provide stub chain methods.
provide stub chain methods.
provide stub chain methods.
provide stub chain methods.
class supporting 'was' and 'were' methods to forward mockito calls to the CallsMatcher matcher
class supporting 'was' and 'were' methods to forward mockito calls to the CallsMatcher matcher
This class is an implementation of the Answer interface allowing to pass functions as an answer.
This class is an implementation of the Answer interface allowing to pass functions as an answer.
It does a bit of work for the client:
// if the method has one parameter and the function also, the parameter is passed mock.get(0) answers ( i => i.toString )
// if the method has one parameter and the function has two, the mock is passed as the second argument mock.get(0) answers { (i, mock) => i.toString + " for mock " + mock.toString }
Similarly a mocked method with no parameters can use a function with one parameter. In that case, the mock will be passed mock.size answers { mock => mock.hashCode }
In any other cases, if f is a function of 1 parameter, the array of the method parameters will be passed and if the function has 2 parameters, the second one will be the mock.
in this case we suppose that the second expected parameter is the mock instance
in this case we suppose that the second expected parameter is the mock instance
This class provide stub methods like returns, throws and answers.
This class provide stub methods like returns, throws and answers. Internally it calls Mockito.when(mock call).thenReturn(returnValue)
class providing a apply method to be able to declare a number of calls: 3.times(m).clear() is actually 3.times.apply(m).clear()
class providing a apply method to be able to declare a number of calls: 3.times(m).clear() is actually 3.times.apply(m).clear()
class defining a then method to declare that calls must be made in a specific order.
class defining a then method to declare that calls must be made in a specific order.
The orderedBy method can be used to declare the mock order if there are several mocks
an object allowing the chaining of returned values on doNothing calls.
add a timeout constraint to the verification
add a timeout constraint to the verification
allows to use a hamcrest matchers to match parameters.
allows to use a hamcrest matchers to match parameters.
an object allowing the chaining of stub values.
this implicit helps with defining optional values for mockito settings
this implicit helps with defining optional values for mockito settings
allows to use a specs matcher to match parameters by encapsulating it as a Hamcrest matcher.
allows to use a specs matcher to match parameters by encapsulating it as a Hamcrest matcher.
at least n calls made to the mock
at least n calls made to the mock
at least 1 call made to the mock
at least 1 call made to the mock
at least 3 calls made to the mock
at least 3 calls made to the mock
at least 2 calls made to the mock
at least 2 calls made to the mock
at most n calls made to the mock
at most n calls made to the mock
at most 1 call made to the mock
at most 1 call made to the mock
at most 3 calls made to the mock
at most 3 calls made to the mock
at most 2 calls made to the mock
at most 2 calls made to the mock
capture an argument of type T
capture an argument of type T
this conversion allows to capture the parameter is a mocked call
this conversion allows to capture the parameter is a mocked call
delegate to MockitoMocker doAnswer.
delegate to MockitoMocker doAnswer.
delegate to MockitoMocker doAnswer with a MockAnswer object using the function f.
delegate to MockitoMocker doAnswer with a MockAnswer object using the function f.
delegate to MockitoMocker doNothing.
delegate to MockitoMocker doNothing.
delegate to MockitoMocker doReturn.
delegate to MockitoMocker doReturn.
delegate to MockitoMocker doThrow.
delegate to MockitoMocker doThrow.
exactly n calls only made to the mock
exactly n calls only made to the mock
alias for 'there was'
alias for 'there was'
ignore stubbed methods when verifying that a mock has no more interactions
ignore stubbed methods when verifying that a mock has no more interactions
create a mock object with some specific settings: val m = mock[java.util.List[String]](settings)
create a mock object with some specific settings: val m = mock[java.util.List[String]](settings)
create a mock object: val m = mock[java.util.List[String]]
create a mock object: val m = mock[java.util.List[String]]
create a mock object with a name: val m = mockAs[java.util.List[String]]("name")
create a mock object with a name: val m = mockAs[java.util.List[String]]("name")
implicit allowing to define the mock settings with a nice syntax:
implicit allowing to define the mock settings with a nice syntax:
no call made to the mock
no call made to the mock
no calls made to the mock
no calls made to the mock
no more calls made to the mock
no more calls made to the mock
no more calls made to the mock
no more calls made to the mock
one call only made to the mock
one call only made to the mock
create a mock object with smart return values: val m = smartMock[java.util.List[String]]
create a mock object with smart return values: val m = smartMock[java.util.List[String]]
This is the equivalent of Mockito.mock(List.class, SMART_NULLVALUES) but testing shows that it is not working well with Scala.
create a spy on an object.
create a spy on an object.
A spy is a real object but can still have some of its methods stubbed. However the syntax for stubbing a spy is a bit different than with a mock:
val s = spy(new LinkedList[String]) doReturn("one").when(s).get(0) // instead of s.get(0) returns "one" which would throw an exception
an object supporting the stub methods.
create an object supporting 'was' and 'were' methods
create an object supporting 'was' and 'were' methods
three calls only made to the mock
three calls only made to the mock
implicit def supporting calls in order
implicit def supporting calls in order
two calls only made to the mock
two calls only made to the mock
This trait can be used to access Mockito functionalities.