a new Prop with a label, which has the same actual and expected value to test the result of an action
any seq of object convertible to cells
any seq of object convertible to cells
anything can be added on a Form row as a Field
anything can be added on a Form row as a Field
anything can be added on a Form row as a TextCell
anything can be added on a Form row as a TextCell
a new Effect with a label and a value
a Effect can be added on a Form row as a EffectCell
a Effect can be added on a Form row as a EffectCell
a new Field with a label and several values
a new Field with a label and a value
a new Field with no label and a value
a Field can be added on a Form row as a FieldCell
a Field can be added on a Form row as a FieldCell
a new Form with the given title
a Form can be added on a Form row as a FormCell
a Form can be added on a Form row as a FormCell
a Form can be implicitly executed if necessary
a Form can be implicitly executed if necessary
a cell can be added lazily to a row.
a cell can be added lazily to a row. It will only be evaluated when necessary
a new Prop with a label, an actual value and a matcher to apply to the actual value
a new Prop with no label, an actual value and a matcher to apply to the actual value
a new Prop with a label, an actual value and a matcher to apply to the actual value
a new Prop with a label, an actual value and a matcher to apply to values
a new Prop with a label, an actual value and a constraint to apply to values
a new Prop with a label, an actual value and expected value
a new Prop with a label and an actual value only
a new Prop with an actual value only
a Prop can be added on a Form row as a PropCell
a Prop can be added on a Form row as a PropCell
a new Tabs object with a first tab
a new Tabs object
any xml can be injected as a cell
any xml can be injected as a cell