
  • Class
    Compares multiple SPDX documents and stores the results in a spreadsheet Usage: CompareSpdxDoc output.xlsx doc1 doc2 doc3 ...
    Generates a verification code for a specific directory
    Illegal paramater fro a file name
    Dispatch individual tools
    Tool to compare a license text to standard licenses.
    Default Exception thrown to the Online Tool
    Convert an RDF schema file containing SPDX property to a JSON context file for all properties in the SPDX namspace
    Convert an RDF schema file containing SPDX property to a JSON schema file for all properties in the SPDX namspace
    Convert an RDF OWL document to an XML Schema
    Converts between various SPDX file types arg[0] from file path arg[1] to file path arg[2] from file type [RDFXML|RDFTTL|JSON|XLS|XLSX|YAML|TAG] - if not present, file type of the from file will be used arg[3] to file type [RDFXML|RDFTTL|JSON|XLS|XLSX|YAML|TAG] - if not present, file type of the to file will be used arg[4] excludeLicenseDetails If present, listed license and listed exception properties will not be included in the output file the covert(...) methods can be called programmatically to convert files
    Static helper methods for the various tools
    Static helper methods for tools and library version information
    Simple pretty printer for SPDX RDF XML files.
    Verifies an SPDX document and lists any verification errors