The SpecsStats class just stores a list of stats, each one corresponding to a Fragment
The SpecsStats class just stores a list of stats, each one corresponding to a Fragment
The SpecsStatistics class stores the result of a specification execution, with the a list of 'current' stats for each fragment execution and the total statistics for the whole specification
The SpecsStatistics class stores the result of a specification execution, with the a list of 'current' stats for each fragment execution and the total statistics for the whole specification
a function exporting an ExecutingSpecification
an Example which body comes from the execution of that example in a brand new instance of the Specification
execute sequences of Fragments.
execute sequences of Fragments.
If the stopOnFail argument is true, we check that the execution is ok before executing the next sequence.
execute a Fragment.
execute a Fragment.
A Form is executed separately by executing each row and cell, setting the results on each cell
This method could be overriden to provide alternate behavior when executing an Example
This method could be overriden to provide alternate behavior when executing an Example
execute a Fragment.
execute a Fragment.
filter fragments depending on the command line arguments and the current arguments in the specification
the filter method filters examples based on their description, keeping only the ones matching the ex attribute of the arguments object
the filter method filters examples based on their description, keeping only the ones matching the ex attribute of the arguments object
fragments according to their previous execution state
filter fragments according to tags by collecting tags as applicable to each fragment and applying them
This function "clones" the body of each example if the applicable arguments indicate that the specification should be isolated
This function "clones" the body of each example if the applicable arguments indicate that the specification should be isolated
report Fragments by:
report Fragments by:
the reporter
select function returning a filtered seq of Fragments
select function returning a filtered seq of Fragments
select function returning a filtered seq of Fragments
select function returning a filtered seq of Fragments
sequence function returning an ordered seq of seq of Fragments
sequence function returning an ordered seq of seq of Fragments
the sequence method returns sequences of fragments which can be executed concurrently.
the sequence method returns sequences of fragments which can be executed concurrently. Among the constraints to respect, any Step Fragment must be executed before any following Example Fragment, so that "first" and "last" actions are executed properly in a Specification
If the arguments specify that the specification is sequential, then each fragment will be executed individually
set the statistics on SpecEndFragments after they've been computed by the StatisticsReducer Those statistics are updated from previously executed statistics to calculate trends
set the statistics on SpecEndFragments after they've been computed by the StatisticsReducer Those statistics are updated from previously executed statistics to calculate trends
a function storing ExecutedFragments
store the results by spec name
store the results by spec name
store the statistics: - for SpecEnd -> put the stats in the repository - for a SpecStart that's a link -> read the status of the previous execution
store the statistics: - for SpecEnd -> put the stats in the repository - for a SpecStart that's a link -> read the status of the previous execution