

package reporter

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllExporting extends Reporter with Exporters

    This trait can be mixed in a reporter to allow the exporting of an executed specification to many different formats: html, junit xml, markdown, custom,.

  2. trait ConsoleNotifier extends Notifier

  3. trait ConsoleReporter extends DefaultReporter with TextExporting

    The console reporter executes a Specification and exports the results to the Console Output:

  4. trait DefaultReporter extends Reporter with DefaultSelection with DefaultSequence with DefaultExecutionStrategy with DefaultStoring

  5. trait DefaultSelection extends ExamplesIsolation with TagSelection with StatusSelection with ExamplesSelection with Selection

    The DefaultSelection trait filters the fragments to execute by filtering Examples:

  6. trait DefaultSequence extends AnyRef

    The DefaultSequence trait sorts the Fragments by making sure Steps will be executed before Examples

  7. trait DefaultStatisticsRepository extends StatisticsRepository with OutputDir

    This repository store the results in one file per specification, in a special directory

  8. case class DescriptionAndExamples[T](description: Description, descriptions: Map[T, Description]) extends Product with Serializable

    Utility class grouping the total description + map of each fragment to its description

  9. case class EndOfArguments[T](value: T, name: SpecName) extends ApplicableArguments[T] with Product with Serializable

  10. trait ExamplesIsolation extends AnyRef

    This trait "isolates" examples by replacing their body with another one, created from a clone of the specification.

  11. trait ExamplesSelection extends AnyRef

    This trait filters examples based on their description

  12. case class ExecutableSpecification(name: SpecName, arguments: Arguments, fs: Seq[FragmentSeq]) extends Product with Serializable

    this case class transports the fragments to execute, grouped in sequences of examples which can be executed concurrently

  13. trait Exporter extends Exporting

    public trait to create a custom exporter

  14. case class FragmentSeq(fragments: Seq[Fragment], arguments: Arguments) extends Product with Serializable

  15. trait HandlerEvents extends AnyRef

    Specific events which can be notified to sbt

  16. trait HtmlExporting extends Exporting with HtmlPrinter with HtmlFileWriter

    Trait for exporting the specification as Html files

  17. case class HtmlFile(url: String, xml: NodeSeq) extends Product with Serializable

  18. trait HtmlFileWriter extends OutputDir

  19. trait HtmlPrinter extends AnyRef

    The Html printer is used to create an Html report of an executed specification.

  20. trait HtmlReportOutput extends AnyRef

    This trait defines how the specification elements should be translated as xhtml An implementation of that trait must accumulate the results and return the created xhmtl with the xml method

  21. trait HtmlReporter extends DefaultReporter with HtmlExporting with ConsoleOutput

    Reports a Specification as an Html page

  22. class JUnitDescriptionsFragments extends JUnitDescriptions[Fragment]

    Descriptions for a seq of Fragments to execute

  23. trait JUnitReporter extends ExecutionOrigin with DefaultReporter with Exporters

    The JUnitReporter reports a specification by using a JUnit RunNotifier

  24. trait JUnitXmlExporting extends Exporting with JUnitXmlPrinter

    Trait for exporting the specification as JUnit xml files

  25. trait JUnitXmlPrinter extends AnyRef

    The JUnitXml printer is used to create a JUnit xml report of an executed specification.

  26. trait JUnitXmlReporter extends DefaultReporter with JUnitXmlExporting with ConsoleOutput

    This trait execute specifications and exports them as JUnit xml files in the target/test-reports directory (by default).

  27. trait MarkdownExporting extends HtmlExporting

    Trait for exporting the specification as Markup files.

  28. trait MessagesNotifier extends Notifier with StringOutput

  29. class NoResultOutput extends ResultOutput

    This output can be used for testing

  30. case class NoStartOfArguments[T](value: T) extends ApplicableArguments[T] with Product with Serializable

  31. trait Notifier extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used for any event concerning the execution of examples seen as a Tree of Fragments.

  32. trait NotifierExporting extends Exporting with Exporters

  33. trait NotifierReporter extends DefaultReporter with NotifierExporting

    Report a Specification by notifying execution events to a Notifier

  34. trait Reporter extends Selection with Sequence with ExecutionStrategy with Storing with Exporting

    A Reporter will report the execution of a Specification following 3 steps:

  35. trait ResultOutput extends AnyRef

    This traits provides specialised print methods for message representing different types of results.

  36. trait Selection extends AnyRef

    The Selection trait implements the logic for filtering the fragments to execute

  37. trait Sequence extends AnyRef

    The Sequence trait implements the logic for the fragments to execute according to their dependencies

  38. class SpecFailureAssertionFailedError extends AssertionFailedError

    This class refines the AssertionFailedError from junit and provides the stackTrace of an exception which occurred during the specification execution

  39. case class StartOfArguments[T](value: T, name: SpecName, args: Arguments) extends ApplicableArguments[T] with Product with Serializable

  40. trait StatisticsRepository extends AnyRef

  41. trait StatusSelection extends WithDefaultStatisticsRepository

    This trait selects examples based on their previous execution

  42. trait TagSelection extends TagsAssociation

    This trait selects fragments based on their tags

  43. class TestInterfaceReporter extends ConsoleReporter with HandlerEvents

    Reporter for the test interface defined for sbt

  44. class TestInterfaceResultOutput extends TextResultOutput with TestLoggers

  45. trait TestLoggers extends AnyRef

  46. trait TextExporting extends TextPrinter with Exporting

    This trait prints the executed fragments results and statistics at the end of the specification

  47. trait TextPrinter extends AnyRef

    This trait reduces a list of ExecutedFragments to a list of PrintLines.

  48. class TextReporter extends DefaultReporter with TextExporting

    This reporter can be used to get the result of a specification execution as a String

  49. class TextResultOutput extends ResultOutput with ConsoleOutput

    Implementation of the ResultOutput trait as Text

  50. case class TreeToc(rootCode: SpecId, toc: NodeSeq = scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty) extends Product with Serializable

    Table of contents, represented as a NodeSeq

Value Members

  1. object ApplicableArguments

  2. object ConsoleNotifier extends ConsoleNotifier

  3. object DefaultSelection extends DefaultSelection

  4. object FragmentSeq extends Product with Serializable

  5. object HandlerEvents extends HandlerEvents

  6. object HtmlExporting extends HtmlExporting

  7. object JUnitXmlExporting extends JUnitXmlExporting

  8. object MarkdownExporting extends MarkdownExporting

  9. object MessagesNotifier extends MessagesNotifier

  10. object TextExporting extends TextExporting
