

package matcher

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ApplicableArbitraries extends AnyRef

    This trait enables some syntactic sugar when it is necessary to pass several arbitrary instances

  2. trait FunctionPropertyImplicits extends AnyRef

    This trait adds some syntactic sugar to transform function to properties by appending forAll

  3. trait OneExpectationPerProp extends ScalaCheckMatchers

    This trait can be mixed in a Specification to avoid counting the number of times that a property was executed as the number of expectations.

    This trait can be mixed in a Specification to avoid counting the number of times that a property was executed as the number of expectations. With this trait we just count 1 for each result

  4. case class Parameters(minTestsOk: Int = ..., minSize: Int = Test.Parameters.default.minSize, maxDiscardRatio: Float = ..., maxSize: Int = Test.Parameters.default.maxSize, workers: Int = Test.Parameters.default.workers, rng: Random = Test.Parameters.default.rng, callback: TestCallback = ..., loader: Option[ClassLoader] = ..., verbose: Boolean = false, output: Output = ConsoleOutput) extends Product with Serializable

    This class is the base class for the display and set case classes.
    It contains a Map of generation parameters and indicates if the generation must be verbose.

  5. trait PartialFunctionPropertyImplicits extends AnyRef

    This trait adds some syntactic sugar to transform partial functions to properties by appending forAll

  6. trait ResultPropertyImplicits extends AnyRef

  7. trait ScalaCheckMatchers extends ConsoleOutput with ScalaCheckParameters with FunctionPropertyImplicits with ResultPropertyImplicits with ResultLogicalCombinators with ApplicableArbitraries with Expectations

    The ScalaCheckMatchers trait provides matchers which allow to assess properties multiple times with generated data.

    The ScalaCheckMatchers trait provides matchers which allow to assess properties multiple times with generated data.

    See also

    the ScalaCheck project

  8. trait ScalaCheckParameters extends AnyRef

    This trait provides generation parameters to use with the ScalaCheckMatchers
