increment the number of expectations
increment the number of expectations
the colored textual status of the result
an exception created from the message and the stackTraceElements
true if the result is a Failure instance
true if the result is a Pending instance
true if the result is a Skipped instance
true if the result is a Success instance
true if the result is a Skipped or Pending
the location (file and line number) of the topmost stackTraceElement
change this result's expected
change this result's expected
change this result's message
change this result's message
prepend another message and a conjunction depending on the status of this result
prepend another message and a conjunction depending on the status of this result
set the number of expectations
the uncolored textual status of the result
the textual status of the result
update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the message of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the message of a result, keeping the subclass type
This class represents an exception occurring during an execution.