case classSpecEnd(specName: SpecName, isSeeOnlyLink: Boolean = false, location: Location = new io.Location()) extends Fragment with Product with Serializable
End of a specification.
This marks the end of the Specification and must have the same name as the corresponding SpecStart.
There is a Boolean flag on a SpecEnd indicating if the whole specification was just executed as a link (for an index page for example)
In this case we must not store statistics for this specification (see Storing.scala)
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, Fragment, AnyRef, Any
End of a specification.
This marks the end of the Specification and must have the same name as the corresponding SpecStart.
There is a Boolean flag on a SpecEnd indicating if the whole specification was just executed as a link (for an index page for example) In this case we must not store statistics for this specification (see Storing.scala)