case classLinesContentDifference(lines1: Seq[String], lines2: Seq[String], partial: Boolean = false, unordered: Boolean = false, reportMisplaced: Boolean = false) extends ContentDifference with Product with Serializable
This class shows the differences between 2 sequence of lines.
- if partial is true we only expect some of the lines of lines2 to be in lines1
- if unordered is true we only expect the lines of lines2 to appear in any order in lines1
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, ContentDifference, AnyRef, Any
This class shows the differences between 2 sequence of lines.
- if partial is true we only expect some of the lines of lines2 to be in lines1 - if unordered is true we only expect the lines of lines2 to appear in any order in lines1