

package matcher

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ContentMatchers extends LinesContentMatchers with FilesContentMatchers

    The ContentMatchers trait provides matchers to make comparisons between files, sequences,.

  2. class EqualIgnoringSpaceMatcher extends Matcher[Seq[Node]] with XmlMatcherKoMessage

    Matcher for equalIgnoreSpace comparison, ignoring the nodes order

  3. class EqualIgnoringSpaceMatcherOrdered extends Matcher[Seq[Node]] with XmlMatcherKoMessage

    Matcher for equalIgnoreSpace comparison, considering the node order

  4. case class ExpectedParsedResult[+T](t: T) extends Product with Serializable

    This class is only used as a transient holder for the expected parsed value, to overcome overloaded method issues

  5. trait FileMatchers extends FileBaseMatchers with FileBeHaveMatchers

    The FileMatchers trait provides matchers which are applicable to files

  6. trait FilesContentMatchers extends FileMatchers with LinesContentMatchers with TraversableMatchers

    This trait provides matchers to check the presence of some expected files vs the actual ones and also ways to verify the contents of these files

  7. trait JsonMatchers extends JsonBaseMatchers with JsonBaseBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for Json expressions (entered as strings)

  8. trait LinesContentMatchers extends LinesContentBaseMatchers with LinesContentBeHaveMatchers

  9. trait MatcherMacros extends AnyRef

    Macro definitions to generate matchers for the members of a type T

  10. trait ParserMatchers extends ParserBaseMatchers with ParserBeHaveMatchers

    Matchers for parser combinators

  11. case class PathFunction(node: Node, function: (Node, String) ⇒ NodeSeq, attributes: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil, attributeValues: Map[String, String] = ..., exactMatch: Boolean = false, textMessage: Option[String] = scala.None, textMatcher: Matcher[String] = AlwaysMatcher.apply[String]()) extends (Seq[Node]) ⇒ Seq[Node] with XPathFunctions with Product with Serializable

    The PathFunction object encapsulate a search for a node and/or attributes or attributeValues with an XPath function If node has some children, then they are searched using equality

  12. trait PathMatchers extends PathBaseMatchers with PathBeHaveMatchers

    The PathMatchers trait provides matchers which are applicable to strings representing paths

  13. trait ScalaInterpreterMatchers extends Expectations

  14. class TerminationMatcher[-T] extends Matcher[T]

  15. trait TerminationMatchers extends TerminationBaseMatchers with TerminationNotMatchers

    This trait provides matchers to check if a block of code is terminating or not

  16. trait XPathFunctions extends AnyRef

  17. case class XmlMatcher(functions: Seq[PathFunction]) extends Matcher[Seq[Node]] with Product with Serializable

    The XmlMatcher class matches an xml Node, or a list of Nodes against a list of search functions, which can either search for:

  18. trait XmlMatcherKoMessage extends AnyRef

  19. trait XmlMatchers extends XmlBaseMatchers with XmlBeHaveMatchers

    The XmlMatchers trait provides matchers which are applicable to xml nodes

Value Members

  1. object ContentMatchers extends ContentMatchers

  2. object ExpectedParsedResult extends Serializable

  3. object FileMatchers extends FileMatchers

  4. object LinesContentMatchers extends LinesContentMatchers

  5. object MatcherMacros extends MatcherMacros

    Macros implementations

  6. object PathMatchers extends PathMatchers

  7. object XmlMatchers extends XmlMatchers
