This trait defines a simple tab with a title and some text.
A set of tabs with a title, where each tab simply contains some text
A Cell is the Textual or Xml representation of a Form element: Field, Prop or Form.
Base class for constraints executed on an optional expected value.
A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations to that Decorator
A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations for values and labels to that Decorator
This class contains functions to decorate and style a label and a value:
An Effect is a property which is used to display names corresponding to side-effects.
Cell embedding a Eff
A Field is a property which is used only to display input values or output values.
Cell embedding a Field
A Form is a container for Rows (@see Row) where each row contain some Cell (@see Cell).
Cell embedding a Form
This general constraint uses a function taking an actual value and an expected value to do the match.
generic trait for anything having a label, to unify Props and Forms
This Form overrides the toXml and text methods so that it appears seamlessly included in another Form.
Proxy to a cell that's not evaluated right away when added to a row
The Prop class is a named property which holds:
Cell embedding a Prop
A Row is a non-empty list of Cells
Class representing an individual tab
This class allows the creation of tabs to embed several forms at once on a limited html space
Base type for anything returning some text
Simple Cell embedding an arbitrary String
Base type for anything returning some xml
This cell can contain any xml
Factory methods for creating Effects.
Factory methods for creating Fields.
Companion object of a Form to create:
Companion object with factory methods
Companion object of a Row to create a Row with at least one cell
utility functions for creating xml for Cells