
package spark

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Accumulable[T, R] extends Serializable

  2. trait AccumulableParam[R, T] extends Serializable

    A datatype that can be accumulated, ie.

  3. class Accumulator[T] extends Accumulable[T, T]

  4. trait AccumulatorParam[T] extends AccumulableParam[T, T]

    A simpler version of AccumulableParam where the only datatype you can add in is the same type as the accumulated value

  5. case class AddedToCache(rddId: Int, partition: Int, host: String, size: Long) extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  6. class Aggregator[K, V, C] extends Serializable

  7. class BoundedMemoryCache extends Cache with Logging

    An implementation of Cache that estimates the sizes of its entries and attempts to limit its total memory usage to a fraction of the JVM heap.

  8. abstract class Cache extends AnyRef

    An interface for caches in Spark, to allow for multiple implementations.

  9. case class CachePutFailure() extends CachePutResponse with Product with Serializable

  10. sealed trait CachePutResponse extends AnyRef

  11. case class CachePutSuccess(size: Long) extends CachePutResponse with Product with Serializable

  12. class CacheTracker extends Logging

  13. class CacheTrackerActor extends DaemonActor with Logging

  14. sealed trait CacheTrackerMessage extends AnyRef

  15. class CartesianRDD[T, U] extends RDD[(T, U)] with Serializable

  16. class CartesianSplit extends Split with Serializable

  17. class CoGroupAggregator extends Aggregator[Any, Any, ArrayBuffer[Any]] with Serializable

  18. class CoGroupSplit extends Split with Serializable

  19. sealed trait CoGroupSplitDep extends Serializable

  20. class CoGroupedRDD[K] extends RDD[(K, Seq[Seq[_]])] with Logging

  21. case class CompletionEvent(task: spark.DAGTask[_], reason: TaskEndReason, result: Any, accumUpdates: Map[Long, Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    A completion event passed by the underlying task scheduler to the DAG scheduler.

  22. abstract class DAGTask[T] extends Task[T]

    A task created by the DAG scheduler.

  23. abstract class Dependency[T] extends Serializable

  24. trait DeserializationStream extends AnyRef

    A stream for reading serialized objects.

  25. class DiskSpillingCache extends BoundedMemoryCache

  26. case class DroppedFromCache(rddId: Int, partition: Int, host: String, size: Long) extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  27. case class Entry(value: Any, size: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  28. case class ExceptionFailure(exception: Throwable) extends TaskEndReason with Product with Serializable

  29. class Executor extends Executor with Logging

    The Mesos executor for Spark.

  30. case class FetchFailed(serverUri: String, shuffleId: Int, mapId: Int, reduceId: Int) extends TaskEndReason with Product with Serializable

  31. class FetchFailedException extends Exception

  32. class FieldAccessFinder extends EmptyVisitor

  33. class FilteredRDD[T] extends RDD[T]

  34. class FlatMappedRDD[U, T] extends RDD[U]

  35. class FlatMappedValuesRDD[K, V, U] extends RDD[(K, U)]

  36. case class GetMapOutputLocations(shuffleId: Int) extends MapOutputTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  37. class GlommedRDD[T] extends RDD[Array[T]]

  38. class GrowableAccumulableParam[R, T] extends AccumulableParam[R, T]

  39. class HadoopRDD[K, V] extends RDD[(K, V)]

    An RDD that reads a Hadoop dataset as specified by a JobConf (e.

  40. class HadoopSplit extends Split with Serializable

    A Spark split class that wraps around a Hadoop InputSplit.

  41. class HashPartitioner extends Partitioner

  42. class HttpServer extends Logging

    An HTTP server for static content used to allow worker nodes to access JARs added to SparkContext as well as classes created by the interpreter when the user types in code.

  43. class InnerClosureFinder extends EmptyVisitor

  44. class JavaDeserializationStream extends DeserializationStream

  45. class JavaSerializationStream extends SerializationStream

  46. class JavaSerializer extends Serializer

  47. class JavaSerializerInstance extends SerializerInstance

  48. abstract class Job extends AnyRef

    Class representing a parallel job in MesosScheduler.

  49. class KeySpace extends AnyRef

    A key namespace in a Cache.

  50. class KryoDeserializationStream extends DeserializationStream

  51. trait KryoRegistrator extends AnyRef

  52. class KryoSerializationStream extends SerializationStream

  53. class KryoSerializer extends Serializer with Logging

  54. class KryoSerializerInstance extends SerializerInstance

  55. trait Logging extends AnyRef

    Utility trait for classes that want to log data.

  56. class MapOutputTracker extends Logging

  57. class MapOutputTrackerActor extends DaemonActor with Logging

  58. sealed trait MapOutputTrackerMessage extends AnyRef

  59. class MapPartitionsRDD[U, T] extends RDD[U]

  60. class MappedRDD[U, T] extends RDD[U]

  61. class MappedValuesRDD[K, V, U] extends RDD[(K, U)]

  62. case class MemoryCacheLost(host: String) extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  63. case class NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd: spark.RDD[_], split: Split) extends CoGroupSplitDep with Product with Serializable

  64. abstract class NarrowDependency[T] extends Dependency[T]

  65. class NewHadoopRDD[K, V] extends RDD[(K, V)]

  66. class NewHadoopSplit extends Split

  67. class OneToOneDependency[T] extends NarrowDependency[T]

  68. class OrderedRDDFunctions[K, V] extends Logging with Serializable

  69. case class OtherFailure(message: String) extends TaskEndReason with Product with Serializable

  70. class PairRDDFunctions[K, V] extends Logging with Serializable

    Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs through an implicit conversion.

  71. class ParallelCollection[T] extends RDD[T]

  72. class ParallelCollectionSplit[T] extends Split with Serializable

  73. class ParallelShuffleFetcher extends ShuffleFetcher with Logging

  74. abstract class Partitioner extends Serializable

  75. class PipedRDD[T] extends RDD[String]

    An RDD that pipes the contents of each parent partition through an external command (printing them one per line) and returns the output as a collection of strings.

  76. abstract class RDD[T] extends Serializable

    A Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD), the basic abstraction in Spark.

  77. class RangeDependency[T] extends NarrowDependency[T]

  78. class RangePartitioner[K, V] extends Partitioner

  79. case class RegisterRDD(rddId: Int, numPartitions: Int) extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  80. class ResultTask[T, U] extends DAGTask[U]

  81. class SampledRDD[T] extends RDD[T]

  82. class SampledRDDSplit extends Split with Serializable

  83. class SequenceFileRDDFunctions[K, V] extends Logging with Serializable

    Extra functions available on RDDs of (key, value) pairs to create a Hadoop SequenceFile, through an implicit conversion.

  84. class SerializableWritable[T <: Writable] extends Serializable

  85. trait SerializationStream extends AnyRef

    A stream for writing serialized objects.

  86. trait Serializer extends AnyRef

    A serializer.

  87. trait SerializerInstance extends AnyRef

    An instance of the serializer, for use by one thread at a time.

  88. class SerializingCache extends Cache with Logging

    Wrapper around a BoundedMemoryCache that stores serialized objects as byte arrays in order to reduce storage cost and GC overhead

  89. class ServerStateException extends Exception

    Exception type thrown by HttpServer when it is in the wrong state for an operation.

  90. case class ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(shuffleId: Int) extends CoGroupSplitDep with Product with Serializable

  91. class ShuffleDependency[K, V, C] extends Dependency[(K, V)]

  92. abstract class ShuffleFetcher extends AnyRef

  93. class ShuffleManager extends Logging

  94. class ShuffleMapTask extends DAGTask[String] with Logging

  95. class ShuffledRDD[K, V, C] extends RDD[(K, C)]

  96. class ShuffledRDDSplit extends Split

  97. class SimpleJob extends Job with Logging

    A Job that runs a set of tasks with no interdependencies.

  98. class SimpleShuffleFetcher extends ShuffleFetcher with Logging

  99. case class SlaveCacheStarted(host: String, size: Long) extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  100. class SoftReferenceCache extends Cache

    An implementation of Cache that uses soft references.

  101. class SortedRDD[K, V] extends RDD[(K, V)]

  102. class SparkContext extends Logging

  103. class SparkEnv extends AnyRef

  104. class SparkException extends Exception

  105. trait Split extends Serializable

    A partition of an RDD.

  106. class Stage extends AnyRef

  107. abstract class Task[T] extends Serializable

  108. class TaskContext extends Serializable

  109. sealed trait TaskEndReason extends AnyRef

    Various possible reasons why a DAG task ended.

  110. class UnionRDD[T] extends RDD[T] with Serializable

  111. class UnionSplit[T] extends Split with Serializable

  112. class WritableConverter[T] extends Serializable

    A class encapsulating how to convert some type T to Writable.

Value Members

  1. object BoundedMemoryCache extends AnyRef

  2. object ClosureCleaner extends Logging

  3. object Executor extends Logging

    Executor entry point.

  4. object GetCacheLocations extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  5. object GetCacheStatus extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  6. object Manifests extends AnyRef

  7. object MesosScheduler extends AnyRef

  8. object PipedRDD extends Serializable

  9. object SizeEstimator extends Logging

    Estimates the sizes of Java objects (number of bytes of memory they occupy), for use in memory-aware caches.

  10. object SparkContext extends AnyRef

    The SparkContext object contains a number of implicit conversions and parameters for use with various Spark features.

  11. object SparkEnv extends AnyRef

  12. object StopCacheTracker extends CacheTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  13. object StopMapOutputTracker extends MapOutputTrackerMessage with Product with Serializable

  14. object Success extends TaskEndReason with Product with Serializable

  15. object Utils extends AnyRef

    Various utility methods used by Spark.

  16. object ZigZag extends AnyRef

    Zig-zag encoder used to write object sizes to serialization streams.

  17. package broadcast

  18. package util