

package specification

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Action(action: LazyParameter[Result] = ...) extends Fragment with Executable with Isolable with Product with Serializable

    An Action is similar to a Step but can be executed concurrently with other examples.

  2. trait After extends Context

    The After trait can be inherited by classes representing a context where an action must be executing after the main executable action

  3. trait AfterContextExample[C <: After] extends ExamplesFactory

    For each created example use a given After context

  4. trait AfterEach extends After with Apply

    apply an After context to each Example

  5. trait AfterExample extends AfterContextExample[After]

    For each created example use a given after method

  6. trait AllExpectations extends StoredExpectations with ExamplesFactory with SpecificationStructure with ArgumentsArgs

    This trait can be mixed-in a specification to allow examples to have all of their expectations being evaluated (unless the example body throws an exception of course).

  7. trait Analysis extends DependencyMatchers

    This trait provides integrated analysis method for a scala project

  8. trait Apply extends Context

    Apply a Context to a sequence of fragments containing examples.

  9. trait Around extends Context

    The Around trait can be inherited by classes which will execute some code inside the around method provided by the context.

  10. trait AroundContextExample[C <: Around] extends ExamplesFactory

    For each created example use a given Around context

  11. trait AroundEach extends Around with Apply

    apply an Around context to each Example

  12. trait AroundExample extends AroundContextExample[Around]

    For each created example use a given around method

  13. trait AroundOutside[+T] extends Around with Outside[T]

    The AroundOutside trait can be inherited by classes which will execute some code inside a given context, with a function using that context and actions before and after if necessary.

  14. trait BaseSpecification extends SpecificationStructure with FragmentsBuilder with SpecificationInclusion

    A Base specification contains the minimum elements for a Specification

  15. trait Before extends Context

    The Before trait can be inherited by classes representing a context where an action must be executing before the main executable action

  16. trait BeforeAfter extends Before with After

    The BeforeAfter trait allows to declare before and after actions to execute before and after an Example

  17. trait BeforeAfterAround extends Before with After with Around

    The BeforeAfter trait allows to declare before, around and after actions

  18. trait BeforeAfterAroundContextExample[C <: BeforeAfterAround] extends ExamplesFactory

    For each created example use a given BeforeAfterAround context

  19. trait BeforeAfterAroundEach extends BeforeAfterAround with Apply

    apply a BeforeAfterAround context to each Example

  20. trait BeforeAfterAroundExample extends BeforeAfterAroundContextExample[BeforeAfterAround]

    For each created example use a given before/after method

  21. trait BeforeAfterContextExample[C <: BeforeAfter] extends ExamplesFactory

    For each created example use a given BeforeAfter context

  22. trait BeforeAfterEach extends BeforeAfter with Apply

    apply a BeforeAfter context to each Example

  23. trait BeforeAfterExample extends BeforeAfterContextExample[BeforeAfter]

    For each created example use a given before/after method

  24. trait BeforeContextExample[C <: Before] extends ExamplesFactory

    For each created example use a given Before context

  25. trait BeforeEach extends Before with Apply

    apply a Before context to each Example

  26. trait BeforeExample extends BeforeContextExample[Before]

    For each created example use a given after method

  27. trait Context extends Scope

    generic trait for Before, After, Around

  28. trait Contexts extends AnyRef

    This trait is only used when we wish to write after actions in unit specifications like this

  29. case class Example extends Fragment with Executable with Isolable with Product with Serializable

    A Example is:

  30. trait ExamplesFactory extends AnyRef

  31. case class ExecutedBacktab(n: Int = 1, location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedStandardFragment with Product with Serializable

  32. case class ExecutedBr(location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedStandardFragment with Product with Serializable

  33. case class ExecutedEnd(location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedStandardFragment with Product with Serializable

  34. sealed trait ExecutedFragment extends AnyRef

    The Executed Fragments represent pieces of a Specification which have already been executed to provide a Result

  35. case class ExecutedNoText(isAction: Boolean = false, timer: SimpleTimer = new time.SimpleTimer(), location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedFragment with Product with Serializable

    This executed Fragment is used when no text must be displayed (for the successful execution of an Action for example)

  36. case class ExecutedResult(s: MarkupString, result: Result, timer: SimpleTimer, location: Location, statistics: Stats) extends ExecutedFragment with Product with Serializable

  37. case class ExecutedSpecEnd(end: SpecEnd, location: Location = new io.Location(), stats: Stats = ...) extends ExecutedFragment with Product with Serializable

  38. case class ExecutedSpecStart(start: SpecStart, location: Location = new io.Location(), stats: Stats = ...) extends ExecutedFragment with Product with Serializable

  39. case class ExecutedSpecification(name: SpecName, fs: Seq[ExecutedFragment]) extends Product with Serializable

    A specification with a name and all of its fragments already executed

  40. trait ExecutedStandardFragment extends ExecutedFragment

  41. case class ExecutedTab(n: Int = 1, location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedStandardFragment with Product with Serializable

  42. case class ExecutedText(text: String, location: Location = new io.Location()) extends ExecutedFragment with Product with Serializable

  43. sealed trait ExecutingFragment extends AnyRef

    The Executing Fragment trait represent a Fragment being executed.

  44. case class ExecutingSpecification(name: SpecName, arguments: Arguments, fs: Seq[ExecutingFragment], executor: ExecutorService = ExecutingSpecification.newExecutor) extends Product with Serializable

    a specification with a name and a sequence of fragments being executed

  45. case class FinishedExecutingFragment(f: ExecutedFragment) extends ExecutingFragment with Product with Serializable

    embed an already executed Fragment

  46. class FormMarkup extends MarkupString

    The FormMarkup embeds the description of a form as text or as Xml

  47. trait FormattingFragments extends AnyRef

    Set of fragments which can be used for formatting

  48. trait Forms extends FormsBuilder with DecoratedProperties

    Allow a Form to be inserted among Fragments as a Text Fragment Allow a Form to be used as an example body and return a Result automatically

  49. sealed trait Fragment extends AnyRef

    A Fragment is a piece of a specification.

  50. trait FragmentExecution extends AnyRef

    This trait executes Fragments

  51. case class Fragments(specTitle: Option[SpecName] = scala.None, middle: Seq[Fragment] = ..., arguments: Arguments = main.Arguments.apply(), linked: Linked = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    A Fragments object is a list of fragments with a SpecStart and a SpecEnd

  52. abstract class Given[T] extends RegexStep[Unit, T]

    This step can start a sequence of Given / When / Then.

  53. abstract class GivenThen extends RegexStep[String, Result]

  54. class GivenThenFunction[R] extends GivenThen

  55. abstract class HtmlLink extends AnyRef

    The HtmlLink class represents a link in a specification with an identifier (either a spec name, or a string) and link elements.

  56. case class LazyExecutingFragment(f: () ⇒ ExecutedFragment) extends ExecutingFragment with Product with Serializable

    embed an executing Fragment into a function to execute it on demand

  57. case class Linked(link: Option[HtmlLink] = scala.None, seeOnly: Boolean = false, hidden: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    encapsulation of the linking behaviour

  58. trait NoAutoExamples extends NoBooleanAutoExamples with NoResultAutoExamples with NoMatchResultAutoExamples with NoDataTableAutoExamples

    This trait ca be used to deactivate all automatic conversions to examples

  59. trait NoBooleanAutoExamples extends AutoExamples

    This trait can be used to deactivate the Boolean conversions to fragments and examples

  60. trait NoContexts extends Contexts

    Use this trait to deactivate the Contexts implicits

  61. trait NoDataTableAutoExamples extends AutoExamples

    This trait can be used to deactivate the DataTable conversions to fragments and examples

  62. trait NoFragmentsBuilder extends FragmentsBuilder

    This trait can be used to deactivate implicits for building fragments

  63. trait NoMatchResultAutoExamples extends AutoExamples

    This trait can be used to deactivate the MatchResult conversions to fragments and examples

  64. trait NoResultAutoExamples extends AutoExamples

    This trait can be used to deactivate the Result conversions to fragments and examples

  65. trait Outside[+T] extends AnyRef

    The Outside trait can be inherited by classes which will execute some code inside the outside method provided by the context.

  66. case class PromisedExecutingFragment(promised: Promise[ExecutedFragment]) extends ExecutingFragment with Product with Serializable

    embed an executed Fragment into a promise

  67. abstract class RegexStep[P, T] extends AnyRef

    A Regular expression step which takes a text and extracts meaningful values according to a regular expression:

  68. trait RegexSteps extends AnyRef

    This trait provides building blocks to create steps and examples from regular expression.

  69. class ResultsContext extends StoredResultsContext

    This class is used to evaluate a Context as a sequence of results by side-effects.

  70. trait Scope extends AnyRef

    Marker trait that is used to create a new scope with variables and implicitly converted to a Success in a mutable Specification

  71. case class SpecEnd(specName: SpecName, isSeeOnlyLink: Boolean = false) extends Fragment with Product with Serializable

    End of a specification.

  72. case class SpecHtmlLink(name: SpecName, beforeText: String = "", linkText: String = "", afterText: String = "", tip: String = "") extends HtmlLink with Product with Serializable

  73. trait SpecIdentification extends AnyRef

    Identification information for a specification

  74. case class SpecStart(specName: SpecName, arguments: Arguments = main.Arguments.apply(), linked: Linked = ...) extends Fragment with Product with Serializable

    Start of a specification.

  75. trait SpecificationInclusion extends AnyRef

    additional methods to include other specifications or Fragments

  76. trait SpecificationStructure extends AnyRef

    The structure of a Specification is simply defined as a sequence of fragments

  77. case class Stats(examples: Int = 0, successes: Int = 0, expectations: Int = 0, failures: Int = 0, errors: Int = 0, pending: Int = 0, skipped: Int = 0, trend: Option[Stats] = scala.None, timer: SimpleTimer = new org.specs2.time.SimpleTimer()) extends Product with Serializable

    The Stats class store results for the number of: - successes - expectations - failures - errors - pending - skipped

  78. case class Step(step: LazyParameter[Result] = ...) extends Fragment with Executable with Isolable with Product with Serializable

    An Step creates a fragment that will either return an Error Result if there is an exception or a Success.

  79. trait StoredExpectationsContext extends StoredExpectations with StoredResultsContext

    This trait can be used when it is not desirable to use the AllExpectations trait, that is, when the specification examples must be executed concurrently and not isolated.

  80. trait StoredResultsContext extends Context

    This trait is a context which will use the results provided by the class inheriting that trait.

  81. trait Tags extends AnyRef

    The tags trait allows the creation of Tags fragments in a Specification

  82. case class Text(t: String) extends Fragment with Product with Serializable

    Free text, describing the system to specify

  83. abstract class Then[T] extends RegexStep[Either[Result, T], (T, Result)]

    This step define checks in a sequence of Given / When / Then.

  84. case class UrlHtmlLink(url: String, beforeText: String, linkText: String, afterText: String, tip: String) extends HtmlLink with Product with Serializable

  85. abstract class When[P, T] extends RegexStep[P, T]

    This step define conditions in a sequence of Given / When / Then.

Value Members

  1. object Action extends Product with Serializable

  2. object Contexts extends Contexts

  3. object Example extends Product with Serializable

  4. object FormMarkup

  5. object Forms extends Forms

  6. object Fragments extends Serializable

    Utility methods for fragments

  7. object FragmentsBuilder extends FragmentsBuilder

  8. object HtmlLink

  9. object RegexStep

  10. object Stats extends Product with Serializable

    The Stats class store results for the number of: - successes - expectations - failures - errors - pending - skipped

  11. object Step extends Product with Serializable

  12. object Tags extends Tags

  13. object TagsFragments

    Those fragments are used to tag other fragments in a specification\

  14. package gen

  15. object so

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