

package text

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AnsiColors extends AnyRef

    This trait provides AnsiColors codes for the OutputReporter

  2. case class CodeMarkup(text: String) extends MarkupString with Product with Serializable

  3. trait Colors extends AnyRef

    This trait defines the colors which must be used to output text on the console

  4. class ColorsFromSystemProperties extends ConsoleColors with ColorsMap

  5. trait ColorsMap extends AnyRef

    Definition of abbreviated color names

  6. class ConsoleColors extends AnsiColors with Colors

    This class defines the colors to use to print out text on the Console with defaults as AnsiColors for a dark background console

  7. trait ContentDifference extends AnyRef

    This trait represents the difference between 2 "contents"

  8. trait DifferenceFilter extends ((Seq[_], Seq[_])) ⇒ (Seq[_], Seq[_])

    A trait to filter results of a difference check

  9. trait DifferenceFilters extends AnyRef

    This trait provides some syntactic sugar to create a DifferenceFilter to take only the first n differences:

  10. sealed trait DifferentLine extends AnyRef

    case classes for the representation of lines which are different: not found, missing, misplaced

  11. case class EmptyMarkup() extends MarkupString with Product with Serializable

  12. case class FirstDifferences(n: Int) extends SomeDifferences with Product with Serializable

    return the first n differences

  13. trait FromString[T] extends AnyRef

    This typeclass is used to describe any instance which can be decoded from a String

  14. class InvertedColors extends ConsoleColors

    This color scheme can be used with a white background

  15. trait LinesContent[L1] extends AnyRef

    Any type T with a name and representable as a sequence of Strings

  16. case class LinesContentDifference(lines1: Seq[String], lines2: Seq[String], partial: Boolean = false, unordered: Boolean = false, reportMisplaced: Boolean = false) extends ContentDifference with Product with Serializable

    This class shows the differences between 2 sequence of lines.

  17. case class MisplacedLine(line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable

  18. case class MissingLine(line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable

  19. trait NoDifferenceFilters extends DifferenceFilters

    mix-in this trait to remove the implicit provided by the DifferenceFilters trait

  20. case class NoMarkup(text: String) extends MarkupString with Product with Serializable

  21. case class NotFoundLine(line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable

  22. case class SeqLinesContent[A]() extends LinesContent[Seq[A]] with Product with Serializable

    Default implementation for reading lines out of a Seq

  23. class SmartColors extends ConsoleColors with ColorsMap with SystemProperties

    This class checks if colors must be taken from system properties

  24. class SomeDifferences extends DifferenceFilter

    return some of the differences, filtered with a function

  25. case class TextTable(header: Seq[String], lines: Seq[Seq[String]], separator: String = "|") extends Product with Serializable

    Textual representation of a table with a table and some lines.

Value Members

  1. object AllDifferences extends SomeDifferences

    return all the differences

  2. object AnsiColors extends AnsiColors

  3. object FromString

  4. object TextTable extends Serializable

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