clear the current xml content
set the file path for the current output
print an Elem
print a NodeSeq
enclose the nodes inside <body/> tags
print a Br fragment
print an exception message which can be expended/collapsed
print the details of a failure.
print the details of a failure. The diffs arguments provides the way to expose the differences between expected and actual values
print an exception message
print the whole file content
provide the <head/> section
enclose the nodes inside <html/> tags
print an issue with an icon
print the html for a Form that failed
print some ok xml with an icon
print a single link
print a link to another specification
print the html for a Form that succeeded
print some ok xml with an icon
print a Text fragment inside a paragraph
print the specification start fragment
print a stacktrace of a failure or an exception
print the statistics of a specification
print a Text fragment with a given indent of indentation
print a Text fragment with a given indent of indentation
print a Text fragment with a given indent of indentation, in a paragraph
print some text with an icon
show as a string
the build html code
print a Text Node
print an error with an icon
print an error with an icon
print a failure with an icon
print a failure with an icon
print a pending fragment with an icon
print a pending fragment with an icon
print a skipped fragment with an icon
print a skipped fragment with an icon
print a success with an icon
print a success with an icon
print a Text Node with a new line
This trait defines how the specification elements should be translated as xhtml An implementation of that trait must accumulate the results and return the created xhmtl with the xml method