

package matcher

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JUnitExpectations extends ThrownExpectations

    This trait throws AssertionFailed errors when a match fails.

  2. trait JUnitMustExpectations extends MustThrownExpectations with JUnitExpectations

    This trait can be imported to use MustMatchers in JUnit

  3. trait JUnitMustMatchers extends Matchers with JUnitMustExpectations

    These traits and objects can be used in JUnit

  4. trait JUnitShouldExpectations extends ShouldThrownExpectations with JUnitExpectations

    This trait can be imported to use ShouldMatchers in JUnit

  5. trait JUnitShouldMatchers extends Matchers with JUnitShouldExpectations
