since Java does not support union types

  18. abstract class ExecutorServiceConfigurator extends ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider

  19. trait ExecutorServiceDelegate extends ExecutorService

    As the name says

  20. trait ExecutorServiceFactory extends AnyRef

    Function0 without the fun stuff (mostly for the sake of the Java API side of things)

  21. trait ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider extends AnyRef

    Generic way to specify an ExecutorService to a Dispatcher, create it with the given name if desired

  22. abstract class Foreach[-T] extends UnitFunctionBridge[T]

    Callback for the Future.

  23. class ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator

  24. sealed trait Future[+T] extends Awaitable[T]

    Trait representing a value that may not have been computed yet.

  25. final class KeptPromise[T] extends Promise[T]

    An already completed Future is seeded with it's result at creation, is useful for when you are participating in a Future-composition but you already have a value to contribute.

  26. trait MailboxType extends AnyRef

    Mailbox configuration.

  27. abstract class Mapper[-T, +R] extends AbstractFunction1[T, R]

    Callback for the Future.

  28. abstract class MessageDispatcher extends AbstractMessageDispatcher with Executor with ExecutionContext

  29. abstract class MessageDispatcherConfigurator extends AnyRef

    Base class to be used for hooking in new dispatchers into Dispatchers.

  30. trait MessageQueue extends AnyRef

  31. class MessageQueueAppendFailedException extends AkkaException

  32. case class MonitorableThreadFactory(name: String, daemonic: Boolean, contextClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader], exceptionHandler: UncaughtExceptionHandler) extends ThreadFactory with ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory with Product with Serializable

  33. abstract class OnComplete[-T] extends CallbackBridge[Either[Throwable, T]]

    Callback for when a Future is completed with either failure or a success SAM (Single Abstract Method) class

  34. abstract class OnFailure extends CallbackBridge[Throwable]

    Callback for when a Future is completed with a failure SAM (Single Abstract Method) class

  35. abstract class OnSuccess[-T] extends CallbackBridge[T]

    Callback for when a Future is completed successfully SAM (Single Abstract Method) class

  36. class PinnedDispatcher extends Dispatcher

    Dedicates a unique thread for each actor passed in as reference.

  37. class PinnedDispatcherConfigurator extends MessageDispatcherConfigurator

    Configurator for creating PinnedDispatcher.

  38. abstract class PriorityGenerator extends Comparator[Envelope]

    A PriorityGenerator is a convenience API to create a Comparator that orders the messages of a PriorityDispatcher

  39. trait Promise[T] extends Future[T]

    Essentially this is the Promise (or write-side) of a Future (read-side).

  40. trait QueueBasedMessageQueue extends MessageQueue

  41. abstract class Recover[+T] extends RecoverBridge[T]

    Callback for the Future.

  42. class SaneRejectedExecutionHandler extends RejectedExecutionHandler

    The RejectedExecutionHandler used by Akka, it improves on CallerRunsPolicy by throwing a RejectedExecutionException if the executor isShutdown.

  43. final case class TaskInvocation(eventStream: EventStream, runnable: Runnable, cleanup: () ⇒ Unit) extends Runnable with Product with Serializable

  44. case class ThreadPoolConfig(allowCorePoolTimeout: Boolean, corePoolSize: Int, maxPoolSize: Int, threadTimeout: Duration, queueFactory: () ⇒ BlockingQueue[Runnable], rejectionPolicy: RejectedExecutionHandler) extends ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider with Product with Serializable

    A small configuration DSL to create ThreadPoolExecutors that can be provided as an ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider to Dispatcher

  45. case class ThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config: ThreadPoolConfig) extends Product with Serializable

    A DSL to configure and create a MessageDispatcher with a ThreadPoolExecutor

  46. class ThreadPoolExecutorConfigurator extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator

  47. case class UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox() extends MailboxType with Product with Serializable

  48. trait UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics extends DequeBasedMessageQueue

  49. case class UnboundedMailbox() extends MailboxType with Product with Serializable

    It's a case class for Java (new UnboundedMailbox)

  50. trait UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics extends QueueBasedMessageQueue

  51. class UnboundedPriorityMailbox extends MailboxType

    Extend me to provide the comparator

  52. case class ChildTerminated(child: ActorRef) extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  53. case class Create() extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  54. case class DefaultDispatcherPrerequisites(threadFactory: ThreadFactory, eventStream: EventStream, deadLetterMailbox: Mailbox, scheduler: Scheduler, dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess, settings: Settings) extends DispatcherPrerequisites with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  55. case class Link(subject: ActorRef) extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  56. class PromiseStream[A] extends PromiseStreamOut[A] with PromiseStreamIn[A]


    (Since version 2.0.2) Was never officially supported or documented, will be removed in Akka 2.1

  57. trait PromiseStreamIn[A] extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.0.2) Was never officially supported or documented, will be removed in Akka 2.1

  58. trait PromiseStreamOut[A] extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.0.2) Was never officially supported or documented, will be removed in Akka 2.1

  59. case class Recreate(cause: Throwable) extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  60. case class Resume() extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  61. class SharingMailbox extends Mailbox with DefaultSystemMessageQueue


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  62. case class Supervise(child: ActorRef) extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  63. case class Suspend() extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  64. sealed trait SystemMessage extends PossiblyHarmful

    System messages are handled specially: they form their own queue within each actor’s mailbox.

  65. case class Terminate() extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  66. case class Unlink(subject: ActorRef) extends SystemMessage with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

Value Members

  1. object Await extends AnyRef

  2. object Dispatchers extends AnyRef

  3. object ExecutionContext extends AnyRef

  4. object ExecutionContexts extends AnyRef

    Java API to create ExecutionContexts

  5. object Filter extends AnyRef

    Java API (not recommended): Callback for the Future.

  6. object ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator extends AnyRef

  7. object Future extends AnyRef

  8. object Futures extends AnyRef

    Futures is the Java API for Futures and Promises

  9. object MessageDispatcher extends AnyRef

  10. object MonitorableThreadFactory extends Serializable

  11. object PriorityGenerator extends AnyRef

  12. object Promise extends AnyRef

  13. object ThreadPoolConfig extends Serializable

  14. object ThreadPoolConfigBuilder extends Serializable

  15. object japi extends AnyRef

    This class contains bridge classes between Scala and Java.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Mailbox extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api

  2. object PromiseStream extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.0.2) Was never officially supported or documented, will be removed in Akka 2.1

  3. object SystemMessage extends AnyRef


    (Since version 2.0.2) Will become private[akka] in 2.1, this is not user-api