append a new name to this directory
append a new name to this directory
a DirectoryPath
append a FilePath to this directory
append a FilePath to this directory
another FilePath
append another directory path
append another directory path
DirectoryPath.Root plays the role an empty element for this operation
an absolute directory path
a relative directory path
either the parent directory or the root if we already are at the root
the path for this file as a / separated string, with a final /
the DirectoryPath starting from the root
true if this directory path is absolute
true if this directory path is relative
the last file name of the list or . if the list is empty
the parent directory for this directory, none if we are at the root
the path for this file as a / separated string
the portion of a dir path that is relative to another
the dir path for the first name in the list
modify the absolute status of this dir path
a File for this path
interpret this DirectoryPath as a FilePath, which might be /. if this DirectoryPath is Root
append a new name to this directory but
append a new name to this directory but
a FilePath
Representation of a directory path which can be relative or absolute
It is a list of FileNames and we can append other DirectoryPaths or FilePaths to it If the list is empty, this means we are at the root